Categorias: Todos - clients - questions - accounting

por Tolu Osinowo 7 anos atrás


Business Process Mapping

A financial services firm is enhancing its client interaction through a streamlined online process. Prospective clients can obtain quotes and sign up for services via the company’s website.

Business Process Mapping

Floating topic



  1. not now
  2. happy w client
  3. newsletter
  4. tax prep
  5. accounting clients

Lead managemtn

lead 1

first contact



Acnts/Clients - Client accounts

Deals - leads that have been

Result of Contacts

Req'd Quote - requested quote. if wi/o mtg, means willing to sign over phone


Lead 1-most qualified lead

Lead 2 - most common lead

All leads, send to drip, newsletter list

1ST CONTACT schedule call, email, tx for a week, 1 day apart

  1. email first (immediately after adding
  2. text 2nd 1 day after
  3. call, third day

Add task (as notification) update Result of Contact field in blue print; after 3rd pt of contact (call), not from first email bc need that reminder to show up when you can stop the series if need be so emails and task don't continue, but if it comes too early at first email, then youd have to get rid of it and it won't be thee next time when needed (If lead status is first contact and Result of contactfor 2-4 are empty)

  1. Requestd quote (means willing to buy over phone)
  2. in blue print
  3. If lead status is first contact and Resultofcontact fields for 1st - 4th contact are empty
  4. push crm data into QB name,email,company name using webhooks/automation or trigger (adding contact when I create new deal)
  5. add task to create a quote for client IN QBO
  6. Create deal, deal status is prequalified(do not convert lead unless it's closed won or junk)
  7. send total of qb quote into deal in zoho w deal status being sent quote, not price/quote
  8. create quote for everyone requesting pricing

  9. Requested mtg
  10. If lead status is first contact and Result ofcontactfor 1-4 are empty
  11. what's new lead status
  12. notify to add mtg to cal and create deal deal status is prequalified) in blue print-do not convert lead unless it's closed won or junk-
  13. push crm data into QB name,email,company name using webhooks/automation or trigger (adding contact when I create new deal)
  14. add task to create a quote for client IN QBO
  15. Create deal, deal status is prequalified(do not convert lead unless it's closed won or junk)
  16. send total of qb quote into deal in zoho w deal status being prequalified, not price/quote
  17. create quote for everyone requesting pricing

  18. signed up (we get on a call/meeting and they signup rightaway) (lead contact triggers in crm, move to qb to quote,receive pmt)
  19. If lead status is first contact and Resultofcontact fields for 1st - 4th contact are empty
  20. manual Update result of contact 1 to signedup,
  21. autochange lead status to won paid
  22. manual or auto convertto deal, deal status as won paid, contacttype as lead
  23. push crm data into QB name,email,company name using webhooks/automation or trigger (adding contact when I create new deal) (add task to create a quote for client inQBO)
  24. quote them in qb, convert to invoice, collect payment, save
  25. send total of qb quote to update deal in zoho w deal amount, update contact type as client
  26. it will be auto moved to client or acnt module by system, update contact type as client
  27. Waiting/unsure (lead status would still be first contact, but result of contact field will be )
  28. add mandatory note in blue print to note what the wait is.
  29. update LS to 2nd contact
  30. update next contact date to a week

  31. left msg
  32. update lead status is 2nd contact,
  33. update next contact date call in 3 days)
  34. happy w CPA,
  35. drip happy w cpa
  36. next call date 6mos
  37. Try -Later,
  38. next call date 1mo
  39. not interested
  40. Not ideal client - junk


  1. qualification: if lead status is 7 first contact and result of 1st contact field is already 3,4,5

Add task (as notification) update Result of Contact field in blue print; after 3rd pt of contact (call),result of 2nd contact field:

  1. requested mtg
  2. (notify to add mtg to cal and create deal or -do not convert lead unless it's closed won- or junk deal status is prequalified)outside of blue print
  3. signed up (change lead status to signed up, create or convert to deal, label as closed move to client or acnt module series) (if lead status is signed up, autocreate deal, and deal stage is closed won)
  4. Waiting/unsure (lead status would be second contact, but result of 2nd contact field will be 3 )
  5. if result of first contact is actingunsure or Waiting on something, schedule for a month otherwise update LS to 3rd contact
  6. update next call date field to a week
  7. leave msg
  8. update lead status to 3rd contact, even if result of first contact is 3 or 4
  9. next contact call in 7 days)
  10. happy w CPA, drip
  11. not at this time, drip
  12. Not ideal client junk


  1. qualification: if lead status is 2nd contact and result of 2nd contact field is 3,4,5

result of 3rd contact field:

  1. requested mtg
  2. (notify to add mtg to cal and create deal or -do not convert lead unless it's closed won- or junk deal status is prequalified)outside of blue print
  3. signed up (change lead status to signed up, create or convert to deal, label as closedmove to client or acnt module series) (if lead status is signed up, autocreate deal, and deal stage is closed won)
  4. Needs another call (lead status would be second contact, but result of 2nd contact field will be 3 )
  5. if result of first and 2nd contact is acting unsure or Waiting on something, schedule for a month otherwise update LS to 4th contact
  6. update next call date field to a week

  7. acting unsure schedule task for new call for a week)
  8. if result of first contact is acting nsure, schedule for a month otherwise a week
  9. leave msg
  10. update lead status to 3rd contact, even if result of first contact is 3 or 4
  11. next contact call in 7 days)
  12. happy w CPA, drip
  13. not at this time, drip
  14. Not ideal client junk

  1. if Result of Contact field updates to 3 or 4, schedule call,email,tx for 2 week, 1 day apart
  2. if Result of contact field updates to 5, next contact date new call in 7 days


  1. qualification: if lead status is 3rd contact and result of contact field is already 3,4,5
  2. if result of contact updates to 345, update lead status to drip


qualification: lead status field is meetg scheduled or requested mtg if scheduled call to.


qualification if reason of contact field is 5 or lead status is drip (this means need to update ONLY 1, either RoC 5 or LS drip, not both

  1. if Result of Contact field is 5 AND Reason field is try later is time, and LS is not drip
  2. autoupdate lead sttus to drip
  3. auto update next contact date field to 60,
  4. also send to drip list try Later
  5. if Result of contact field is 5not interested and Reason field is happy w CPA,
  6. autoupdate lead sttus to drip
  7. auto update next contact date field to 365,
  8. also send to drip list happy w cpa; send to drip (every 2 months
  9. if Result of contact field is 5not interested and Reason field is in-ideal client, update lead status to junk lead


Transitions - where the work get done (vs stage where no work is done)

initial cotnactt

signed up




signus up (RARE)

Contact management


old phonehtc
old ph i5
eoutlook email`



staff needed

crm design and integration,


website design

stated prcingsite
help center

lead pg designer

lead pgs tax, accounting



Lead pages tax


networking usually allows me to qualify people based on their interest. typlically 3 kinds of people

  1. really needs help, sometimes now lead 3
  2. thinking of getting help = lead 2
  3. don't need help = business contact
shopping around
doesn't need
Needs now

Business Process Mapping

Main topic


drip campaign



newsletter signups
newsletler list
RSS campaign


sign up for service
auto email subcontractors to do the wr

auto send email to subcontractors that

the following work are ready to start as all documents are complete

  1. [type of work],
  2. [type of work],
  3. etc
auto create project tasks and timeline






Current clients

new clients

manaualad ornetworking


from site

welcome/svc call

business contact

no email just call tasks

old leads
new leads





auto code to L1

initial contact

text: Hello {first name}, we received your request from {source} that you are interested in {services chosen}. we would love to talk with you more about that. text STOP to stop receiving these messages



our website



stop emal series

resume texts manually if needed

unsubscribes: remove fromeamil nnot text

stop email series

doesn't unsubscribe


texts stop, stop

desn't text stop, resend 3 more times

2nd text: 2 days after first text

3rd: a week after 2nd

4th: a week after third

replys but notstop

stop texts series

add task tocheck status

resume texts manually if neede

doesn't text stop or signup


auto change to paid

call in

manual change to paid

uauto change to client

stop text series

toCRM contacts newcliens

send to deals

auto create deal for price of contract, not amt paid,

name ofdeal is client last nameand new deal+datetriggered

tag/contact type will be client.

for tracking purposes

send as 100% probability

sign up date is date triggered

send to projects

texts stop

unsubscribe from texts not email

Neetworking/call in

Manual entry, label to L1

auto code ratings, other stuff

1. Initial contact




use statedpricing pg
Knowledgebase/help center
Client questions

Client Questions/submit a ticket

Client self service help


social networkauto poster

Newsleter signps
client protal
Contact Us
not ready or not filled
shopping aroundc
needs now
Grequest quote
Get Online quote sign up for service

On webpage right under sign up online button

have "How it works" section

get a quote

CPAs are always available on any page if you have question with our chat feature. we can even walk you through it

for each page add FAQs

if you like your quote, signup

what happens after:

you'll get an email welcome from us

a page will also show to start uploading your documents.

You can click add later

In your welcome email you'll receive the linkto that same page to upload. as well as password, login for portal

The upload page uploads to your personal client portal, which you have access to whenever

The upload document tracks all the materials we need to complete your work and if they've been provided or not. When everything is complete, we will begin your work.

you will also receive a follwup email from us 3 days later about any questions you might have snd where to find information

You canfindmore info in our help centers regardingmany common questions. You can also search

You can also submit a ticket for questions. we have agents standing by 24hrs/day and we will be able to help you asap

When your work is complete, we will email you of its complete status, but you'd be able to view it by logging into your client portal

signed up

get email of doc request form to upload

after signing up, then get taken to webpage to start their document uploads. they also get an email

not submitted
submitted, shoping around
submitted, needs now

on submit pg, submit button will send to cRM

abandoned quote