Categorias: Todos - instructions - automation - documentation - redundancy

por Corcutt Corcutt 4 anos atrás


Program Support StaffSRF Funding Process BACKUP

The process for SRF funding aims to be more efficient by simplifying and streamlining application procedures, reducing redundant efforts, and enhancing automation. An online PPL application accessible by staff and borrowers is essential, along with a documentation-sharing platform like SharePoint to maintain live records.

Program Support StaffSRF Funding Process BACKUP


Systems Issue


Rocks in the Road

Regulatory Requirement


Value Add

Program Support Staff SRF Funding Process

Top 10 Goals for an Ideal Process

Top 10 Time-Wasting Activities

6. Disbursement & Project Management

Loan Repayment & Servicing
Project Closeout
Funds Issued to Borrower
Disbursement Request Review & Approval
Change Orders
Disbursement Requests Submitted

5. Loan Closing & NTP

NTP & Construction Start
Pre-Construction Submittals & Bid Review
Project bid
Bond Counsel
Draft Loan Agreement

4. Developing the IUP

Finalize IUP
Public Comment
Draft IUP
Generate PPL
Score DW Projects

3. Engineering & Environmental Review

Update Project tracking spreadsheet for tracked milestones
Plan & Spec Review
Plan & Spec Submittal
Gather Documentation & Complete Checklist
Environmental Review
Facility Plan Review
Facility Plan Submittal

2. Processing Application

PA & Engineer Update Project tracking spreadsheet for tracked milestones
MOA to Establish Process & Timeline
DWSRF PPL Application
Alyce - Add to the Project Tracking Spreadsheet
Staff Assignment & Application Completeness
Commision Review & Approval
Commission Approves or Tables or Asks for More Information (4 hours)
Alyce does Powerpoint created of all projects 1 week before (XX hours)
Emily creates Commission Packet 2 weeks before meeting (1 hour)

Saves the "combined" file to the SharePoint Recommendations folder for April (Director Admin Assistant) to provide to Dept. of Ag to send to the Commissioners approximately 2 weeks before the commission meeting.

Emily - Provide commission agenda items to April to be added to the official Commission Agenda (1 hour)
Debby review project summary (8 hours)
Keith reviews project summary (4 hours)
Emily creates of project summary (1 hour)
Alyce processes pictures (xx hours)
Applicant sends in pictures for powerpoint (XX hours)
Alyce asks for pictures from applicant (XX hours)

How many pictures and how are they exchanged?

Funding Recommendation
Applicant responds--accept (24 hours and 160 hours)

When we get closer to commission meeting, we have have some that don't have as much response time. We typically try to give them a month to respond.

Emily provides a copy of the acceptance to Alyce, Alyce will then save the acceptance to the project file and request pictures of the proposed project to be used in the PowerPoint

Emily Adds offer letter to file 0.10 hours
Emily Send offer letter 0.10 hours

Emily will cc Debby and the consulting engineer on the email, the letter is also sent via USPS

Debby Review & sign offer letter, scans, emails to Emily 0.10 hours
Emily emails offer letter to Debby for signature (0.10)
Emily Generate offer letter (1 hour)
Ryan re-reviews/approves of recommendation (8 hours)
Debby drafts a new recommendation summary and sends to Ryan (.20)
Emily sends the spreadsheet back to Debby for Review (0.10)
Emily makes the spreadsheet revisions (1 hour)
Debby sends feedback from Ryan for spreadsheet revisions (0.10)
Ryan reviews recommendation (16)

This can generate multiple scenarios, depending on the political or funding priorities

Ryan usually responds within 2 days, but may take up to a week

Debby sends email with funding summary recommendation incl links to application and spreadsheet to Ryan (0.5 hours)

Copy Emily on email to Ryan, so if he responds "approval" Emily will have the response

Debby Eligibility Reviews spreadsheet and application package to verify eligibility for SRF funding (2.5 hours)

If engineering review/feedback is required, then 40 hours

Debby reviews recommendation of funding source and amount and loan/PF mix (all the terms) (2)
Financial Review

Emily starts this sometimes after application is reviewed

10. Emily will re-run various debt and rate structure scenarios (2 hours)

This may be based on the eligiblity, available funding, or other priorities

9. Debby reviews spreadsheet (1 hour)
8. Cynthia reviews spreadsheet (1 hour)
7. Emily sends spreadsheet to Cynthia, then to Debby (0.10)
6. Emily Complete the rate analysis spreadsheet (2 hours)

Identification of initial funding source

Currently based on funding amount to determine funding source...

Seek additional input from Debby/Engineering if necessary for life of project (40 hours)

Getting the information back from Engineering can take longer, may take additional contact to get a response.

Determines funding source and loan/grant breakout

5. Review new information submitted by borrower (2 hours)
4. Wait to receive and review information submitted by borrower (16 hours)
3. Request missing information from borrower email or call (0.5 hours)
2. Review rate structure (4 hours)
1. Emily (or Cynthia) will Review of audits and financial statements (1 hour)
Reviewing application for completeness
4. Emily reviews for completion (0.15)
5. Emily saves all requested information into financial folder (0.30)
3. Borrower/engineer submit requested information (40 hours)
Emily updates Commission Agenda with notes on requested information (0.15)
2. Send email request for missing information to borrower and engineer (0.15)
1. Emily reviews the application (0.15)

The rate analysis spreadsheet can be created at this point but is reviewed under "financial analysis"

Creation of Program Support Folder
Emily Saves Copies of Application, Emails and any attachments included into folder (.30)
Emily adds Folder on Share Point for Funding Application (.15)

Main topic

1.New Project Feed

Applicant Submits Application
2. Emily adds to Draft Commission Agenda (0.10)

Emily is receiving all emails in the group email account along with Alyce

Alyce brings new file to Emily for review (0.10)
Alyce adds copy of WWAC letter and funding application and all documents attached/received to project folder (0.15)

I believe that Alyce gets the letter from the Vernon, or looks it up on the network. Not positive

Program Support staff is not always understanding or aware of the tasks being undertaken by others. Hard to know what's going on.

Alyce saves a copy of the application in 2 locations:

  1. SharePoint/Teams: ANRC ALL/General/WRD Files/Funding Applications - Scanned Copies - starting 05 09 2019
  2. Create Project folder under SharePoint/Teams: ANRC Water Development/General/Project Administrators/Project Files

a. Save the scanned copy of the funding application int he project file

Alyce creates Project folder under SharePoint/Teams: ANRC Water Development/General/Project Administrators/Project Files (0.15)
Alyce saves a copy of the application in SharePoint/Teams: ANRC ALL/General/WRD Files/Funding Applications - Scanned Copies - starting 05 09 20192 (0.15)
1. Alyce received the applicaiton via mail or general email box then date stamps and scan into network/sharepoint (0.50)
WWAC Letter
WWAC Review & Recommendation
WWAC Application
1. Some applicants send to PS staff in the group email. PS staff has to forward to Vernon (0.10)
Outreach & Marketing
Number of people involved: 3 from DOH; 3 from PS # of handoffs: 1 # approvals: 1
5. All Program Support Staff spends time responding to requests for information from various source (

We are in the process of hiring an SRF program outreach person, primary duties to educate an cultivate SRF funding applications

It would be nice to have a defined marketing strategy - w/out calling a "marketing strategy"

for CWSRF need to use PPL/Outreach to create a pipeline of projects

Goal - to do more outreach to communities in the field, conferences, etc. once we get the new Program Outreach person

Develop outreach tools and handouts

4. Publish newsletter with article (2 hours)
3. Print out labels from query and stuff envelopes (4 hours)
2. Run Query to collect water system names/address (0.10)
Applicatons for Eligibility come to DOH Engineering Section

Priority List is emailed to Debby or Martha when requested. (0.25 hrs)

Project and points are added to the Priority List. The list is arranged in decreasing order of points. (0.25 hrs)

If District Engineer & Supervisor concur, letter to Applicant is drafted. (1.0 hr)

Application & point sheet goes to District Engineer and Supervisor for concurrence. (5 days)

SRF Engineer reviews application & assigns points.g Adds to a review and Priority Point sheet. (1.0 hr)

1.DOH Prepare letter to all water systems annually (2 hours)

Points are determined