Categorias: Todos - membranes - plants - bonds - evolution

por Jose Uribe 3 anos atrás


Phylogenetic Tree Jose (03_20_2021) (1)

This text delves into the evolutionary lineage and key characteristics of various life forms, starting with the last universal common ancestor, emphasizing the genetic and structural components that define different domains and kingdoms.

Phylogenetic Tree Jose (03_20_2021) (1)

Last Universal Common Ancestor - DNA as Genetic Storage - Ester Bonds in Cell Membrane

Common Ancestor of Archaea & Eukarya - Presence of Histones

Eukarya - Membrane-Bound Nucleus - Membrane-Bound Organelles

Rhizeria (Amoebas With Thread-Like Pseudopodia)



Common Ancestor (Secondary Plastids)

Stramenopile (Heterokonts) -Tripartite Flagellar Hairs, smooth and hairy flagella)

Oomecytes (Water Moulds)

Brown Algae

Giant Kelp (Macrocystic pyrifera brown algae)


Alveolata (Membranous Vesicles on Cell Wall)


Unikonta/ Amorphea

Opisthokonta (fungi, animals) -Multicellularity -Absorptive Heterotrophy


Common Ancestor Of Animals and Choanoflagellates -Mobility

Animals (Metazoa) 770 MYA -Gametic Life Cycle -MultiCellularity -Mobility


Porifera (Basal Taxa) -No Tissues -No Symmetry -Choanocytes -Specialized Tissue

Giant Barrel Sponge (Xestospongia muta)

Eumetazoa -Tissues -680 MYA

Ctenophora (Comb Jellies) -Arguments about diploblasty or triploblasty

Common Ancestor of Bilateria and Cnidaria


Cnidaria (jellyfish, corals, sea anemones, and hydra) -Diploblasty -Radial Symmetry -Cnidocytes

Common Ancestor of Scyphozoa and Hydrozoa

Hydrozoa -Alternate between Medusa and Polyp Stages

Pennaria disticha

Scyphozoa -Dominant Medusa Stage

Moon Jelly (Aurelia aurita)

Anthozoa -Dominant Polyp Stage

Elkhorn coral (Acropora palmata)

Bilateria -670 MYA -Bilateral Symmetry -Triploblasty -Cephalization (except some mollusca, Echinoderms

Acoela -Early Cephalization -Early Triploblasty

Common Ancestor of Deuterostomia and Protostomes -Triploblasty

Deuterostomia -Blastopore becomes the anus -Radial and indeterminate cleavage

Chordata -Notochord, Hollow Dorsal Nerve Cord, Pharyngeal Slits, Post Anal Tail

Common Ancestor of Urochordata (tunicates) and Vertebrates

Vertebrates Common Ancestor of Agnathans Gnathostomes, Osteichthyans, Lobe Fish, Tetrapods, , Amniotes. -Vertebrae -Vertebral Column -Cranium -Endoskeleton -Complex Internal Organs

Common Ancestor of Gnathostomes, Osteichthyans, Lobe-Fins, Tetrapods, Amniotes -Jaws, Mineralized Skeleton -Paired Fins

Common Ancestor of Osteichthyans, Lobe-Fins, Tetrapods, Amniotes -Lungs or Lung Derivatives -Swim Bladder -Bony Skeleton -Opperculum

Common Ancestor of Lobe-Fins, Tetrapods, Amniotes -Lobed Fins

Common Ancestor of Lobe-Fins, Tetrapods, Amniotes

Common Ancestor of Tetrapods and Amniotes -Limbs with Digits -3 and 4 Chambered Hearts -Double Circulation

Common Ancestor of Amniotes -Amniotic Egg


Mammalia (Mammals) -Milk -Endothermy -Hair -4 Chamber Heart

Monotreme -Platypus lay eggs

American Black Bear (Ursus americanus)


Reptilia (Turtles, snakes, Crocodiles, birds) -3 or 4 Chamber Hearts

Common Ancestor Of Turtles and Archosaurs


Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia mydas)


Crocodilians -4 Chambered Hearts

American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis)

Common Ancestor of Pterosaurs, Dinosaurs, and Saurischians


Birds -Endothermy -4 Chamber Hearts

Roseate spoonbill (Platalea ajaja)

Lapidosaurs (Snakes and Lizards)

Green anole (Anolis carolinensis)

Amphibia (Frogs, salamanders)

Red Eyed Tree Frog (Agalychnis callidryas)

Dipnoi (Lungfishes)

Leopard lungfish (Protopterus aethiopicus)

Actinistia (Coelacanths, Lobbed-Fin Fishes)

Coelacanth (Latimeria chalumnae)

Actinopterygii (Ray-Finned Fishes)

Blue Tang "Dory" (Paracanthurus hepatus)

Chondrichthyes (Sharks, Rays, Chimaeras) -Cartilaginous Skeleton

Great White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias)

Agnathans (Lamphreys Hagfish) Cyclostomes -No Jaws -No Paired Lateral Fins -Reduced Vertebrae -Cartilage Skeleton

Petromyzontida (Lampreys)

Myxini (Hagfish)

Pacific hagfish (Eptatretus stoutii)

Tunicata/ Urochordate -Reproduce by Budding -Colonial or Solitary -Benthic and Pelagic -Complete Digestive System -Heart and Stomach

Sea Squirt (Polycarpa aurata)

Cephalochordates -Lancelets -Has the 5 Synamorphies

Branchiostoma lanceolatum


Echinodermata (Starfish, Sea Urchin, Cucumbers) -Water Vascular System (exception to bilateral symmetry as adults) -Pentaradial Symmetry -Spiny Skin

Common Ancestor of Asteroidea and Ophiuroidea

Ophiuroidea -Brittle Stars -Tube Feet High Reduced -Long Arms for Locomotion

Serpent Star (Ophiura ophiura)

Asteroidea -Sea Stars -Water Tube Feet Locomotion

Giant Sea Star (Pisaster giganteus)

Common Ancestor of Echinoidea and Holothuroidea

Holothuroidea -Sea Cucumber -Elongated -Lack Spine -Endoskeleton Reduced - Tiny Rows of Tube Feet -Filter Feed

California sea cucumber (Apostichopus californicus

Echinoidea -Sea Urchin and Sand Dollar -No Arms -Spine and Tube Feet -Herbivores


Protostomes -Blastopore becomes the mouth -Spiral and determinate Cleavage

Lophotrochozoa -Trochophore Larvae and Lophophore

Brachiopoda -Like a snail w/ a shell -Lophophore inside shell used to filter feed

Rotifer -Pseudocoelemate -Wheel-Like Cilliated Corona used to move food towards mouth for feeding


Common Ancestor of Mollusca and Annelida

Annelida (Segmented Worms) -Trochophore Larvae

Errantia -Long Setae -Mobile Predators

Sedentaria -Reduced Setae -Sedentary

Common Earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris)

Mollusca (Gastropods, cephalopods, bivalvia) -Soft Body sometimes with Shell Secreted from Mantle -Trochophore Larvae

Polyplacophora Chitons Strong foot attach to Rocks

Common Ancestor of Gastropoda and Cephalopoda

Cephalopoda -Squid, Octopus, Cuttlefish, Nautilus -Shell reduced -Cephalization -Head - Foot (tentacle) -Closed Circulatory System

Humboldt squid (Dosidicus gigas)

Gastropoda -Snails and Slugs -Radula to feed -Filter Feeder -Gill for feeding and gas Exchange

Golden Apple Snail (Pomacea canaliculata)

Bivalvia -2 Valves hinged dorsally -Filter Feeder -No Head

Soft Shell Clam (Mya arenaria)

Platyhelminthes (Flatworms) -Lophophore

Common Ancestor of Trematodes and Cestoda

Cestoda -Tapeworms -Parasitic

Pork Tapeworm (Taenia solium)

Trematodes -Parasites

Rhabditophorans -Free Living -Predators n Scavengers

Sheep Liver Fluke (Fasciola hepatica)

Pseudobiceros sp

Ecdysozoa -Ecdysis

Arthropoda (Crustaceans, Insects, Spiders) -80% of All Animals -Hinged Exoskeleton

Common Ancestor of Hexapoda and Crustacea

Crustacea -Cephalization -Gills

Chesapeake Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus)

Hexapoda -Insects -6 Legs -Three Segments -Trachae and Air Sacs

Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus)

Chelicerata -8 Legs -Spiders, Scorpions, Mites, Ticks -Book Lungs -Two Segments

Southern Black Widow (Latrodectus mactans)

Nematoda (Round Worms)

Roundworm (Caenorhabditis elegans)

Choanoflagellates (Desmarella moniliformis) -Heterotrophic -Characterized by collar -Flagellated


Common Ancestor of Nucleariids and Fonticula alba

Nucleariids -Filose pseudopodia -Mitochondria -Heterotrophic

Nuclearia thermophila

Fungi -Zygotic Life Cycle - Chitin Cell Wall -Multicellularity


Fly Agaric (Amanita muscaria)

Black Bread Mold (Rhizopus stolonifer)

Amoebazoa (Lobe or Tube Shaped Pseudopodia)

Slime Molds

Excavata (unicellular, heterotrophic flagellates, feeding groove)

Euglenoids (spiral or crystalline rod inside flagella)

Archaeplastida (red algae, green algae, land plants) -Primary Plastids

Common Ancestor of Chlorophytes, Charophytes, and Land Plants

Common Ancestor of Charophytes and Land Plants

Common Ancestor of Land Plants -Sporic Life Cycle -Presence of Embryo -Desiccation Resistant Spores -Apical Meristems -Gametangia -Sporangia

Common Ancestor

Common Ancestor of Seedless Vascular Plants -Lignin -Xylem and Phloem -Dominant Sporophyte Generation -Thick Waxy Cuticle -Stomata

Common Ancestor of Monilophytes, Gymnosperms, and Angiosperms -Megaphylls

-Ovules -Pollen -Seeds -Heterospory -Wood


Scott's Pine (Pinus sylvertris)

Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum)

Angiosperms -Fruit -Endosperm -Ovaries -Flowers

White Water Lily (Nymphae alba)

Southern Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora)

Monilophytes -megaphylls

Easter Marsh Fern (Thelypteris palustris)

Lycophytes -microphylls

Fan Clubmoss (Diphasiastrum digitatum)


Field Hornwort (Anthoceros agretis)


Woolly Feather Moss (Tomentypnum nitens)


Common Liverwort (Marchantia polymorpha)


Braun's Stonewort (Chara Braunii)


Rhodophytes (Red Algae, Photosynthetic Pigment)

Archaea -Ether Bonds in Cell Membranes
Methanobrevibacter smithii

Bacteria -Presence of Peptidoglycan in Cell Wall

Escherichia coli