Categorias: Todos - stress - punishment - development - expectations

por Gardiner Gardiner 2 anos atrás


Parental Influences on Child Development

The relationship between parents and children significantly influences child development in various ways. The use of spanking as a disciplinary measure can cause conflicts within the relationship and potentially lead to issues such as substance abuse in children.

Parental Influences on
Child Development

Parental Influences on Child Development


(NEG) In unhealthy relationships, people may feel anxious, confused, uncertain and even unsafe
(POS/NEG) Building a positive and responsive relationship with your child, you are actively shaping the person they will become later in life
(POS) Strong attachments and relationships early in life also mean your child is more likely to have better mental health and fewer behaviour problems

Other Punishments

(NEG) Punishment can cause antisocial behaviour and poor relationships with their parents and peers
(NEG) Children that are anxious of being punished tend to not strive to do things or explore around them

Parents Stress

(NEG/POS) Children can learn from how their parents handle their stress (efficient, leads to breakdown, etc.)
(NEG) Hormones released when stressed can affect the prenatal baby's brain development

Parent's Upbringing

(NEG) Parents who are born into a cultural background can affect their child's development - they can force morality through social interactions with their family e.g. gender roles can be projected onto the child
(NEG) Parents that were surrounded by substance abuse as a child have a higher chance of passing it to their children which could lead to severe negative physical development
(NEG) Parents that experience a lack of communication in their early childhood, their children may gain the inability to regulate the highs and lows of their emotions
(POS) If parents learn more than one language in their upbringing, their child's communication skills with be better than those that only speak one language


(NEG) May find it hard to connect and relate to others socially which can lead to the children having fewer connections
(NEG) May lose sleep over the divorce, which is a crucial aspect of development physically as well as the other areas of development
(NEG) Will likely experience distress, anger, anxiety and disbelief and may find it harder to control these emotions
(NEG) May have lower academic success because of them being distracted and confused

Stay-at-home Parents

(POS) Children with stay-at-home parents are more likely to achieve higher grades all the way through high school
(POS) Children can become very close with their parents if they are stay-at-home parents which could lead to a very close and healthy bond and relationship


(NEG) Spanking can cause conflict or a rift between a child and their parent in their relationship
(NEG) Spanking can lead a child to abuse substances due to be abused as a child (to an extent)


(NEG) Religion can lead to children not experiencing important social events especially if the parents are very religious/religiously strict
(NEG) Depending on the religion a child is growing up in, it can lead them to feeling like they don't belong (e.g. Jehovah's Witness kids can't celebrate their birthday or others' birthdays with the class

Parental Expectations

(NEG) High expectations can lead the child to develop an inability to cope with loss (losing games, etc.)
(NEG) Can cause children to become socially withdrawn as they try to meet unrealistic goals and abandon their own goals/interests in the process
(NEG) Can lead to low self esteem is they fail at something or don't meet the expectations set
(POS) Healthy expectations can help develop trust between parents and children and can help with their sense of independence and responsibility


(NEG)Children in non-nuclear families tend to make negative influencing friendship
(POS)Children raised in intact families tend to have better physical health
(NEG)Young children whose parents were divorced and remarried had higher levels of anxiety, hyperactivity, and aggressive behaviour
(NEG)Children without intact biological families tend to have less academic success and GPA's

LEGEND (look at first)

POS = a positive impact/effect
NEG = a negative impact/effect