Categorias: Todos - air - climate - water

por Anmol Bhangal 2 anos atrás


Climate Toronto Canada vs London UK By: Anmol Bhangal

Toronto and London exhibit distinct climatic characteristics influenced by their geographical locations and environmental factors. Toronto experiences a semi-continental climate with cold winters and humid summers due to its proximity to Lake Ontario.

Toronto Canada vs London UK
By: Anmol Bhangal

Climate Toronto Canada vs London UK By: Anmol Bhangal


Toronto is located right beside a body water, lake Ontario. The water in the lake ensures Toronto is warmer in winter and cooler in summer than it would otherwise be. The Great Lakes location is also the source of Toronto’s summer humidity. Moderating effect is not as strong as it should be. Currents levels are very low as it is not a strong enough current.
Toronto has a semi-continental climate. It has cold winters and humid summers. It is located near a body of water called Lake Ontario.
Winds and Air Masses
The Toronto area affected by two mainstreams of air the continental arctic (winter only) and arctic polar (year round) and maritime climate which play a role in the climate. Polar arctic air masses brings long and cold Toronto weathers. Maritime climate air mases which come from the gulf of Mexico bring warm streams of air and make Toronto summers much more humid.
Toronto is located as one of the most southern cities in Canada. This means that Canada has a very humid summers for normal Canadian cities.


Nearness to water
Large bodies of water such as oceans, seas, and large lakes affect the climate of an area. The English channel what affects the climate of London the most. Water heats and cools more slowly than land. Therefore, in the summer, London will stay cooler and in winter warmer. This is called the moderating affect and London is a Maritimes climate.
- Located in the northern hemisphere - Further away from the sun - colder then other countries - England is about the same distance from the equator as cold regions of Canada, yet London has a much warmer climate.
Winds and air masses
Tropical maritime is main air mass which affects London. It brings hot and wet air masses towards the shores and causes rain and much heat.
London UK has a Maritime climate. This means that mild and not very hot summers and not very cold winters. This caused by being near a body of water affecting the weather of London. Precipitation levels are very high