Categorias: Todos - standards - database - resources - engineering

por Agnès Bourguignon 1 ano atrás


Academic resources in science 2022

Several valuable digital resources are available for academics and professionals in the science and engineering fields, including databases and journals that cover a wide range of disciplines.

Academic resources in science 2022

In summary

Know how to query: determine keywords, use Boolean operators, build search equations

Bounce back with the bibliographies of the resources consulted

bounce back with the keywords of the resources consulted

identify specialized journals on our theme

identify research laboratories on our subject

identify researchers

Academic resources in science 2022

National licences

Bentham science
between 2000 and 2019
32 chemistry journals
Publisher : Bentham Science
EDP Sciences
from the beginning to 2012
90 journal titles
French scientific, technical and medical publisher
108 titles of scientific journals published by the Institute of Physics from the beginning to 2012
Institute of Physics Publishing

Istex extension

in constant evolution
mostly in English
95% between 1900 and 2017
Archives of scientific literature
Oxford university press
264 journal titles published by the Oxford University Press from its inception to 2010.
national licence

Free on the web

Extension Click and Read
Google Scholar

link to libraries




advanced search

bounce to "related" articles

bounce to articles that cited an article

import into bibliographic reference management software

biblio reference built according to the styles: APA, MLA, ISO 690

Articles approved or not by reading committees (peer review)
Google Tool - Search engine for scientific articles and publications
free access
Platform of validated full text scientific and academic journals
Open access

send by mail

save the query results

monitoring of queries (??)

60% full text
8 000 sources
200+ million documents
Managed by the German University of Bielefeld
Search engine for open access academic resources

paid digital resources

Les techniques de l'ingénieur

video tutorials

alerts on keywords

alerts on fields

rss feed


search by keywords
search by fields
we find

multilingual technical dictionary

news articles

practical information


reference articles

engineering sciences
in french
encyclopedia of technical and regulatory texts necessary for the design, implementation and operation of all buildings, whatever the type of building and the nature of the work
Bibliographic database on the applications of nuclear science and technology, as well as the economic and environmental aspects of non-nuclear energy (fossil, renewable, hydrogen).
publisher: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
International Nuclear Information System
RSS feed
general scientific journal
Access to issues of the journal Nature published since 1997
ASCE library
access to Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering

engineering specialised in the study of flooding, pollution, tidal waves, which affect coastal areas and ports.

access to Journal Engineering Mechanics

applied mechanics and civil engineering

specialist journals
One Petro
first time = create an account
oil and gas database
French AFNOR standards (with access to the full text), ISO and IEC international standards, American ASTM standards, French and European technical regulations (bibliographic references only).
Standards and regulations database

video tutorial

Scopus support

Quick reference guide

export and reference management settigs

document citation alerts

author citation alerts

saved searches

functionality: analyze search results

to know the funders

to identify the most prolific authors on a topic

to see the trends

integration of preprints in author profiles
peer-reviewed journals, open access journals
link to the full text of articles in open access or from periodicals to which UPPA libraries have subscribed
2004 to present
Browse by

collections of images and primary sources

title (journals, books, research reports)



user account

saving references

1000 academic journals online
International and multidisciplinary archive

sciencedirect tutorials

alerts on journals

alerts on queries

reading history

1996 to present
daily update
peer-reviewed journals, articles & book chapters
Publisher: Elsevier - No. 1 in scientific publishing
Web of Science
User account

citation alerts

journal alerts

search alerts

saved lists

Search history

bibliometric tool
1900 to present
weekly update
in english
bibliographic database
multidisciplinary with a strong scientific focus
ressource de référence pour les rapports d’évaluation des unités de recherche
Publisher: Thomson Reuters
Mathematical reviews on the web
publisher: American Mathematical Society



Search the highlighted documents (on the pdf) through Primo.

also harvests databases and redirects to books and articles in digital format
includes records for printed books and journals
SCD discovery tool