Categorias: Todos - bases - counting - decimals - subtraction

por Elizabeth Yonan 2 anos atrás


Elementary Mathimatics

The initial week of the elementary mathematics course introduces foundational concepts, including the Biz/Buzz game and different numerical bases such as base 10 and base 5. Students learn to use frames, often filled with blocks, to grasp the concept of counting to ten.

Elementary Mathimatics

Elementary Mathimatics

week 13

solving integers adding/subtracting


integer adding :



6 is bigger (bigger group) - -

4 is smaller (smaller group) -


-10 answer!

Hectors method

integer subtracting:




-8 bigger group - -

4 smaller group +

8-4= 4

4 answer!

showing integers adding/subtracting

adding show:



- - - - - - - -

= -8

example :


(+ +) +

(- - )

= 1

underline starting

blue answer

red adding/subtracting

add in the negatives or positives as you need then

subtracting show:




<~ - - - - (-)

zero pairs: if you don't have enough to subtract add in some zeros! and create a zero bank for the extras

week 11

intro to two color counters

two color counters:

help build integers

red = negative

yellow/ other color ( not red) = positive

yellows on top because positive always goes on top

red on bottom because negative always goes below

zero bank: a positive and negative together (or multiple)

exam 2 review

week 10

solving deicmals

Add whole numbers: combine the two

Sub whole number: whole number to mixed number (denominator same fraction)

Sub mixed mixed: sub whole first multiply denominator for same, then subtract.

Add mixed mixed: add whole first, same denominator; then add.

Multi: find factors for funky 1 for simplify, multiply across.

Mixed by mixed: backwards "C" multi denom by whole, add to num (funky 1 last)

Divide: keep change flip (multiply by the reciprocal)

show add/sub/multi decimals


uses squares cuts them up , each long is a tenth each cube a hundredth


put them together, divide them up in one square and add them up vertical tenth horizonal hundredth


same principles as addition but instead of adding them up divide the first one them circle the amount of the second one and "take away"


same thing as add and sub but your gonna overlay them

the parts that are overlaid by both are the answer.

vertical first number horizontal second number

week 9

building/showing fractions

circle fractions are easiest to understand but you need to change to rectangle for bigger ones so students don't get confused.

set model: name items (color ,shape , etc.)

1/3 is blue

8/10 are circles

length model: size, length comparison

pencil 1/2 longer pen

john 2/5 the height of Emily

area model: fraction to area comparison (on top)

red 1/2 of yellow

purple is 2/3 green

multiplying fractions/dividing fractions

week 8

solving fractions


place on top of each other for both add and sub


(improper fractions)

multiply then add

circles for each whole number

pie divide into for fraction part

for both add and sub (need both denominator to be same in order to do problem)


use rectangles to show: 3 rec

use rectangles to show : 2rec

week 7

exam review
division wrap up/ intro to fractions

numerator = number pieces have

denominator = how many pieces total/size of pieces

started comparing: which fraction is bigger, smaller, or equal

(1/2 helps)

(anchor fractions)

(butterfly method)

multiply numerator by 2

ex: 7/13 or 11/23

7(2)= 14 more than 13

11(2)= 22 less then 23

week 6

divisibility rules

divisibility rules: help learn what number are factors for high level math


even #s

end in 0,2,4,6,8


the sum of the digits

is / by 3


if the last 2 digits are / 4 then yes


last digit is 5 or 0


if 2 and 3 work 6 works


if last 3 digits /


the sum of digits / 9


last digits is 0

division alternative algorithms

trad division:

Students will have a hard time knowing where numbers goes( big # not on the outside)

repeat sub:

figure out the highest the student knows of the factors and write it on the side then subtract and keep repeating. Remainder goes in the numerator and the outside number is the denominator. PRO: students can start with what they have/know and be motivated to do faster. CONS: write it wrong and difficulty what to do with the remainder.

up division:

Write the equation how you say it just vertically (like a fraction). Writing the numbers spaced out to be able to write other numbers in between. Figure out how many times the denominator can go into the numerator; write in answer spot. Then multiply it to subtract from the first digit then divide again for the next digit. Remainder is the numerator and the denominator stays the same. CON: student needs to be good at math facts.

exam 1 review

week 5

learned subtraction alternative algorithms almost the same as addition, expanded form, equal addends

equal addends: both number add up to a friendly number so you don't have to carry

learned automaticity, the order to learn the multiplication table, why timed test are bad, practiced more with the alternative algorithms

Automaticity is the ability to do things without occupying the mind with the low-level details required, allowing it to become an automatic response pattern or habit. It is usually the result of learning, repetition, and practice.

your start with "red" easy ones 1,2,5,10

"blue" medium 3,9,doubles (4(4))

"green" hard 4,6,7,8

week 14

multiplying/ dividing integers

show :

create groups

for positive create circles then add in the symbols for the integers inside

total them up for answer

for negative do same as before with add/subtract create zero pairs and group up the symbols then arrows for taking away.

left over is answer

multiplication and division:

(negative and negative NOT equal to positive)

neg times neg = positive!



different sign = neg


-1800 answer!

(same for division)

week 15

scientific notation

scientific notation:

the decimals need to be between 1-10

negative exponent = very small number

positive exponent = very big number

standard form number bigger than 1 = positive exponent

standard form number written as decimal = negative exponent

2.15x10^-4 = small number/ decimal

5.873 x 10^6 = big number

0.000467 = neg exp


3470000= pos exp


order of operations

shows how to tell the sign of exponents add a zero!




0-(-4)^2 =0-16=-16

order of operations:

NO p e m d a s!

also not horizontal go vertical



M/D from L-> R

A/S from L -> R

groups go along with parenthesis and are separated by addition and subtraction symbols

A) -4+7(2)-8^2

group -4= -4

group 7(2)= 14

group 8^2 =64

left to right

-4+14= 10

10-14= -4

-4 answer!

week 1

started the biz/buzz game; talked more about other kinds of bases and frames

frames are used when a students fills it up usually with block and it counts to ten a five is used a stepping stool to then ten frame,

there are different bases, normal every day bases are base 10. base 5 is when you have five units it makes one long five longs make a flat etc..

started thinking about the developments for math in young children

(early number sense) Cardinality, when they finish counting a group they will know how many are in that group with out needed to count a again.

one to one correspondence: each number goes with one item they are touching

counting more and less,

subitizing: they can look at a group and tell how many are in it just by looking at it without counting.

. then a basic intro to bases.

cube, long, flat, cube, long, flat

one, ten, hundred,

we started by going over the syllabus and the material that we would need to get for the class

week 2

played buzz game again talked about the flaws of the traditional algorithm and alternative algorithms for addition

traditional algorithm not based of prior knowledge and confusing for some students.

alternative algorithms:

expanded form, left to right, friendly numbers/trading off,

scratch, lattice

review on bases, started using blocks to build conversions of units to different bases

week 3

Bizz buzz again, continued subtraction building, started showing and two alternative algorithms

the two alternative algorithms:

expanded form very similar to addition expanded from and equal addends

talked about mind map project, learned bout two new algorithms, started intro to building with cube subtraction

week 4

started building multiplication with blocks and showing arrays, talked about the nine hand trick and why its bad, alternative algorithms

the nines are bad because it doesn't help the fins patterns and wont help them understand higher math

alternative algorithm:

expanded form

left to right

area model


started multiplication, talked about the importance of understanding what it means not just the answers, three different models of multiplication

it important that kids know that 4(7) is different from 7(4) they have the same answer but one is four groups of seven and the other seven groups of four!



