Categorias: Todos - invasion - leadership - war - economy

por Braeden Tavares 4 anos atrás


A Growing Government How World War 2 strengthened Canada's Economic Growth

A Growing Government
How World War 2 strengthened Canada's Economic Growth

A Growing Government How World War 2 strengthened Canada's Economic Growth

The Home Front

Growing Government
Prevented another great depression

Canada's government had changed for the better

Canada's economy grew

Canadian Air Training
Canada provided air training for Allies

Safe airspace to fly

32000 pilots trained

Gender Roles
Women made strides once again

Gender integrated jobs were permanently the new normal

War Protocol
Victory Bonds
A problem once again

Divided the Nation

Japanese Discrimination
Canadians discriminated against Japanese

Sent them to internment camps

Ended the Great Depression
WW2 brought opportunity for new business

The 10 year depression was over


Atomic Bombs over Japan
America dropped atomic bombs over Japan

The final blow of the war

They hit Hiroshima and Nagasaki

After Germany surrendered Japan was the only one left

Allies landed on the beaches of Normandy

One of the most strategic and important battles in history

Started the campaign that led to German surrender

Allied raid on German port

Many Canadians killed

One of the biggest battles Canadian's took part in

Invasion of Poland
Germans and Soviets invaded Poland from both fronts

This started WW2

The allies stopped trying the appeasement tactic and decided to take action


Japan falls
America Bombs Japan

war ends

Berlin falls
Allies close in on Berlin

Nazis Surrender

Hitler commits suicide

Landed on beaches of Normandy
Nazis take France
Germany steamrolls through Belgium and France
Hitler Invades Poland
the "spark"

The Holocaust

As the allies closed in on Berlin they liberated concentration camps

Elie Wiesel, survivor and author 1928-2016


Millions were killed and very few survived

No one knew what was going on in Nazi Germany till they closed in at the end of the war

No one truly knows why Hitler hated the Jewish people
What was it?
The persecution and genocide of millions of Jewish people all over Europe

They were sent to concentration camps where they were worked, tortured, then killed

Hitler wrongly blamed them for the loss of WW1


The Final Straw
Nazi Germany invades Poland

This sparked the 2nd World War

Invasion of Czechoslovakia
Hitler invades and takes the the whole of Czechoslovakia
Hitler wanted a portion of Czechoslovakia (The Sudetenland)

-The allies agreed on the condition he didn't take anymore (appeasement tactic)

Germany violating Treaty of Versailles
The Germans began to militarize
Germany struggled to pay off debts because of inflation
Hitler's Rise to power
He become leader (Fuhrer) and turned Germany into Nazi Germany
He promised redemption and was made chancellor of Germany
Hitler joined a fascist party and rose to it's power

The USA joined after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

The soviets switched sides in 1943

Important People and War Technology

Radar Tech
Further developed by Canadians

Used to track enemy ships and aircraft

Atomic Bomb
Most Powerful Bomb ever created

Final blow of WW2

Used by the Americans to bomb Japan and end the war

Enigma Machine
Encryption Message System

Alan Turing and others ally researchers finally cracked the code after years, in a war defining effort

Used to send secret codes

Francisco Mussolini
Italian Dictator

Fought with Germany against the allies

Forced Italian King to make him dictator with civil war threat

Adolf Hitler
Nazi Germany Dictator

Fought as a soldier in WW1

Obsessed with taking the world over

Prime Minister Mackenzie King
Lead Canada through the war

Grew the Canadian economy to prevent another Great Depression

Winston Churchill
British Prime Minister

Alerted the Americans of possible war with Soviet Union

Rallied the allies from the brink of defeat