Categorias: Todos - participation - environment - protests - climate

por Malia Robin 24 dias atrás


Democracy Mrs. Robin Spring 2024

The essence of democracy is deeply intertwined with citizen participation, which is crucial for addressing pressing issues such as environmental conservation and social justice. Historical and contemporary examples, including prominent protests at Clayoquot Sound and Fairy Creek in Canada, highlight the power of civil disobedience in advocating for environmental protection.

Democracy Mrs. Robin Spring 2024

Democracy Mrs. Robin Spring 2024

Free and Fair Elections

Countries with Mandatory Voting
Senegal election

one good thing:

one bad thing:

Russian Election

What does the BBC claim makes this not a free and fair election?

----- long line ups and large groups at noon we declared illegal

(violence and fear)

Main topic

word wall


Human Rights and Responsiblities

Tribunals, Commissions- complaints
Human Rights Tribunal - Canada

The Human Rights Tribunal.....

Human Rights Comission

The Human Rights Comission.....

Ontario Human Rights Tribunal

If you feel as though you have been harassed or discriminated against in an area covered by the Human Rights Code in Ontario, you can file forms here and get a mediator to try to get it resolved.

The Right to a Clean environment
Rivers received personhood

Magpie River

National Geographic

Canada's Youth Climate Action Lawsuit(s)

Youth sued Canada's government for failing to protect them from climate change

Should you be suing your government?

In 2015 Columbian youth sued their government for failing to protect their environment......

Human Rights Documents
UNDRIP United Nations Declaration on the Right of Indigenous Peoples
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of the Child
United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Everyone has the right video


it is non binding (it doesn't have the force of law)

  1. it forces western ideas on the world (a new form of colonialism\
  2. some manipulate it for purposes of propaganda


Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

Language Rights

What did you learn about language rights and why this event is so important to Human Rights in Canada?


Rights in the CCRF

Legal Rights

Democratic Rights: right to vote and run in elections

Mobility Rights: right to move freely in Canada and across the border

Equality Rights: right not to be discriminated against on the basis of

Language Rights (government needs to provide interpretor)

French Language Rights : to be educated in English or French (where numbers allow)

Indigenous Rights

Fundamental Freedoms

Fundamental Freedoms

Freedom of Speech is an American Freedom--- it is not in the CCRF

Fundamental Freedoms in the CCRF:






Religious Freedoms


Peaceful Assembly

The Press

NGOs (Non Governmental Organizations)
Global Witness

Land Defenders Killed

When I looked at the land defenders link, I learned......

Amnesty International
Human Rights Watch
The Story of Human Rights

What are some important milestones in the history of Human RiWhat is the difference between hH

What is the difference between Human Rights realization in some coutries but not others?

In Canada we have the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

*** Has the force of law behind it***it is in the Constitution (1982: Pierre Trudeau brought home the Charter (had it enshrined in the constitution)

For the world, we have United Nations documents:

  1. United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  2. United Nations Declaration on the Rights of the Child
  3. 3. United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

****Does not have force of law****

Brainstorm: Rights and Responsibilities

Human Rights and Freedoms and the responsibility that goes with it

Accountability and Transparency

The Lonely Death of Chanie Wenjact: Macleans 1867

This article brought awareness to Canadians about what was really going on in residential schools ... it was the beginning of the end for residential schools.

Information Pollution

What is information pollution?

Things we have in place to keep governments accountable
Lawsuits keeping corparate accountable
Coke knew about the plastic problems its bottles would cause
Big Oil knew about climate change for decades
Big tobacco lawsuits
Social Media and students
Social Media Lawsuit
Democracy Watch
RSF: Reporters Sans Frontiers (Reporters without Borders

RSF: Journalists Increasingly Facing Threats for Their Work

What is happening to journalists and why is it important to know this?

'Great People'

War Reporters

What are the videos communicating about the importance of having independant journalists and a free press (free to report about the government and people in power)

“Scorched lands of journalism in the Amazon” - RSF report

Political Tolerance

Society is comprised of people with different cultural backgrounds, who practice different  religions, form part of different races, who have different gender identities or sexual  orientations. The voices of these different groups are valued. Democratic societies strive to  be politically tolerant and the rights of minorities are protected. Those who are not in power  must be allowed to organize and share their opinions. 

Song Response

Choose one of the following to respond to the song in the context of (political) tolerance:

Fav line and why?


Main message and why?


how does this song make you feel and why?

Citizen Participation

Civil Disobedience and Protests

Fairy Creek

Clayoquot Sound

Canada's largest protest, largest act of civil disobedience until Fairy Creek, in terms of arrests.

Bill Nye

Bill Nye said the biggest thing you can do about climate change is to vote.

Greta Thunberg
Murray Sinclair

Murray Sinclair lead the TRC--- he was the lead commissioner.

"Education is what got us into this, and education is what will get us out of it."

Truth and Reconciliation

Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada was born of the need for reconciliation with Indigenous people and Colonizers.

@7000 people telling their experiences over 6 years and from those experiences they made the TRC report, which has 91 recommendations about how to move forward- what do Indigenous People need to heal?

Steve Biko and Apartheid

Biko was.....

He did......

Song response: Fav. line and why OR main message and why OR how does this song make you feel and why?

use quotes from the lyrics

Nelson Mandela and Apartheid



Gandhi was....

He did......

His tactics were.....

His philosophy was.....

Basel Action Network

Downing Street Disaster


Saving the Arctic

A Homeless Polar Bear in London

Alliance to End Homelessness

Tent City Nation

Rule of Law

Governor General Mary Simon
Lady Justice and the Rule of Law

The symbols in Lady Justice are:

These symbolize:

Song Study: Wheat Kings, wrongful convictions

Song Response:

Choose one

In the context of civic issues (ie, what was discussed or taught in class or civics/politics in general, respond- CHOOSE ONE QUESTION TO RESPOND TO of the three below:

What is your favorite line and why?


How does this song make you feel and why?


What is the main message and why?

Use examples from the lyrics to back up/ illustrate your ideas.

Global Wealth Inequality

How does the information contained in this video relate to what you learned about capitalism.

Whom should I vote for?

What are some ideas the author has how one could decide who to vote for?

Who's in charge of Britain (Canada)

Summarize what you learned from the video about the structure of Government. Canada's system is modelled after Britain- so it is the same system with some terms and numbers changed. For example, House of Lords in Britain is the Senate in Canada, and we have a different number of ridings (electoral districts).

Question Period February 28

As you watch Question Period, explain what is going on using the terms in the picture.