Categorias: Todos - development - music - instruments - hygiene

por Ty Napierskie 5 anos atrás


Movement and Physical Development

Children's physical and cognitive development progresses through various stages, each marked by specific milestones. From infancy, where exploration begins through mouthing and simple vocalizations, to the toddler years characterized by potty training, basic self-dressing, and the onset of language use, significant growth is evident.

Movement and Physical Development

Movement and Physical Development

12 years

Demonstrates abstract thinking
Can sing and clap more difficult melodies and rhythms

Beginning to fine tune embrasures and grip holds

11 years

Perform complicated dances and choreography
Builds muscle coordination to play recorder

Conducts in complex meters

10 years

Reading and writing skills are well-developed
Play more complicated beats and rhythms on percussive instruments

Perform simple melodies on pitched percussion

9 years

Jumps, skips, and chases with grace
Puberty may begin at this point and on

Can play beat on a percussive instrument

Hand-clapping games and songs

Can play on pitched percussion instrument

8 years

Dresses and completely takes care of hygiene
More graceful movements, ease of control

Beginning to use more tools with ease

Clapping more complicayed rhythms and melodies

7 years

Natural movement to beats
Begins to learn in cause-and-effect relationships


More complicated games, including partner and double circles

Clapping rhythms

March and skip to a beat

6 years

Can learn to ride a bike
Can paint and draw

Can follow the leader

Can change directions, also within circle games

Can play harder games that incorporate physical and mental attributes

Knows right and left hand

5 years

Dresses self, including laces and buttons
Can use scissors

Self of balance with eyes closed

Responding to a song with movement while sitting

Stops and starts movement with music

Talks frequently and understand multiple instructions

4 years

Skips and hops
Catching and throwing balls overhead

Singing a song

Can tell stories, sentences of 4 to 5 words

3 years

Uses a potty chair or toilet
Dresses self, excluding buttons and laces

Runs, jumps, climbs unassisted

Beginning to use language and symbols as a tool of learning

Can remember simple rhymes, name colors, and name self

2 years

Develops Right or Left-handedness
Bladder and Bowel Control

Fine motor control with fingers, hands, and balance

Can put 3 words together and name things

1 year

Can sit, stand, and walk on own, or with use of surrounding furniture
Responds to music by walking, running, dancing, and coordinated movement

Scribbling with writing utensils, playing with toys, putting puzzle pieces together

Uses simple words and small phrases, usually 200 words are learned by 24 months

0-12 months

Exploring surroundings by mouthing
Learns how to crawl and then sit

Learns by observing and doing

Can speak gutturals and short words like "mama"