Categorias: Todos - trade - rights

por Jing Jing Li - Rick Hansen SS (2542) 4 anos atrás


Portfolio #3

The creation of the St. Lawrence Seaway significantly facilitated trade between the Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean, impacting both Canada and the United States by providing a vital route for bulk commodities.

Portfolio #3


Toronto Subway

This transportation system opened on March 30, 1954 and was the first subway to open in Canada.
This subway went from 12 stations and 7.4 km to 75 stations and over 76.9 km

Trans-Canada Highway

The road was opened on July 30,1962. This road allowed Canadians to drive from St. John's, Newfoundland to Victoria, British Columbia.
It is known as the longest national highway in the world.

Thermoelectric stations

Thermoelectric stations were created to calm the demands in industries and growing cities for new hydroelectric projects.
Thermoelectric stations were built in the prairies area. But they continued to explore natural gas in Alberta and Saskatchewan.

St. Lawrence Seaway

The St. Lawrence Seaway includes canals and channels that connect the Great Lakes, Atlantic Ocean, St. Lawrence River all together. Allowed bulk goods to travel from continents to the Atlantic Ocean

This seaway puts a great impact for Canada and the United States because it helps provide a freight route for bulk commodities and it help turn Canada from an importer to an exporter for iron ore

In the present day, women are protected for discrimination by the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

This is significant because the women in the late 1900 were still not satisfied with their rights and they decided to form a group to fight for what they want which was equality and social justice. This shows how Canadians are couragous and brave and they do not stop until they get what they want.

Before this, homosexuality was illegal and the punishment was death. In 1957,Wolfenden report which recommended decriminalization. In 1967, the recommendations were took into consideration. Pierre Trudeau's government passed the Bill C-150 in May 1969. This help decriminalize gay sex.

During June 28, 1969 to July 1,1969 there were several Stonewall Riots that took place in New York. The LGBTQ community demonstrated violence towards a police raids. These acts of violence lead to the gay liberation movement and cause the United States to start to fight for the LGBTQ rights.

In the late 1970's, they removed the banning of gay men from immigrating and the Human Rights Code was established to stop discrimination towards sexual orientation.
Although rights were being given to the LGBTQ community, there were still police harassment occurring which became the Canada's Stonewall.

This is significant because all these events that happen led to Canada became the 4th country to legalize same-sex marriage in 2005. It is now the 21 century and I think people have gain a better understanding about equality and rights.

What people, ideas, and events have helped build our nation?



After the Second World War, the immigration policy became more eased because of the change of social attitudes
In 1946, they have finally stopped banning the Chinese immigrants from immigrating to Canada

A new Immigration Act came up in 1952 that discriminated against non-Europeans and non-Americans

But in 1962 Ottawa ended the racial discrimination in the immigration system

In 1967, they introduced a point system that did not include race, colour or nationality as a factor but instead had skill abilities, education level and language skills etc.

By the 1980, they had a few factors for immigration which included the independent people that are applying on their own, refugees or displaced people,the people that already have immediate family in Canada,having a person sponsor you over to Canada, people with high employment skills, or people that are willing to start a business to help the economy

This is significant because immigrants help boost ties between Canada and the rest of the world. Having immigrants also help increase cultural diversity. Population growth is also good for maintaining labor forces and innovation and entrepreneurship which is what we need for a successful economy.

In 1968, Quebec was trying to get more French-speaking immigrants to come to their province
Quebec was the first province to have a special immigration agreement with the federal government

By 2017, all provinces and most territories have agreements that allows them to take in more immigrants to support their economic and social needs

There was four levels of government that are responsible for the immigration policy
The Canada Employment and Immigration Commission

Established in 1977

Ministry of Mines and Resources


The Department of Citizenship and Immigration

1950-66 & 1977 to present

The Department of Manpower and Immigration


First Nation

Multiculturalism in Canada- Jan.1 1971
Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau declared the principle of Multiculturalism in 1988 which included promoting diversity, recognizing rights for the First Nations, allowing French and English as Canada's two official languages.

On July 21,1988 the Conservatives passed the Canadian Multiculturalism Act which meant that as Canadian everyone would respect the culture, language, customs and religion.

The aim was to reinforce racial and cultural equality but with legal authority. Federal government established the Department of Multiculturalism and Citizenship. This helped strengthen our national unity and bring Canadians together.

Minority Group

Women's Movement
Women created campaigns to show support equality, peace, women's representation and overall end violence against women

Women formed the National Action Committee in 1971. NAC's key victories was the inclusion of a clause guaranteeing the equality of women in Canada's Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Many unions joined to fight for women's rights as well.

Gay rights movement
In the late 1960's the LGBTQ community have been gaining rights


- After the Second World war the population started consuming at a faster pace than in the 1920s
- The United States started building some factories and industries to branch out their businesses

- The money went to the "parent company" which was in the United States. Canada benefitted from this because they also sold products and goods in these factories as well

This is significant because Canada is building a better bond with the United States. The United States is also one of Canada's trading partners.

-People were purchasing entertainment goods like televisions, radios, automobiles etc.