Kategorier: Alle - indicaciones - técnica - ventajas - sutura

av Giorgina Noguera 4 år siden



La sutura intradérmica es una técnica sencilla ideal para el cierre de heridas con poca tensión, destacando por su rápida cicatrización y beneficios estéticos. Esta técnica atraviesa la piel a 2 cm de la herida.



The first division between continents was made by ancient Greek navigators, who named them 'landmass, terra firma'.

Generally classified by convention rather than any strict criteria, nowadays seven regions are regarded as continents from a geopolitical point of view.


Antarctica is not only the coldest place on Earth but also the highest, driest, windiest and emptiest, completely covered with ice.

75% of the world's ice and 70% of the Earth's fresh water is located here.

Summer months of December to February give 24 hours of light, while the winter months of late March to late September are pitch dark the whole day.

There are no permanent inhabitants, except for scientists maintaining research stations in Antarctica.

Heridas sometidas a tensión
Heridas sucias
Espacios muertos
Heridas profundas
Reducir tensión de herida
Cuida la estética de la zona
Velocidad en la cicatrización
Ahorro en el material de sutura

Antarctica sees half a year of light and half a year of complete darkness.
Write down which months give 24 hours of light, and which are the ones that give pitch darkness the whole day.

Atraviesa la piel a 2 cm de la herida cutánea.
Es una sutura rápida de emplear

The coldest natural temperature ever recorded on Earth was recorded here.

Write it down.

Explicación breve del procedimiento de una sutura intradérmica

Write down the temperatures of the Frozen Continent during the summer and the winter.

Técnica relativamente sencilla para el cierre cutáneo de heridas sometidas a escasa tensión.


You can find on this continent:

Heridas sucias, con signos de infección, necrosis, mala vascularización.
Zonas de mucha tensión.

The world's largest snake and the second-longest lives here.

Name this snake as well as other animals that can be found in South America.


The world's highest uninterrupted waterfall can be found here.

Write down its name, height and the country in which you can find it.

Se realiza con material no reabsorbible.
Punto hemostático
Proporciona una buena eversión de los bordes.
No precisa punto invertido previo.
Una sola operación, suturar varios planos

There are 12 countries that make up South America.

Name as many of you can! Don't forget about their capitals.

Sutura continúa en la que cada punto atraviesa perpendicularmente la herida, en sentido opuesto al punto anterior.


Of the seven continents of the world, Africa is the second largest.

Africa comprises 54 countries and it is the hottest continent.

The equator passes through the middle of Africa and it receives direct sunlight throughout the year.

The world gets 66% of its chocolate, 50% of the gold and 95% of the diamonds from Africa.

Explicación del procedimiento de una sutura discontinua
Punto simple con nudo enterrado o invertido
Punto simple

What are the major animals found in Africa?
Also, there are a few species that can be found only in Africa.

Name at least 6 of these animals.

Son las más empleadas.
Más facilidad para quitar los puntos.
Favorece el drenaje de la herida.
Los puntos se van repartiendo uniformemente a lo largo de la herida.
Cada punto realizado es independiente del otro.

The largest hot desert in the world which used to be a lush region with many plants and animals.

The current climate makes it a difficult place for any life to exist. It is hot, dry, and windy.
Very hot during the day but the temperature can drop sometimes to below freezing at nights.

It rarely rains, some regions can go years without seeing a drop of rain.

Name this desert.

Heridas sucias, con signos de infección

The world's longest river can be found here, famed for its ancient history and the archaeological sites along its shores.
This river gave rise to the early Egyptian civilization.

Name this river and add its length.

Laceraciones, para reaproximación de bordes

Out of 54, how many countries you can name?

How about these countries' capitals?

Se utiliza en heridas de urgencia y son las más apropiadas en cirugía menor
Las suturas discontinuas son el tipo de sutura más utilizado, rápido y sencillo de ejecutar.


Asia is the world's largest continent of the seven continents in size, as it covers one-third of the earth's surface.

It includes 50 countries, and it is the most populated continent, 60% of the total population of the Earth lives here.

Explicación del procedimiento para suturas continuas.
Heridas sucias, con signos de infección, necrosis, mala vascularización.
Zonas donde la estética es primordial.
En zonas que no están sometidas a tensión
Heridas largas, rectilíneas.
Punto continuo intradermico.
Punto continuo bloqueante
Punto continuo simple

Asia houses the highest point on earth.
Name this summit and write down how tall it is.

Si se afecta un punto, se afecta toda la herida.
Tienen buen resultado estético
Los puntos se realizan continuamente sin cortar el hilo.
Ejecución más rápido

The only man-made structure that can be seen from space is located here.

Name this construction and add other facts about it.

Realizarla es mas rápido que dar puntos independientes y presenta el riesgo de que se abra la herida por la fractura del hilo o la dehiscencia de los bordes.