av Maeve Panda 4 år siden
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Is there a trade language that facilitates commerce between countries that don’t speak the same tongue?
Is there a universal language spoken by educated or noble persons?
Is there a liturgical tongue?
What language are religious documents kept in?
Are some or all people bilingual?
Is there a common second language many people know?
Are there secret languages or codes known only by priests, soldiers, guild members?
If there are secret languages, why were they developed?
Are secret languages fully functional (they can express anything one could normally express in language) or are they limited to a certain scope?
What are the variations in speech patterns, syntax, and slang from one social class to another?
Are there variations in speech patterns from one occupation to another?
Are there regional variations in speech?
From what areas do local slang phrases come?
What kinds of colourful turns of phrase do people use?
For what things would a local language have many specific words to indicate fine differences?
What do the people in this culture consider important enough to name?
What do people use as curse words?
How many languages are there?
Which languages are related and why?
Which languages borrow words or phrases from other languages?
Which languages are the most widely spoken?
Are there different languages for different races?
Is there a special language needed in order to talk with dragons or other beasts?
Do wizards have a special language that is used for magic?
If magic is its own language, where do practitioners learn it?
Is it safe to chat in the language of magic?
How close do people stand to one another when speaking?
Does personal space differ from place to place?
How do people with different ideas of personal space react to one another?
Are gestures and body language in this society generally subtle?
Do people talk with their hands, or is that considered vulgar?
What gestures are insulting?
What do the insulting gestures mean?
Do some gestures differ in meaning depending on the culture or time?
How do overall gestures and body language differ between countries?
Are there things that don’t matter in one area that are mortal insults in another?
What are the different ways of showing respect to another?
To whom is one expected to show respect?
How are geographical features named?
What are the most striking features of landscape and climate?
If there are non-human inhabitants, are there any areas or features they particularly claim as their own?
Have human (or non-human) activities affected climate or landscape in various regions?
If so, how were the climate or landscape affected?
How does the setting (multiple moons, suns, &c.) affect the climate in various areas?
How much land is in each of the equatorial, temperate, and polar zones?
Where are the mountain ranges? The rivers and lakes? The deserts? The forests (tropical and otherwise)? The grasslands and plains?
If there are mythological animals, how do they fit into the ecology?
How did the mythological beasts come into being?
What do the mythological creatures eat?
How much and what kind of habitat do these mythological animals require?
Are there intelligent mythological animals?
How common are these mythological animals?
Are there any endangered species of animals or plants?
Is anyone concerned about endangered species?
What geological formations can affect the weather or the climate?
What are the natural wonders of the world, and where are they?
Which areas are the most fertile farmlands?
Where are mineral resources located?
which animals, birds, fish, and other wildlife are commonly found in which areas?
If there are fantastical animals, such as dragons, where do they live?
Which natural resources, if any, have been depleted in which areas over time?
Which resources are particularly abundant, and in which areas?
Which resources are scarce and where are they scarce?
Are there places with major deposits that haven’t been discovered yet, or where such deposits haven't been fully exploited?
How much conflict has there been or might eventually be caused by these imbalances in resources?
How much active, peaceful trade is attributed to these resources?
What water resources are available, and for what uses?
Oceanic islands
Lotic (streams, rivers)
Lentic (pools, lakes, ponds)
Hydrothermal vents
Salt marshes
Coral reefs
Boreal forest/Taiga
Temperate coniferous forest
Tropical coniferous forest
Temperate deciduous forest
Temperate evergreen forest
Tropical deciduous forest
Tropical evergreen forest
How is magic integrated into society?
Who can work magic? Is anyone disallowed from working magic?
How are works of magic accomplished?
What kind of preparation or study is required before undertaking a magical work?
Who can do magic in your world? Those who have been taught? Those with the right genes? Certain races? Holy or religious people? People who can afford it? Rulers?
What, precisely, can it manipulate? Physical items, elements, etc.
Do different people have different types of magical powers or skills?
Can people improve their magic skills or are they born with the power they have?
Are people aware of their magical powers and can they control them?
What are the limits on magic — the things it can’t do?
How did magic originate in your world?
How do people replenish their supply of magic or their magical power?
Will magic ever be taken away?
Does anything stop magic working?
Are people aware of the origins and source of magic?
Does your magic require certain rituals or physical objects to work?
Does magic come naturally, or require a lot of effort and training?
Can magic only be performed under certain conditions?
What is the cost of using magic to the user?
What happens to magical powers or the effects of magic over time?
How does the strength of the magic affect the cost to the user?
Does magic require speech or writing or recalling information?
Does magic comply with the user or have a separate presence or will?
How do various religions view magic?
Do any religions forbid magic or require it? And if so, what’s their reasoning?
Do any require or forbid priests to practise magic?
How has the presence of magic and magicians affected law and government?
Are wizards barred from certain kinds of government posts
Do some positions require that their holder be a wizard?
Are the laws of nature and physics actually different in this world or are they the same as in real life?
If the laws of nature and physics are the same, then how does magic fit in?
Which peoples, races, cultures, countries, or ethnicities are most magically advanced?
Is magic legal?
Is all magic legal, or only some types?
Do laws about magic vary widely from country to country, or is the attitude generally similar?
Are there magical artifacts?
If so, who made them and how?
Are magical effects permanent, or does the magic wear off after a while?
What effect has magic had on law? On art? On technology? On entertainment?
Where is magical research done?
Are magicians a force in politics?
Are there national politics that revolve around magic or wizards?
How much as the presence of magic affected military strategy and tactics in general?
Is healing usually a magical process?
If so, how does the magical healing talent or spell work?
Does a magical healer have to consciously direct the healing process, or does magical healing simply speed up the normal healing process in the patient?
Is there more than one kind of magical healer and if so are they rivals or simply different specialities?
Is forensic magic possible?
Can forensic magic be used to investigate only certain types of crimes (and if so, which)?
Are the results of forensic spells admissible in court as evidence?
Can magic be used in the arts, and if so, how?
How do “normal” artists feel about artists who use magic?
How do magicians feel about non-magical people?
Is there a specific name for those who cannot do magic?
Are spells fast enough to be useful in hand-to-hand combat, or is magic useful only for long, slow things?
What things can magic not do?
what are the limits of magical power?
Where does magic power come from? What is its source?
Is magic an exhaustible resource?
What does one need to do to cast a spell?
How long does it take to cast a spell?
Can spells be stored for later, instant use?
Do spells take lots of long ritual, or is magic a point-and-shoot kind of thing?
Can two or more wizards combine their power to cast a stronger spell?
What makes one wizard more powerful than another?
Does practicing magic have any detrimental effect on the magician?
If the effects can be detrimental, is there any way to prevent these them?
Are detrimental effects inevitable in all magicians, or do they affect only those with some sort of predisposition?
Do the effects progress at the same rate in everyone?
How much is actually known in the world about the laws of magic?
How much of that which is 'known' is actually incorrect?
What general varieties of magic are practiced?
Do any varieties of magic work better than others?
How many people are there in the world?
How many people are there in the various countries?
What is considered a small town? A large town? A city?
How diverse is the population?
How many different races (human or non-human), creeds, cultures, and so on normally live in various cities and towns?
In what percentages do these divisions occur?
Is population shifting from rural to urban? From south to north? From mountains to coast?
If populations are shifting, why are they doing so?
What effects has migration had on the places being left behind?
What effects has migration had on the places that are gaining population?
Is there much immigration into or out of various countries? why or why not?
Which geographical areas are most heavily populated?
Which regions are the least populated? Why?
Are certain regions or types of terrain more popular areas for non-humans, and, if so, why?
How are roads built?
What state are the roads in?
Who pays for roads?
Who maintains the roads?
How do people get from place to place? Does this vary at all in different places?
Do people make long journeys? If so, what are they like?
Is there a public transport system? Who uses it? How much does it cost?
What are the roads like? How do they vary from place to place?
Do individuals or families own and use their own vehicles?
How safe and clean is the typical transport system?
What major fuels are used?
What are the common domesticated animals used for transportation at various levels of society?
Are there magical means of transportation?
For travelling short distances within a city, what are the alternatives?
How are messages sent when necessary?
Is there a public or private postal system, or does everyone of importance have to send messengers?
How fast can news get from one point to another?
Are there magical means of communication? How common and reliable are they? How expensive?
How available is water transportation?
How common is travel (for any reason)?
Does the concept of travelling just “to see the world” or for fun even exist?
How dangerous is travel?
How large a group is considered safe for travelling?
How much traffic is there inside and outside the main cities?
Which areas are the best and worst for travel?
What is the fastest means of travelling long distances over land? Over water?
What are the safest means of travel?
What is transportation like?
Are there good roads? Who builds them?
Are there tolls?
Are roads guarded or patrolled?
Where would a traveller stay at night?
Are there enough travellers to support inns, or do people have to stay at monasteries or others’ homes?
Are some classes of people (slaves, peasants) who are not expected to travel at all?
Are some (heralds, messengers) expected to travel constantly?
What is the form of government? How is it structured?
What are some of the most fundamental policies of the government?
What is the political status of minority communities?
How is government chosen?
What is the countries general foreign policy?
Who decides whether someone has broken a law? How?
What kinds of punishments are meted out? By whom? Why?
How are new laws created or old ones changed?
Is there some form of clemency or pardon? What is involved?
Who has the right to give orders, and why?
What titles do various officials have?
How are the rules different for officials as opposed to the common person?
How do government officials dress?
Is the law written down? Who interprets it?
Once accused, what recourse does someone have?
Is torture allowed? What kinds? Is capital punishment allowed?
How are criminals executed?
Who cannot rise to positions of leadership?
Is bribery allowed? Under what circumstances?
What makes someone a bad ruler in this society? What can be done about it?
What are the most common or dangerous forms of criminal?
What services does the government or head-of-state provide?
Are schools, wells, courts, and the army paid for by taxes?
What local or private services are provided by the government?
What services do people expect from their government?
What do people owe their government?
Do people pay their government in taxes, in labour, in crops, in military service?
Who has the right to levy taxes?
For what purposes are taxes (or new taxes) levied?
On what or on whom are taxes levied?
Can taxes be paid in-kind, or do certain things always require money?
Who provides support services for the head of state and what are they called (examples: councilors, ministers, secretaries, viziers)?
Are offices hereditary, elected, or appointed?
Can a government office be a career choice?
Is the relative power of a country or ruler usually measured by the size of the army, the number and ability of the wizards, or the amount of money and trade flowing through it?
Who will take over running the government if the current head-of-state is incapacitated?
How is succession determined?
Is there an heir apparent (either actual or political)?
What happens if the heir is a child?
Who is responsible for protecting the head-of-state?
What safeguards does the head-of-state have against assassins, poison, assault, and magical attack?
Who can give orders (to the military, to the tax collectors, to the civil servants, to ordinary folks on the street)?
How are the people with the power to give orders chosen?
Are any activities licensed or certified (driving, dog ownership, being an attorney or a physician)?
Who does the certification or licensing?
Is it merely formal (pay a fee, and get a license), or are there qualifications to meet?
Can licenses or certifications be revoked, and if so, how?
Who can make or repeal laws?
What are considered normal and legal ways of gathering evidence and determining guilt?
Are torture and magic part of the legal system?
Are arbitrary judgements by a lord or landowner allowed, or is there a standard that they are supposed to follow?
Is there an appeal system?
How high can a case go in the system before it is finally settled?
Is everyone tried in the same courts or are there special courts for special classes of people — for example, are mages tried in specialized wizard’s court?
Are there separate courts for civil and criminal matters?
Are there separate courts for magical and non-magical matters?
Are there separate courts for humans and non-humans?
Are there separate courts for religious matters?
what things are considered truly serious crimes and why (example: a trade-oriented culture might consider counterfeiting or bootlegging a death-penalty crime while in a place where life is cheap murder might be something that only results in a small fine)?
Are there laws forbidding certain types of people (peasants, wizards, priests, women) from carrying arms?
Are there laws requiring certain people to be skilled with certain weapons?
Are certain spells (as opposed to magic generally) illegal?
What are the punishments for serious versus minor crimes?
Are there prisons, or are people punished and released?
Are there degrees of punishment such as fines, branding, public whippings, removal of body parts, executions — or do they just hang everybody regardless of the crime?
Are there lawyers or advocates?
Who can afford legal representation?
Who trains the legal experts and are they certified?
Are people guilty until proven innocent, innocent until proven guilty, or does it depend on the mood the bench is in when the case comes in front of it?
Are there assumptions made about how an accused criminals will be treated?
Are there judges other than the nobles or gentry?
How are judges paid and by whom?
How often are remote areas likely to see a judge?
Is mob justice common? Is it legal?
How is mob justice viewed by society?
How are alleged criminals treated before their trials?
How are convicted criminals treated?
Is there a civilian police force, or is law enforcement the province of the military?
Is the police force a nationalized one, or are there multiple regional forces?
How militant or vigilante are they? Are they usually or ever armed?
What is the extent of their authority? Can they shoot you? Can they use magic? Can they torture or otherwise force a confession? Can they use telepathy?
Are there individuals or groups who are above the law?
Is there a secret police?
What is the role of police informants, if any?
How are law enforcement officers organized?
Are there independent precincts, overlapping districts, or separate jurisdictions?
Can law enforcement be hired?
Do the police, military, or city guard make a practise of roughing up suspects?
How is knowledge distributed? Is it kept unknown to the common people, or is available for all?
How much is known about the laws of nature, physics, and magic?
How much of what is commonly known is factually wrong?
Where is scientific research done? Universities, private labs, under the auspices of the government?
In what areas might magic cause more rapid technological or scientific development?
How do the technology levels and scientific knowledge of non-human races compare to those of humans?
Science of living things
Does the country have an armed force? What types? What size?
How do the armed forces compare with others in the region or world?
Who declares war?
Who has the power to declare conditions of peace?
How are treaties negotiated?
What happens to prisoners taken in battle?
What weapons are favoured by the various armed forces?
What form of warfare does this society use?
How do battles in the airs or waters or underworlds differ from surface warfare?
Who are the Elite warriors? What distinguishes them?
How does someone get command of troops?
Where do the loyalties of military units lie?
Are there professional soldiers? Do they make up the bulk of the military?
What is campaign or camp life like?
What ethical or moral codes do warriors adhere to?
How are battle injuries treated?
How long do wars typically last?
Has this society ever attacked another? What was the nature of that war? What would make this society go to war?
Has there ever been a civil war or a revolution?
What do soldiers do when there's no war?
Are there any current tensions / wars / embargoes etc with any other nations?
Who are the country's enemies? Who's winning the war?
What defenses are available to cities?
Are philosophy and science unified, or do they exist as separate and independent disciplines?
What devices and technologies are available for people?
Are such devices taken for granted? If not, how many are appreciated?
How do people envision a difficult or impossible task that could be made easier by using some kind of device or futuristic technology?
Is the level of technology in this society comparable to that of ancient Rome, the Middle Ages, the Renaissance, the Industrial Revolution?
What important inventions or advances have been made (the wheel, stirrups, gunpowder, printing, flush toilets)?
Have any of them been produced in quantities sufficient to affect the daily lives of the average person, or are they a luxury for nobles only?
What inventions or advances have not been made that one would expect to see at this stage of technological development? Why haven’t they eventuated?
What advances are about to be made?
In what areas might magic replace technology, and thus suppress its development?
In what areas might magic cause more rapid technological or scientific development?
How do the technology levels and scientific knowledge of non-human races compare to those of humans?
What colors are associated with power? With virtue? With death?
If two men get into a fight, how is this supposed to be resolved?
If two women get into a fight, how should that be resolved?
How do people demonstrate grief?
Who inherits property? Titles? Position?
What are the most popular games? How important are they?
When and how does someone go from child to adult?
How much free time do people usually get?
What do they spend this time doing?
Is society segregated an any way?
What social classes or divisions exist in this society?
If so, can people move from one class to another? Are there any benefits to being of one class over another?
Is there any discrimination against minority groups (racial, ethnic, religious) in this society?
How independent or codependent are individuals?
What are the typical roles of women and men? What are the expectations of children?
Does the government play a large part in peoples lives?
Does religion play a large part in peoples lives?
How do people feel about foreigners?
How do people feel about non-humans?
How ready are people to accept different ideas?
How cosmopolitan is the average person?
How much social mobility is there?
What would it take for a person born in the lower class to advance to the middle class or beyond?
How much resistance is there to social mobility?
What things are considered luxuries?
What do people in general look like?
who would stand out in a crowd?
What is furniture like?
What is furniture commonly made of?
Are certain things reserved for high-status individuals?
In what ways does furniture design reflect the customs of people?
What are plumbing and sanitary systems like?
Who builds and maintains the sanitary systems and how reliable are they?
Who do you call when the drains back up?
How do people cope with various disasters — fire, flood, volcanic eruption, plague?
How common are such disasters?
How early do people get up in the morning in the city? In the country?
What kinds of people are likely to face prejudice?
Is this discrimination institutionalized or is it mostly a matter of public attitude?
Is there a single, generally accepted calendar or do different countries, peoples, or races have different methods of measuring time?
How is the day divided into smaller time units?
What are the divisions of time?
Are the names of the time divisions relevant to anything?
Is the length of an hour fixed, or does it vary depending on changes in the length of the day as the seasons change?
What are the names of the months, and how many days are there in each?
How many days in a week? Months in a year?
Are there leap years?
Who keeps track of the calendar?
Who could make adjustments to the calendary, if necessary?
Which days are holidays or festival times?
What do the holidays and festivals celebrate?
Are there holidays that are only celebrated in particular countries, cities, or regions?
What events do people use to date years?
Are these events single occurrences (the creation of the world, the end a war, the unification of the nation)?
Are events dated based on arbitrary things such as a king’s reign, or a dynasty’s years in power)?
How do people tell what time it is?
Are there any days that are considered to be “outside the year”?
How did these days originate?
Describe how daily food is obtained.
What type of foods are most popular?
What are typical dishes and specialties of the region?
What type of food is the locality or region famous for?
What cutlery, if any, do people use for cooking and eating?
How is the table arranged?
How do people sit when eating? Is there any arrangement by age or dignity of diners?
How many and when are the main mealtimes?
Are there restaurants, popinas, street vendors or other places where food may be bought in public?
Is there a significant risk of food poisoning? How many cases lead to death? Is there understood to be a link between food and poisoning or illness?
How much does a typical meal cost, if bought and not grown at home?
What foods are staples and commonly eaten every day?
What foods are considered peasant food?
What foods are rare?
What foods are normally cooked and which are eaten raw?
What is the food like?
What dishes are considered to be holiday food?
what foods and drinks are associated with particular holidays and events or times of the year?
When a guest arrives, is food or drink offered immediately, after an interval, or only on request?
Is there a particular food or drink that it is customary to offer a newly arrived guest?
Is there a traditional food or drink given to a guest who is departing?
How many meals are considered normal in a day?
When are meals served?
Which meals are substantial, and which are light?
Are certain foods reserved mainly for a particular meal?
What dishes would be considered typical of the various areas?
What wines or beers are thought of as typical for various regions?
Is there a safe supply of drinking water?
Do people (including children) drink ale or beer exclusively?
Which herbs and spices are readily available, and which must be imported?
How common and expensive are imported foods and spices?
Do people tend to like highly spiced food?
How is food preserved for use during the off-season — smoking, freezing, canning, salting, pickling, drying?
How reliable are the food preservation methods used?
How often do preserved foods spoil?
When food is limited in supply, who gets first dibs?
What things are never eaten? Why?
What foods do non-humans like, and how do these differ from those favoured by humans?
Are some foods poisonous or distasteful to one species that are delicacies or necessary to another?
Are any classes of society limited in what foods they may eat?
Do special circumstances (such as pregnancy) ever restrict diet?
Do religions have any beliefs about food and diet?
Who dines together and who always dines separately?
Do men and women, parents and children, servants and masters eat together?
How is social status displayed at the table?
Are special dining customs observed on certain holidays or for certain events?
What distinguishes a formal or high-court dinner from an ordinary meal, besides quantity and variety of food?
How do formal manners differ from everyday ones?
What eating utensils are used, if any?
Have utensils developed in the culture or been imported?
What is the order of a typical upper-class meal?
What shape are tables and eating areas?
Where is the place of honour for a guest?
Where do important members of the household sit?
Are special arrangements necessary for entertaining guests of different races or species?
How do the eating customs of different races reflect their cultures and biology?
What are the easiest and most common ways to advance in status?
Can one attain higher status by amassing more money, marrying well, getting the ruler’s favour?
How much resistance is there to someone advancing in social status?
What are the various ranks and titles and proper forms of address for the aristocracy and nobility?
What is the proper means to addressing peers, social betters, or social inferiors?
Which occupations are the most respected? Why?
Which professions are the most looked down upon? Why?
How many levels are there in this society?
How firm are the divisions between the levels of society?
Is it possible to move between the levels of society?
How difficult is it to rise or fall from one social level to another?
How much social mobility is there?
How much social mobility do people think there is?
How many spouses may a man or woman have? Do relationships allow multiple partners?
Who decides on a marriage?
How is a marriage defined? How is a marriage contracted?
What is the term of a marriage contract?
What gifts are considered appropriate or inappropriate for a wedding?
How are marriages celebrated?
In what ways is a marriage considered broken?
Can a marriage end in divorce? How?
What is considered too great a difference in age for a couple?
Who usually takes custody of children if a marriage ends for some reason?How are families named?
What happens to orphans?
How are boy and girl children treated differently?
What, if anything, is considered a good marriage gift?
What inanimate or sexless things are considered male or female?
Does this society connect the ideas of marriage with love?
How big are families, typically?
What constitutes a household? How many people live in one household? How many generations?
Are girls or boys preferred and why?
How common is domestic violence? Is it understood to be a problem, or a normal aspect of family life?
If it is seen as problematic, what is being done about it?
Family structure
Naming conventions
What is their understanding of death and dying?
What does this society do with their corpses?
Do they cremate their dead? Or, how are dead bodies disposed of?
Is the family responsible for the body?
What part do the priests play?
Are there cemeteries at all?
Or, does everyone have a crypt in back with all the relatives in it?
Do people visit the dead? If so, how often and why?
What do people in this culture think about suicide?
Is it the greatest sin one can commit? Or is it a sin at all?
Is it the great and last comfort of a tormented soul?
Is it worse than murder?
Who speaks first at a formal gathering?
What kinds of gifts are considered appropriate or in extremely bad taste?
How do younger adults address their elders?
When is it rude to laugh at something funny?
What kinds of questions cannot be asked in public? In private? At all?
What parts of the body are routinely covered?
How private are bodily functions like bathing or defecating?
What are the rules of precedence?
Who gets to go through doors first? Who gets introduced first in a social setting?
Do these rules differ in a formal setting?
Is there a distinction between formal good manners and informal, everyday manners?
When and where are people expected to be on their best behaviour?
How important are good manners in this society?
How do good manners differ from race to race?
How to people react when someone has just been, by their standards, rude?
Are people shocked when an outsider learns their manners? Are they patronizing, condescending, or supportive?
How do people greet one another and how did this greeting originate?
Is there a special i-am-not-armed gesture for wizards or others with dangerous abilities?
Is there a difference between the greeting offered to an equal and that offered to a superior or inferior?
Are there different greetings offered to men or women? Humans and a non-human?
Is there a way of changing a greeting gesture to make it insulting?
When meeting someone for the first time, how are they greeted?
Does this greeting differ if one already knows the person?
If you see someone you know on the far side of the street, how do you acknowledge them?
How are two people who have not met before introduced to one another?
What is the order of precedence when there are several people of differing sex, social status, or race present who must all be introduced to one another?
Are there people or beings who are never introduced to one another?
Are true names significant, and if so, under what circumstances would a person be told another’s true name?
Are there customs involving the way in which someone is named when being introduced?
How does your society define incest? Rape? How do people react to these?
What secret vice is believed to be widely practiced?
What secret vice actually is practiced?
What sexual habits are widely believed common among foreigners?
How do people react to homosexuality? Is it frowned on? Encouraged?
Are premarital sexual relations allowed? Extramarital?
How is adultery defined? What (if any) is the punishment? Who decides?
Is prostitution legal? How are prostitutes viewed? Is this accurate?
What is the greatest sexual taboo?
What does this society mean by the word "virgin" and how important it it?
Is sex confined to marriage? Or, is it supposed to be?
What constitutes aberrant sexual behavior?
Are there any cultural or religious strictures, norms or taboos that specifically address sexual conduct?
Are there secular laws that control or restrict sexual behaviour?
At what age is it considered normal to engage in sex? Are there taboos against sex with children?
Should sex be a one-to-one experience? Or are groups allowed?
What major architectural styles are present? What do they look like?
How does this vary over time and between places in the region?
What major elements are present? How are they pieced together?
What are houses like inside and out?
What are palaces and castles like?
How tall is the tallest building? How big is the biggest building?
What materials are used in typical construction? Do any materials have to be imported?
How are buildings constructed? Are there machines or is work done by hand?
What are some famous landmarks in the region? Why are they famous? Are they famous internationally?
What is the most common building material?
Why is it used?
Does it have any major drawbacks?
How are buildings normally ornamented?
How tall a building can be constructed at a reasonable cost and in a reasonable time?
What are the typical floor plans like?
Can people afford to waste space on hallways or do they just have a series of rooms opening into other rooms?
Are people’s businesses in their homes?
Are buildings normally built square? Domed?
How large is a typical house?
How many people usually live in a typical house?
What are the differences in materials and appearance between lower-class, middle-class, and upper-class housing?
How do city houses differ from those in rural areas?
How are living quarters arranged?
Are parlours or libraries common?
Are there special rooms for guests?
Are parts of homes restricted to certain members of the household?
How are houses heated and cooled?
Does the culture have outlets for dramatic arts (theatre, puppetry, cinematography)?
What other major forms of entertainment are there?
Is the populace literate and numerate?
Do people read for pleasure? If so, what do they read?
How much do books, magazines, broadsheets and the like cost?
Is there a public library system? Who uses it?
Who are popular authors and poets?
Who are some of the more famous characters from literature?
How has this changed over time?
Are there permanent theatres or concert halls?
Who owns and runs performance venues?
Are there travelling troupes of performers?
What do people at various levels of society do for fun?
What sports or pastimes are common?
Which pastimes require skill, money, or ample leisure time?
What games are commonly known?
What games are common among everyone, and which are limited to the peasantry or to the nobility?
Are any games or pastimes illegal?
Are certain countries or cities known for a passion or expertise for particular games or pastimes?
Do non-human races have their own games and leisure pastimes?
How do non-human hobbies and games differ from human games?
what will people swear a binding oath by?
What do people use as curse words?
When and why are curse words used?
What are the most desired and most valuable things in this society?
Why is the most valued item so desired?
Do different races value different things?
Is there a race or culture for whom non-material things (information, time, spiritual enlightenment) are the valuable things?
If a people values immaterial things, how did they get that way?
What things are considered to be normal and acceptable in this society that might be considered abnormal or unacceptable by ours?
What things are considered shocking in this society?
What are the reactions of ordinary people when someone does one of these shocking things?
What are the acceptable limits to honour or honesty in society?
Is it possible to get out of a binding oath?
Are white lies socially acceptable?
What are the attitudes toward ownership?
What constitutes theft, and what can be stolen with few repercussions?
Are thieves organized in a guild, licensed by law, or freelance?
Who is considered to be a citizen, with the rights and privileges thereof?
What are the rights and privileges of citizens?
What responsibilities do citizens bear?
Can citizenship be revoked?
Are there certain groups of people who have fewer legal rights or less recourse than full citizens?
Why do those people have fewer rights than others?
What are the most controversial subjects in this culture?
What things can you easily start a friendly argument about in any bar?
What things will automatically start an unfriendly argument?
What are the social taboos?
What things are simply “not done”?
What things are never talked about?
What would happen if someone did something socially unacceptable?
How do social taboos vary for different races and groups of people?
What are the biggest social faux pas?
What are considered to be faux pas?
What subjects or actions cause embarrassment or discomfort?
What are the society’s mores regarding courtship, marriage, and family?
Is marriage primarily a civil or a religious institution?
Why are people usually married?
What are the standards of beauty for people?
What are the standards of beauty for paintings and sculpture?
What are the standards of beauty for clothes and furniture?
What kind of ideal life do people aspire to?
What kinds of people are the rebels, outcasts, and misfits of this society?
How does society deal with them?
Who are the arbiters of ethics (as opposed to law)?
How did they become the arbiters?
What are the favorite art forms?
What are the least-favorite?
How respected are artists?
Do artists require official or unofficial protection or patronage?
What kinds of trouble are artists in particular likely to find themselves in?
How might a very successful artist live?
What forms of theatre does your society have?
How naturalistic or stylized is your society's art?
What shapes are most common in your society's arts, like embroidery or architecture?
Which art forms get the most and least respect?
What form does censorship take?
Who may not be an artist?
Do people enjoy looking at art? Does this vary among communities?
Do people enjoy doing art? Does this vary?
Is there any calligraphy? Who does it?
Does your culture have a distinct (or not so) musical style? What is it like?
How do people listen to music (in a theater, at home, on the street, mechanical)?
Does music influence people's behaviour?
Does this culture have a typical dance form? What is it like?
Who goes to see such entertainments?
Visual art
What kind of clothes do people wear? How does this vary by season, ethnicity, age, profession, etc?
How do the genders dress: what differences are there between men's and women's clothing and accessories?
How is clothing made, in small shops or larger factories?
How much does typical clothing cost?
How important is fashion to people? How does this vary by individual?
What kinds of jewelry do people wear? And when?
How do people react to tattoos? Piercings? Facial hair? Cosmetics?
What qualities equal 'beauty' in this society?
What makes a man or woman especially beautiful?
What do people wear?
How expensive is clothing?
Can the material be produced locally, or must some or all of it be imported?
Are certain clothes customary for certain occupations?
How much variation is allowed?
Is it quality or style which is most important?
How frequently does style and fashion change?
Who sets the trends?
Are the dyes for certain colours rare, making cloth of that colour more expensive or reserved for high-status people?
Are there sumptuary laws defining who may wear what?
What are the penalties for dressing above or below one’s station?
Who decides when changes are needed to such sumptuary laws?
How often are sumptuary laws adjusted?
How many changes of clothes can a normal person afford? A noble person?
How often do people change their clothes?
How often do people wash their clothes?
What are the current fashions in clothes? In hats? Jewelry? Shoes?
Do fashions differ for humans and non-humans?
Do they differ from country to country or from ethnicity to ethnicity?
What materials are appropriate for the climate?
What cloth must be imported, and is therefore used only for expensive clothing?
What styles are considered tacky and vulgar?
What types of decorations and accessories are common?
What colours and combinations of colours are thought to look good together, or to clash?
Do opinions on colours vary from race to race?
What physical features and characteristics are currently fashionable?
How do trends in physical beauty vary for non-humans?
Body modification
How far back does this societys written history go?
How far back do its people believe it goes?
How was this society founded? Who founded it and under what circumstances?
What were the chief powers in the time when this society was founded?
If it originated far away from here, how did it get here?
What is the worst disaster they believe they've faced?
What are the major events in this culture's past?
What was the best thing that ever happened to them?
What in their past makes them feel ashamed?
What in their past makes them proud?
What are they afraid of happening again?
How strongly are people attached or connected to their heritage?
How has this society changed? Do its current members realize this?
What are the most popular stories about the past?
Who in the past is the greatest hero? The worst villain?
Do people think the present better or worse than the past?
Do people believe the future will be better or worse than the present or past?
How far back are there records or tales of historical events?
How widely known are these stories?
Do average people believe the old tales, or do they dismiss some that have a basis in fact?
How long have there been people on this world?
Did they evolve, were they created by the gods, or did they migrate from somewhere else?
If there are non-humans, how long have they been around and where did they come from?
Where did the civilizations begin?
What directions did they spread?
How was development affected by the presence of working magic?
How was development affected by the existence of non-human races?
How have the actions of gods affected civilization’s development?
Which peoples, countries, ethnicities, and races have fought, been allies, traded, or traditionally been rivals?
Where are such old events still important or still causing hard feelings?
Which peoples, countries, ethnicities, and races have been in conflict or have allied in the recent past and why?
Which people are considered the most and least civilized?
Which people are the most and least technologically advanced?
Which people are the most and least magically advanced?
Does the layout of cities reflect some philosophy, such as that the “head” of the city must be at the center or the highest point?
Were layout considerations mainly practical or did most cities just grow?
Are there public or private parks in any cities?
What kinds of activities take place in parks?
Are cities generally laid out on a square-grid system of streets or are things more labyrinthine?
How wide are the streets and alleys normally?
What are the landmarks in each city?
Where are the interesting neighbourhoods?
What things give each area its special character?
Where do people go to shop? Where do they go to eat?
Is there an entertainment district? What kinds of entertainment are offered?
Does the city have tourists? What do they come to do?
Are certain cities known for certain activities or industries?
Given the magical and technological level of this society, what is an appropriate ratio of farmers to urban residents?
Given the state of the roads and of transportation, how much food is it possible to ship to a given location before it spoils?
Are rural areas primarily farms, forests, fields for grazing, or wastelands?
In outlying areas where there aren’t many people, how many roads are there?
How reliable is the weather from year to year?
Is crop production relatively dependable, or do people have to cope with regular famines due to drought or floods?
What kinds of catastrophic weather events are common?
Are there tornadoes, hurricanes, blizzards, waterspouts, dust storms, or sand storms?
How do people cope with adverse weather and weather-caused disasters?
How are farming areas divided between humans and non-humans?
What kinds of conflicts are likely between humans and non-humans?
Can common people own their own land, or does it all belong to a lord or other figure?
What kinds of rights over land, crops, game, and resources do landowners have?
How are country dwellers viewed by city folk?
How do the country folk feel about city dwellers?
Does the level of technological advancement match the level of social and political advancement?
What are the major political factions at present?
How long have the current political factions been around?
Which factions are allies and which are enemies?
Are there any potential new forces on the political scene?
How much influence do special interest groups (such as merchants, wizards, or religious sects) have on politics?
How do interest groups exercise their influence?
What political positions are considered conservative?
What political positions are considered liberal?
Are there political positions that are unthinkable?
Are there any shaky political alliances between disparate groups?
Why were the current alliances formed?
How long before current alliances fall apart, and, when they do, what will the effects be?
What ancient rivalries and hatreds still affect current attitudes and political positions?
Which nations have formal relations with other countries?
Who can be ambassadors and envoys?
Are there standing embassies and consulates, or are envoys sent only when something specific comes up?
How are treaties arranged?
Are there any significant ones currently in force or coming up for signing?
How much do official attitudes toward other countries affect commerce and trade?
Do merchants pretty much ignore tensions between governments as long as they can make a profit, or will this get them into trouble?
How much formal spying and intelligence gathering is normally done by governments?
How much spying is done by the military?
Do merchants (or companies) engage in espionage?
Who has the best information gathering system?
Which countries are traditional allies?
Which countries are traditional rivals?
How do these traditional alliances and rivalries affect foreign policy?
Which heads-of-state are related by blood or marriage?
How important are political marriages?
How do ties of blood and marriage affect foreign policy?
Is the culture religious or nonreligious?
What are the major religious groups in the region?
What are some of their core doctrines, dogmas, beliefs and practices?
What is the overall cosmology and eschatology in religious terms?
Is religion a cause of dissatisfaction, dissention or hostility in the region?
Are religious traditions and any scriptures oral or written in nature or a combination?
Is there a set canon of what consitutes officially sanctioned scripture?
How are scriptural / traditional exegesis accomplished and by what hermeneutics?
What is the role of myth within the religion?
Is there a formal creed or set of credal statements that define the faith?
What are typical symbols used in the religion and their meanings?
What ritual objects are used in the religion (relics, talismans, medals, charms, etc)?
What religious officials are there? Is there a formal clergy? How are they organised?
Are there monks, saints, faqirs, nuns, prophets, apostles, disciples, preachers, friars, shamans, martyrs, mystics, seers, vates, sages, ascetics, religious heroes, saviours, redeemers, etc?
What do people believe happens to them after death? How, if at all, can they influence this?
What happens to those who disagree with the majority on questions of religion?
Are there any particular places considered special or holy? What are they like?
Is there a set religious calendar? What are the most popular rituals or festivals?
Are there liturgical, meditative, and contemplative aspects to the religion?
What is the basic structure of the religion (unitary, dualistic, etc)?
What is the basic theology of the religion (i.e., monotheistic, polytheistic, henotheistc etc)?
What do people have to offer to their Deity or deities?
What do people want from their Deity or deities? How do they try and get it?
Are there differing denominations or sects of the religion?
How do their religious practices differ from their neighbours?
Are issues such as orthodoxy, heterodoxy, heresy and apostasy keys in the religious life?
What gender, ethnic, national or racial issues exist within the religion?
Is ecumenism engaged in, or are other traditions treated as adversaries or enemies?
What is the most commonly broken religious rule?
What is the least-violated religious rule?
How are such infractions punished? Is it possible to expel a community member?
How can an outsider join the religious community?
Does the religion send out missionaries? What role(s) do they play?
What factions exist within the dominant religious institutions? How do they compete?
Are the differing groups a result of schismatism or mutual and cooperative separation?
Are there monastic groups? What do they do and how are they organized? How do you join one?
Are there cult groups within the religious community?
How are those who follow different faiths treated?
What relationship do religious and political leaders have?
What superstitions are common? What kinds of supernatural events or beings do people fear?
What kinds of supernatural or othernatural beings exist in this religion (angels, demons, devi, asuras, spirits, ghosts, sprites, etc)?
How are dreams and visions encompassed by the religion?
How is religious action expressed (spontaneous or ritual liturgy, song, dance, music, ritual action, sex, miracle plays, etc)?
Are there actual gods or god-like beings?
If so, do they take an active role in the religions that worship them?
Do they take an active role in the lives of everyday people? If so, why?
How many gods are there, and is there a hierarchy among them?
Which gods are good or evil, or is this meaningless when speaking of gods?
How do various religions view non-believers?
How do the various religions view foreigners? Non-humans?
Which religions support the government, and which are more interested in ordinary people?
Is there a difference between miracles and magic?
If there is a difference, how are they distinguished?
Is there tension, rivalry, or outright hostility between any of the gods?
How do the relationships between the gods affect church politics?
Do the relationships between the gods affect people’s everyday lives?
Where does religion fit into this society?
Is there a state church?
Is freedom of religion normal?
Do people generally think of the temples and churches as parasites, or as useful parts of society?
If there are actual, demonstrable gods, what part does faith play in their worship?
Why do the gods wnat want worship?
What are the various religious rites like, and why?
What offerings are considered good?
Are people supposed to pick one or more gods to worship and ignore the others, or do most people pray to whomever is most likely to grant results in their situation?
How do people decide which god to worship or which temple to be affiliated with?
What part do the various religions and philosophies play in public and private life?
Are philosophers and theologians considered academics?
How much influence do the theories of philosophers and theologians have on the way people actually behave?
Are priests or philosophers full-time occupations, or do they need day jobs?
If they are full-time, who supports them?
Why are the gods interested in people?
Are they more human-like or are they transcendent and incomprehensible?
Do the gods have limits to what they can do?
Are there limits to what the gods will do?
Can the gods make mistakes?
How do the various temples and philosophies explain the classic problem of evil?
Describe any kind of division of labour, such as into physical versus mental versus spiritual.
Is there any especial prestige attached to some category of labour or a particular job?
What jobs are considered mucky or are particularly depreciated?
What professions or activities are considered masculine?
What professions or activities are viewed as feminine?
What are usual working hours? Are there days of rest or holidays?
How does this differ between different jobs?
What jobs have few workers and why?
What are typical wages for various jobs?
How does work affect lifestyle and health?
What sort of jobs are preferred by which people? Are some jobs denied to certain groups?
What are the ethical oaths or codes that govern various jobs? Is there a difference in ethics between manual and mental or spiritual work?
What goods are produced and where are they produced?
What are the major trade goods?
Are there trading centres?
What is the local economy based on?
How is commerce engaged in?
If levied, how are taxes collected? What are such revenues used for? How does taxation affect the people?
What do people expect from their government in return for the taxes paid?
Mixed economy
What is the local currency like? How is it subdivided? What is is based on (metal, labour, fiat)?
Is currency issued by a central authority or by some decentralised means?
How does it compare to other neighbouring currencies?
How has the value of the currency changed or fluctuated recently?
How are coins and notes produced? How common are forgeries?
How is wealth distributed?
Is there a public banking system?
Who uses it? What benefits does it bring? At what cost?
Is there a large gap between the wealth of the rich and poor? What expectations do each group have from the other?
What constitutes "poverty" in this society?
Oil & gas
Textile and clothing
Retail FMCG
Legal services
Describe the education of the societies people: formal schooling, apprenticeship, etc.
If education is mainly by apprenticeship, how is this accomplished?
Is education compulsory / offered to everyone? What is the cost of education?
Between which ages does education happen?
How are year groups and academic years arranged?
How are curricula arranged? What courses are typically offered?
What degrees or diplomas are offered by schools?
What do schools / colleges / universities look like?
What are the classrooms like? What is a typical class size
Who is in charge of education in the country, and in each individual school?
Does this society have its own language? Its own writing system?
How common is literacy? How is literacy viewed?
What form and value are books?
Who teaches others? How do they teach?
Who decides who learns to read or write?
Who teaches professions, like carpenter or scribe?
Are foreigners ever brought in to teach new skills? Who does that?
How much does it cost to get various levels of education?
What education is available, and where?
Are there schoolhouses in every town, or do ordinary people have to travel if they want to be educated?
Are there universities? Private tutors?
What is the literacy level in the general population?
Is literacy considered a useful or necessary skill for nobility, or something only scribes, clerks, or servants need?
What areas are considered absolutely necessary knowledge for a courtier?
Which areas of education are nice but not necessary?
What areas of knowledge would be slightly embarrassing if anyone found out about them?
How respected are teachers and scholars?
Who supports educators?
Are there anti-intellectual groups?
Is education legally restricted in any way?
Are there people for whom education is illegal?
Apart from face to face, how do people communicate with each other?
Is there a postal service? How fast is it? How much does it cost to use? What restrictions are there on packet delivery? Does the post operate internationally? How likely is it that an article sent in the post will reach its intended destination?
What technical or mechanical means of communications exist?
How do people find out what is happening in the world?
How slanted is the news they get this way, and in what direction?
Is there freedom of the press? If not, who controls or censors it, by what means, and for what purpose?
How are books produced?
Are books common or are they valuable hand-written objects?
Where are the great libraries and collections?
Are the great libraries open to scholars, wizards, and/or the general public?
Who supports the libraries?
Real estate
Waste disposal
What is the average life expectancy? How does this differ between different regions, races or ethnicities?
What access do people have to clean drinking water (at home or in public)?
What access do people have to proper sanitation (at home or in public)?
Do houses or public buildings have plumbing? Cold and warm water?
Describe any public or private bathing or latrine facilities.
How is healthcare delivered in this society; what are its foundations?
Are there hospitals or sanitaria where many forms of health care are concentrated; or are practitioners more diffuse within the community?
Do people have access to any form of medical aid for emergencies or for less urgent problems?
What kinds of ailments or injuries are treatable in the locality using available supplies and expertise?
What does typical healthcare cost?
How do this societies doctors try to treat wounds and sickness?
Which medical assumptions of this society are wrong?
Do people seek care on an as-needed or emergency basis; or is health care seen as a preventative endeavour.
How often do people see their doctor, dentist or other healthcare provider?
Is a distinction made between physical and nonphysical ailments?
What happens to those suffering from extreme mental illness? Spiritual illness? Other?
How do people react to physical deformity (both congenital and acquired)?
At what level is medicine?
Who are the healers?
Do you have to have a talent to heal?
Who trains healers, herbalists, apothecaries, surgeons, magical and non-magical?
What customs surround death and burial?
Is there a special class of people (doctors, priests, funeral directors, untouchables) who deal with dead bodies?
How accurate is the diagnostic process?
Do healers have ways of telling two diseases apart if they have similar symptoms?
Do healers depend on standard physical medical tests (reflexes, temperature, dilated pupils) or do they normally use spells for diagnosis?
How expensive are healers?
How available are such services to ordinary people?
How much is known about anatomy, physiology, pathology, psychology, and so on?
Are treatments based on purely practical experience, or do healers understand at least some of what they are doing?
Are there stories (true or false) about why certain remedies work or fail?
How much training does a healer normally get?
Is healing generally a magical process?
Is there a reliable method of birth control?
Who normally handles births?
What is the maternal mortality rate> The infant mortality rate?
Who can become a healer?
Are there various kinds of healers (herbalists, wise-women, pharmacists, apothecaries, surgeons, doctors, nurses, witchdoctors)?
If there are different kinds of healers, why are the distinctions made?
What kinds of treatments are available and how effective are they?
Is it possible to resurrect or resuscitate someone who has died?
If revival is possible, how long is it before it becomes impossible, or before serious brain damage sets in?
How is insanity treated?
Are there asylums or treatment centres?
How effective are treatments for insanity?
How much do the physical differences between human and non-human races affect their medical treatment?
Are there some diseases that only affect non-humans, or only humans?
Are some treatments lethal to one species but effective in another?
Do physicians have to specialize in non-human medicine in order to do a good job of it?
Mass media