Categorias: Todos - anxiety - interventions - relaxation - mentoring

por Dileydis Grullon 5 anos atrás


Positive Behavior Intervention Support

The document outlines strategies and interventions for managing disrespectful behavior and anxiety in students at a 6th-grade level through Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS)

Positive Behavior Intervention Support

For 6th grade level

Positive Behavior Intervention Support


Student may: -Have a self defeating -Give up and discontinue effort easily -Unable to relax -Hard time concentrating -Frequently question their ability to do tasks -Easily startled -Trouble falling asleep or staying asleep
Interventions -Deep breathing -Journaling or drawing -Help student start assignment -Reassurance -Reduce assignment -Take a break -Relaxation techniques

Tier 1 -Stop, walk, talk -Have student repeat back directions -Deep breathing -More structured routine

Tier 2 -Mentoring -Self monitoring -Teach relaxation techniques -Teach coping skills

Tier 3 -Check in Check out -Counselor referral -Self monitoring


Student may: -Frequent engagement of confrontation -Not following direction -Frequent talking back to adults -Poor attitude -Dismissive -Often frustrated
Interventions -Acknowledge positive behavior -Reflection sheet -Avoid power struggles -Teach coping skills -Teach conflict resolution skills -Use calm neutral tone

Tier 1 -Breaks -Consequences -Praise -Rewards

Tier 2 -Behavior Contract -BIP (Behavior Intervention Plan) -RTI (Response To Intervention) -Mentoring -Daily Behavior Form

Tier 3 -Behavior Meetings -Structured Breaks -Teach Relaxation Techniques