Kategorier: Alle - education - collaboration - advocacy - justice

av Media Intern 3 12 år siden


TA Providers

Two organizations focus on enhancing the justice system's response to crime victims and violence against women. The National Crime Victim Law Institute (NCVLI) in Oregon aims to promote fairness in the justice system through legal advocacy, education, and resource sharing.

TA Providers

TA Providers by State


Legal Resource Center for Violence Against Women

The mission of the Legal Resource Center on Violence Against Women (LRC) is to improve legal representation for domestic violence survivors. Specifically, the LRC works to obtain legal representation for domestic violence survivors in interstate custody cases and to provide technical assistance to domestic violence victim advocates and attorneys in such cases.


Legal Resource Center on Violence Against Women Technical Assistance Program - The LRC is working to increase and to improve the legal representation available to survivors by: 1) Developing a network of highly qualified attorneys who will represent survivors in interstate custody cases; 2) Offering training, support, and Internet-based resources to practitioners, including attorneys, victim advocates, and others; 3)Encouraging the next generation of attorneys to take these cases through developing curricular materials for law schools; and 4)Working with law firms and the private bar to increase the availability of free or low cost representation for survivors around the country.

POC: Deborah Goelman

6930 Carroll Avenue, Suite 428

Takoma Park, Maryland 20912

(301) 270-1550

Email: mwendolyn@msn.com (VAWOR)

Improving Legal Representation for DV Survivors in Interstate Custody and Relocation Cases - With this OVW award, the Legal Resource Center will collaborate with local, state, and national organizations to expand and improve legal representation and advocacy for domestic violence survivors in interstate custody cases and relocation matters.

POC: Deborah Goelman

6930 Carroll Avenue, Suite 428

Takoma Park, Maryland 20912

(301) 270-1550

Email: lrc@lrcvaw.org (OVW)

International Association of Forensic Nurses

The mission of the IAFN is to provide leadership in forensic nursing practice by developing, promoting, and disseminating information internationally about forensic nursing science.


Sexual Assault Forensic Examination Protocol - The purpose of the project is to: disseminate the National Protocol for Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Examinations of Adults and Adolescents of September 2004, establish a National Toll Free Help Line for technical assistance, develop an interactive technical assistance web site for the SAFE Protocol, provide limited on-site technical assistance to communities struggling to establish and/or maintain SART initiatives, and provide a national training and education plan

POC: Carey Goryl

6755 Business Parkway, Ste 303

Elkridge, Maryland 21075

(410) 626-7805

Email: careygoryl@iafn.org (VAWOR & OVW)

The SANE Sustainability Education Project - The International Association of Forensic Nurses and the National Sexual Violence Resource Center will collaborate on the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (SANE) Sustainability Education Project to provide research-informed, victim-centered, accessible training and technical assistance to SANE Programs in an effort to increase program sustainability.

POC: Carey Goryl

6755 Business Parkway, Ste 303

Elkridge, Maryland 21075

(410) 626-7805

Email: careygoryl@iafn.org (OVW)

Elkridge, MD 21075-6740



Minnesota Indian Women's Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Through unity, we will strengthen our voices and build resources to create awareness and eliminate sexual violence against Indian women and children.

We will vigorously apply our efforts toward influencing social change and reclaim our traditional values that honor the sovereignty of Indian women and children.


TA to Tribal Sexual Assault Service Programs - Minnesota Indian Women's Sexual Assault Coalition will provide targeted assistance to grantees funded under the Tribal Sexual Assault Services Program to support Tribal programs in implementing effective and culturally relevant strategies for prevention and intervention in addressing sexual violence across the lifespan within American Indian/Alaska Native communities.

POC: Nicole Matthews

1619 Dayton Ave, Suite 303

St. Paul, Minnesota 55104-

(651) 646-4800

Email: nmatthews@mimwsac.org (OVW)

Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault

The Sexual Violence Justice Institute equips multidisciplinary teams and allied professionals with the concepts, tools, training and resources needed to create a victim-centered response to sexual violence within their local communities. Our location within the Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault connects our work to philosophy and experience grounded in the voices of victims/survivors and those who work most closely with them. SVJI’s National Technical Assistance Project currently focuses on the following four areas: an In-Depth Technical Assistance Project, General Technical Assistance to GTEAP or Arrest grantees, Directed Support to State or Territorial Team Leaders, and a National Institute for SART Leaders.


Training and Technical Assistance for Multidisciplinary Sexual Assault Response Teams -

Through its Sexual Violence Justice Institute (The Institute), the Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault (MNCASA) will provide OVW grantees with technical assistance on creating and enhancing a collaborative, multi-disciplinary, victim-centered team response to sexual violence.

POC: Donna Dunn

161 St. Anthony Avenue Suite 1001

Saint Paul, Minnesota 55103

(651) 209-9993

Email: donna@mncasa.org (OVW)

Protocol Development for Sexual Assault (VAWOR)

Assistance for STOP Administrators on the Multidisciplinary Response to Sexual Assault - The Sexual Violence Justice Institute at the Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault will provide STOP Administrators with training on the elements of effective sexual assault response teams; with customized technical assistance to enable them to address current challenges with SARTs; and with information on the healthy ecology for SARTs.

POC: Donna Dunn

161 St. Anthony Avenue Suite 1001

Saint Paul, Minnesota 55103

(651) 209-9993 x 201

Email: donna@mncasa.org (OVW)

Mending the Sacred Hoop, Inc.

Mending the Sacred Hoop is a Native program that began with the desire to change and enhance the way systems and service providers respond to violence against Indian women. Our primary purpose is to improve safety for Native women who experience battering, sexual assault, and stalking by assisting tribes through training, technical assistance, and resource material specifically addressing violence against American Indian/Alaskan Native women.


Mending the Sacred Hoop Technical Assistance Project - The Technical Assistance Project provides technical assistance, training, and resources to Office on Violence Against Women Tribal Program grantees. (VAWOR)

MSH TEchnical Assistance Project (VAWOR)

Tribal TA & Training (VAWOR)

Comprehensive Technical Assistance Project for Grants to Indian Tribal Governments Grantees - The funded project will assist OVW in fulfilling its goal of providing training and technical assistance to a broad spectrum of Tribes and Tribal organizations which receive funding under a number of OVW grant programs and will allow grantees an opportunity to receive substantive training on program development and management.

POC: Jeremy NeVilles-Sorell

202 E Superior Street

Duluth, Minnesota 55802-

(218) 623-4667

Email: jeremy@mshoop.org (OVW)

Duluth, MN 55802

Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community (IDVAAC)

The Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community (IDVAAC) is an organization focused on the unique circumstances of African Americans as they face issues related to domestic violence – including intimate partner violence, child abuse, elder maltreatment, and community violence. IDVAAC’s mission is to enhance society’s understanding of and ability to end violence in the African American community. Within this context, IDVAAC works with African American communities, including families, individuals, and organizations serving the target population; legal and criminal justice systems; family and community violence practitioners; researchers; and policymakers around efforts to build the knowledge base regarding African Americans and domestic violence and to develop strategies to meet the service needs of this population.


Conference on Race, Culture and Social Context - The Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community, within the Regents of the University of Minnesota, will provide specialized training and technical assistance to OVW grantees and/or entities that would otherwise be eligible for OVW grant funding on how to more effectively address violence against black women of African descent.

POC: Amber Fink

450 McNamara Alumni Center 200 Oak Street SE

Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455

(651) 624-5599

Email: awards@umn.edu (OVW)

Supervised Visitation & Cultural Responsiveness - The Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community (IDVAAC) provides technical assistance to Safe Havens: Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange grantees to enhance the delivery to supervised visitation and exchange services to culturally-specific and culturally diverse communities using centers in cases involving domestic violence.

POC: Amber Fink

Office of Sponsored Projects Administration 450 McNamara Alumni Center, 200 Oak Street SE

Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455

(612) 624-0534

Email: awards@umn.edu (OVW)

Safe Return Initiative - a partnership the Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community with support from the Office on Violence Against Women—addresses domestic violence among African-Americans as prisoners reunite with their families. Through community education, training, and on-site assistance, Safe Return helps professionals in criminal justice agencies and community- and faith-based organizations who are involved in the federal government’s Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative develop responses to the difficult issues their clients experience.

POC: Amber Fink

Office of Sponsored Projects Administration 450 McNamara Alumni Center, 200 Oak Street SE

Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455

(612) 624-5599

Email: awards@umn.edu (OVW)

Technical Assistance for Enhancing Culturally & Linguistically Specific Services - The Institute on Domestic Violence in the African American Community will serve on the National Associates Pool for the Culturally and Linguistically Specific Services Program and will provide targeted technical assistance that will ensures grantees are implementing effective and efficient culturally relevant intervention and prevention strategies.

POC: Oliver Williams

Office of Sponsored Projects Administration 450 McNamara Center, 200 Oak Street SE

Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455

(612) 624-9217

Email: owilliam@umn.edu (OVW)

Casa de Esperanza

Founded in St. Paul, Minnesota, in 1982, Casa de Esperanza’s mission is to mobilize Latinas and Latino communities to end domestic violence. Rooted in Latino communities and grounded in their realities, the organization comprises three primary work areas: 1) direct service/family advocacy; 2) community engagement; and 3) technical assistance and training, to enhance Latinos’ access to systems and organizations.


Casa de Esperanza’s Technical Assistance Program - Casa de Esperanza’s areas of expertise include: Latino families and domestic violence; advocacy and domestic violence within a Latino context; Latino youth peer-to-peer education: violence prevention and healthy relationships; Latina leadership and peer-to-peer education; engaging Latino communities; acculturation; immigrant realities and serving immigrants; sustainability and resource development; and partnership development. (VAWOR)

Culturally and Linguistically Specific Services for Victims Program (VAWOR)

Technical Assistance for Latino-Serving Advocacy Organizations - Casa de Esperanza will provide targeted technical assistance to ensure OVW grantees serving Latino communities and non-grantee Latino organizations expand their capacity to serve battered Latinas and their families.

POC: Amy Sanchez

1821 University Ave. Suite S-155

Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104

(651) 646-5553

Email: asanchez@casadeesperanza.org (OVW)

Training and TA for CLSSP Grantees - Casa de Esperanza will provide targeted technical assistance to grantees funded under the Culturally Specific Services Program to ensure community based programs implement effective and efficient culturally relevant strategies for prevention and intervention in domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking in the diverse and underserved communities that they serve.

POC: Amy Sanchez

1821 University Ave. Suite S-155

Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104

(651) 646-5553

Email: asanchez@casadeesperanza.org (OVW)


Mississippi Coalition Against Sexual Assault

Foster a greater awareness of the trauma of rape and sexual assault through training and education; to distribute information regarding the nature, history and prevention of rape and sexual assault to affected families and the general public; to assist in the formation of support groups at local levels; and to educate service providers to become better advocates for victims of rape and sexual assault. The coalition membership is now made up of center staff, volunteers, survivors, representatives of health care agencies, social services, public safety professionals, victim advocates and concerned citizens trained to work with sexual assault victims.


OVW Campus Technical Assistance - MSCASA will provide training and technical assistance to Campus grantees disciplinary review/judicial boards to respond effectively to VAW issues. Mississippi Coalition Against Sexual Assault will continue to provide specialized training and technical assistance to Campus Program grantees on developing and implementing effective policy, protocols and training programs for campus disciplinary board on domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking.

POC: Levette Kelly Johnson

510 George Street Suite 400

Jackson, Mississippi 39202

(601) 948-0555

Email: lkelly@mscasa.org (VAWOR & OVW)

New York

Violence Intervention Program, Inc.

The National Latino Alliance for the Elimination of Domestic Violence (Alianza) is part of a national effort to address the domestic violence needs and concerns of under-served populations. Its work addresses the intersection between race, culture and domestic violence and focuses on the specific cultural, linguistic, social and legal issues affecting Latino/a families. Alianza represents a growing network of Latina and Latino advocates, practitioners, researchers, community activists, and survivors of domestic violence. Alianza’s mission is to: promote understanding, initiate and sustain dialogue, and generate solutions that move toward the elimination of domestic violence affecting Latino communities, with an understanding of the sacredness of all relations and communities. Alianza carries out work in four areas: Community Education, Policy, Research and Training and Technical Assistance.


Office on Violence Against Women Technical Assistance Project - The project is part of Alianza’s overall emphasis on providing bilingual materials and other T&TA resources that will help OVW grantees and other DV providers better serve Latina survivors of domestic violence and their families. Specifically, we are developing: 1) a bilingual support group/self-empowerment Curriculum and Facilitator Guide that incorporate culturally sensitive and responsive information about domestic violence and Latina survivors and families; about cultural, spiritual, and community strengths and assets; about the impact of social and economic factors; and that provides empowerment tools and resource reading materials and references; and 2) conducting four regional Train-the-Trainer sessions for Support Group Facilitators. These funds are part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and will assist by training Recovery Act grantees on preserving and creating jobs and promoting economic recovery.

POC: Adelita Medina

PO Box 2787

Espanola, New Mexico 87532

(505) 224-9080

Email: adelitam@dvalianza.org (VAWOR & OVW)

National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs

NCAVP is a national coalition of local member programs that work to prevent, respond to, and end all forms of violence against and within lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ), and HIV-affected communities. NCAVP coordinates a national training and technical assistance center on LGBTQ cultural competency.


National LGBTQ Training and Technical Assistance Center - The NCAVP LGBTQ TTA Center provides free ongoing technical assistance and support to current and potential Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) grantees nationwide through a toll-free warmline number, list serve, deaf-accessible instant messaging AIM, and resource bank of LGBTQ anti-violence materials.

New York, NY 10001


Legal Momentum

Legal Momentum advances the rights of women and girls by using the power of the law and creating innovative public policy.


Expanding Judicial and Multidisciplinary Use of the National Judicial Education Program''s Materials on Adult Victim Sexual Assault - The National Judicial Education Program (NJEP) promotes equal treatment for women and men in the courts in order to achieve gender fairness in judicial decision making and courtroom interaction. NJEP educates judges, lawyers, law professors and law students about the ways gender bias can be a factor across the spectrum of civil, criminal, family and juvenile law cases and how to prevent it. NJEP also conducts trainings and provides educational materials for judges, prosecutors, forensic sexual assault examiners, law enforcement and advocates respecting the legal, social science and medical knowledge necessary to conduct rape trials fair to both victims and defendants. The National Judicial Education Program, a project of Legal Momentum, will provide technical assistance, training, and resources on the intersection of adult sexual assault and the judicial system to OVW grantees, judges, state judicial educators, justice

POC: Lynn Schafran

Legal Momentum 395 Hudson Street, 5th Floor

New York, New York 10014

(212) 413-7518 x 7518 (VAWOR & OVW)

Immigrant Women Program - The Immigrant Women Program (IWP) advocates for legal protections, social services and economic justice for immigrant women while reforming laws, policies and practices that may harm them. With this Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) Technical Assistance award, Legal Momentum's Immigrant Women's Program will provide a range of training and technical assistance designed to improve the capacity of OVW grantees to provide culturally appropriate and effective services for immigrant victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking.

POC: Leslye Orloff

395 Hudson Street, 5th Floor

New York, New York 10014

(202) 210-8886

Email: leslyeorloff@gmail.com (VAWOR & OVW)

A Call To Men

A CALL TO MEN is a leading national men’s organization addressing domestic and sexual violence prevention and the promotion of healthy manhood. We are committed to maintaining strong partnerships with women’s organizations already doing this important work.


Training and Technical Assistance Engaging Men in Preventing Violence Against Women Project - Tides Center will provide expertise on organizing communities in order to raise awareness and get men involved in ending violence against women.

POC: Ted Bunch

342 Broadway, Suite 163

New York, California 10013-

(917) 922-6738

Email: acalltomen@gmail.com (OVW)


National Crime Victim Lawa Institute

NCVLI is a nonprofit educational organization located at Lewis & Clark Law School in Portland, Oregon. NCVLI’s mission is to actively promote balance and fairness in the justice system through crime victim-centered legal advocacy, education, and resource sharing. NCVLI accomplishes its mission through education and training; technical assistance to attorneys; promotion of the National Alliance of Victims’ Rights Attorneys; research and analysis of developments in crime victim law; and provision of information on crime victim law to crime victims and other members of the public. In addition, NCVLI actively participates as amicus curiae in cases involving crime victims’ rights nationwide.


Victims' Rights Litigation Project - The National Crime Victim Law Institute will provide training and technical assistance for OVW grantees and/or sub-grantees on asserting and enforcing victims' rights within the criminal justice system.

POC: Margaret Garvin

310 SW 4th Ave. Suite 540

Portland, Oregon 97204

(503) 768-6958

Email: garvin@lclark.edu (OVW)

Portland, OR 97204



Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape/ National Sexual Violence Resource Center

The National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) is the nation’s principle information and resource center regarding all aspects of sexual violence. With a comprehensive online library collection and customized technical assistance services it is a hub for information, research, and emerging policy on sexual violence intervention and prevention.


OVW Symposium - The US Department of Justice’s Office on Violence Against Women sponsored Learning from the Past, Shaping the Future: A Symposium Commemorating the 10th Anniversary of the Violence Against Women Act on September 13-14, 2004 in Washington DC.

The Symposium, with over 500 invited attendees, featured presentations by dozens of renowned speakers representing diverse communities affected by violence against women; and myriad programs whose work has been enhanced by the visionary Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), originally passed in 1994. Topics included sexual assault, stalking, and domestic violence in rural, urban, and tribal communities; the impact of violence on older women, immigrants, women of color, and other specific populations. (VAWOR)

Sexual Violence Across Lifespan - The National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) will continue to implement the Sexual Assault Across the Lifespan National Technical Assistance Project. The project will provide training and technical assistance to address sexual assault across the lifespan by increasing understanding and implementation of trauma-informed service delivery systems for victims of sexual assault.

POC: Karen Baker

125 North Enola Drive

Enola, Pennsylvania 17025

(717) 909-0710 x 101

Email: kbaker@nsvrc.org (OVW)

SANE Sustainability Project - Through the provision of free on-site technical assistance, information dissemination and follow-up consultation this, this project aims to build sustainable SANE programs by increasing access to information, building SANE program staff capacity and enhancing collaborative efforts between victim advocates and forensic nurses. (VAWOR)

Just Rural Training and Technical Assistance Project - The National Sexual Violence Resource Center will conduct a needs assessment and provide training and technical assistance to current OVW rural grantees to enhance advocacy services for victims of sexual violence. This project prioritizes training and technical assistance on the core competencies needed to effectively respond to child sexual assault in Rural communities. With support from the Office on Violence Against Women, this project aims to develop an increased understanding of child sexual assault within the OVW Rural Grantee Program.

POC: Sally Laskey

125 North Enola Drive

Enola, Pennsylvania 17025

(717) 909-0710

Email: slaskey@nsvrc.org (OVW)

Building Capacity for Comprehensive SA Services in the US territories - This project will serve 5 US Territories (GU, CNMI, AS, PR, VI) in developing, enlarging, strengthening victim assistance programs, supporting formal and informal territory-wide multidisciplinary efforts. (VAWOR)

Aequitas: The Prosecutors'' Resource on Violence Against Women - Through this cooperative agreement, the Prosecutors' Resource on Violence Against Women (AEquitas), a project of the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape, will provide training, technical assistance, and resources to prosecutors and allied professionals.

POC: Christina Mathews

125 North Enola Drive

Enola, Pennsylvania 17025

202) 596-4226

Email: cmathews@aequitasresource.org (OVW)

National Sexual Assault Conference - PCAR, along with the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault and the Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault, will be hosting the National Sexual Assault Conference (NSAC) on an annual basis, with each coalition serving as the host organization alternately over the next 3 years; ICASA 2012, CALCASA 2013, and PCAR 2014. This offers NSAC to a geographically diverse constituency and expands access to the conference to all regions of the U.S.

POC: Joyce Lukima

125 North Enola Drive

Enola, Pennsylvania 17025

(717) 728-9740

Email: jlukima@pcar.org (OVW)

Pennsylvania Coalition Against Domestic Violence/ Women of Color Network


National Center on Full Faith and Credit Project (PCADV FFC)

National Call to Action Training and Technical Assistance Team - The Women of Color Network National Call to Action Training and Technical Assistance Team Project is targeted to Management and Executive Directors of sexual assault and domestic violence state coalitions to provide training and technical assistance on culturally relevant services for communities of color. WOCN will develop a National Call to Action Anti-Oppression Promising Practices Manual and Organizational Audit Tool for sexual assault and domestic violence state coalitions; provide advanced on-site National Call to Action anti-oppression technical assistance and training; and build a network of sexual assault and domestic violence coalition management staff.

POC: Tonya Lovelace

3605 Vartan Way Suite 101

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17110

(717) 545-6400

Email: tl@pcadv.org (VAWOR & OVW)

Women of Color Network - The mission of the Women of Color Network (WOCN) is to provide and enhance leadership capacity and resources that promote the activities of women of color advocates and activists within the Sovereign Nations, the United States and U.S. Territories to address the elimination of violence against women and families. These funds are part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and will assist by training Recovery Act grantees on preserving and creating jobs and promoting economic recovery.

POC: Tonya Lovelace

3605 Vartan Way Suite 101

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17110

(717) 545-6400

Email: tl@pcadv.org (VAWOR & OVW)


Texas Association Against Sexual Assault

TAASA was founded on a simple principle: to assist sexual assault survivors and to create a Texas free from sexual violence. TAASA advocates for individual sexual assault survivors as well as sexual assault programs collectively. That advocacy takes many forms, from supporting legislation favorable to victims and strengthening laws against sexual predators, to advocating for increased funding for sexual assault programs at both the federal and state levels. Since 1982, TAASA has provided statewide and regional trainings/conferences to over 100,000 Texans and provided over 6 million materials through rape crisis centers and community partners free of charge.


Engaging Men as Allies -

The Texas Association Against Sexual Assault will provide expertise on sexual assault for the Engaging Men Grant Program.

POC: Morgan Curtis

6200 La Calma, Ste 110

Austin, Texas 78752-

(512) 474-7190 x 31

Email: mcurtis@taasa.org (OVW)


FaithTrust Institute

FaithTrust Institute is a national, multifaith, multicultural training and education organization with global reach working to end sexual and domestic violence.


TA Project -

• Develop webinars and web-conferencing to deliver technical assistance to the institutes and STOP grantees.

• Provide training for OVW staff, STOP administrators and local faith leaders and advocates.

• Provide technical assistance on teen dating violence.

• Provide technical assistance workshop at the annual conference (3 total) of three institutes in three separate cities where the conferences will be held.

• Develop and implement one planning meeting with OVW and the Chaplains Office of DOD in order to explore a plan for training military chaplains on domestic violence.

Seattle, WA 98103


End Violence Against Women International

End Violence Against Women (EVAW) International works to improve the response of the criminal justice system and community professionals to violence against women. We provide education, training, and research, and we promote multidisciplinary collaboration which enables responding professionals to better support victims and hold offenders accountable. We also foster effective prevention programs and public education, all toward the vision of eliminating violence against women.


OnLine Traning Institute - By disseminating information about the On-Line Training Institute (OLTI), offering the training for free, expanding the content, and providing ongoing technical assistance, End Violence Against Women International (EVAW) will bring state-of-the-art information and resource materials to OVW grant recipients or anyone working in a position that could potentially be supported by an OVW or STOP grant: law enforcement officers, forensic examiners, victim advocates (both system and community-based), prosecutors, probation officials, judges, court personnel, mental health professionals, other health care providers, faith leaders, social service providers, civil legal attorneys, and other relevant partners involved in responding to sexual assault crimes.

POC: Joanne Archambault

P.O. Box 33

Addy, Washington 99101

(509) 684-9800 (OVW)

Forensic Compliance Technical Assistance - End Violence Against Women International (EVAW) will provide training and technical assistance to States to improve access to, and payment for, forensic exams for victims of sexual assault who do not wish to report the crime at the time of the exam.

POC: Joanne Archambault

P.O. Box 33

Addy, Washington 99101

(509) 684-9800

Email: joanne@evawintl.org (OVW)



FORGE was founded in 1994 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to provide peer support primarily to those on the female-to-male (FTM) gender spectrum and local Significant Others, Friends, Family, and Allies (SOFFAs). Over the years, our scope has grown to include everyone in the transgender community (which we define as including SOFFAs), and many of our programs have become national. You’ll find information about the training and technical assistance we provide, plus descriptions of our major current projects.


Transgender Survivors Training and Technical Assistance Project - FORGE, Inc. will increase the number of OVW grant recipients that can provide culturally competent services to transgender survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and dating violence.

POC: Michael Munson

1633 N. Prospect Ave #3B (PO Box 1272)

Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53201

(414) 559-2123

Email: mmunson@forge-forward.org (OVW)


University of Southern Maine (USM) - Edmund S. Muskie School of Public Service

In 1990, when the Edmund S. Muskie School of Public Service was named in his honor, Senator Muskie challenged students, faculty, and researchers to make a real difference in the lives of the people of Maine and the nation. Through its teaching, research and public service, the School is educating leaders, informing policy and practice, and strengthening civic life. In all its activities, the School carries on the values, ideals and contributions of Edmund S. Muskie as exemplified in his long and distinguished career as a public servant for Maine and the nation.


VAWA Measuring Effectiveness Initiative - The Muskie School’s VAWA Measuring Effectiveness Initiative (MEI) is a multi-method, multi-source data collection strategy to enable grantees to measure the effectiveness of their OVW-administered VAWA grants. The Initiative supports grantees in reporting how their OVW funded project is making a difference in their communities, particularly with regard to the victims they are serving.

In this proposed cooperative agreement, VAWA MEI will address work in cooperation with and under the direction of OVW to accomplish the following objectives: the Muskie School will focus on the data collection, analysis, and dissemination of data submitted by all OVW grantees and subgrantees through converting, reviewing, cleaning, and analyzing data submitted to OVW. They will disseminate information on the effectiveness of OVW-funded grants to OVW,Congress, grantees, and the public. They will provide training and technical assistance to all OVW grantees on how to accurately complete the reporting forms, and to OVW and STOP Administrators on how to review grantee/subgrantee reporting forms video training tool for the Supervised Visitation Grant Program

POC: Katherine Arno

P.O. Box 9300 96 Falmouth Street

Portland, Maine 04104

(207) 780-4853

Email: karno@usm.maine.edu (VAWOR & OVW)

Child Custody Technical Assistance (VAWOR)

Portland, ME 04112


Victim Rights Law Center

Through it’s Boston and Portland, Oregon, offices, the Victim Rights Law Center (VRLC) offers training and technical assistance to all LAV grantees representing victims of sexual assault in civil legal cases. VRLC’s training and technical assistance project grew out of an established practice of direct representation of sexual assault victims. VRLC offers technical assistance in the form of two annual national institutes, individual case assistance, program development and trainings on civil representation. VRLC has developed civil legal strategies to safe-guard the civil rights of sexual assault victims in the areas of privacy, safety, housing, education, employment, criminal justice, immigration and financial compensation.


Sexual Assault Technical Assistance for All OVW Grantees - The Victim Rights Law Center (VRLC) offers training and technical assistance to all OVW grantees on matters pertaining to the legal rights of sexual assault in civil, criminal and administrative law cases. VRLC’s training and technical assistance project grew out of an established practice of direct representation of sexual assault victims. VRLC offers technical assistance in the form of two annual national institutes, Teleconferences, individual case assistance, program development, best practices and legal services for victims. VRLC has developed legal strategies to safe-guard the civil rights of sexual assault victims in the areas of privacy, safety, housing, education, employment, criminal justice, immigration and financial compensation. (VAWOR)

The Sexual Assault Justice Education (SAJE) Project (VAWOR)

Boston, MA 02108



Resource Sharing Project of Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault

The Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault (IowaCASA) first opened it’s doors in 1981 to unite Iowa’s Sexual Assault Crisis Centers. IowaCASA’s mission is to unite people and organizations to promote a society free from sexual violence and to meet the diverse needs of survivors. IowaCASA was incorporated as a private non-profit organization in 1982.


Resource Sharing Project - The National Sexual Assault Coalition Resource Sharing Project (RSP) was created to help state sexual assault coalitions across the country access the resources they need in order to develop and thrive. The project is designed to provide technical assistance, support, and the dissemination of peer driven resources for all state and territorial sexual assault coalitions. The RSP recognizes the needs of all coalitions, especially those designated as new or emerging, regarding issues of organizational growth, professional development, and policy/protocol development. We believe in the importance of peer–to–peer technical assistance and the voices of survivors as guiding principles (OVW)

Enhancing SA Services Project - A TA Project, in collaboration with the National Sexual Violence Resource Center, designed to provide training to dual DV/SA Victim Service Organizations who are Rural Grantees on enhancing Sexual Assault Services in dual DV/SA settings. (OVW)

Des Moines, IA 50312


Monsoon United Asian Women of Iowa

Monsoon-United Asian Women of Iowa is committed to helping families of Asian descent in Iowa. The organization’s long-term mission is to eliminate domestic violence and sexual assault by promoting the social, economic, and political self-determination of all women.

Monsoon upholds every person’s right to live in a home and society that is free of violence and sexual coercion. Its specific focus is to address the cultural and language needs of immigrant, refugee and U.S.-born Asian women and their children. In the short term, Monsoon will assist and offer information on services for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.


NAPIESV Community Assessment (VAWOR)

OVW Technical Assistance Program - Monsoon United Asian Women of Iowa will provide training and technical assistance for OVW grantees and/or sub-grantees on developing and/or enhancing their capacity to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate services to Asian and Pacific Islander victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, stalking, and dating violence.

POC: Mira Yusef

515 28th Street Suite 101

Des Moines, Iowa 50312

(515) 288-0881

Email: mirayusef@muawi.org

Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault

IowaCASA is a private non-profit organization whose mission is to unite people and organizations to promote a society free from sexual violence and to meet the diverse needs of survivors of sexual assault.


Resource Sharing Project (RSP) SASP TA Project - The Resource Sharing Project's SASP Technical Assistance Project will provide tailored resources and assistance necessary to support Sexual Assault Services Program (SASP) administrators, coalitions, and rape crisis centers in their SASP implementation work

POC: Elizabeth Barnhill

515 28th Street, Suite 107

Des Moines, Iowa 50312

(515) 244-7424

Email: director@iowacasa.org (OVW)

RSP Recovery Act Technical Assistance to State and Territorial Sexual Assault Coalitions (RSP Recovery Act TA) - These funds are part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and will assist by training Recovery Act grantees on preserving and creating jobs and promoting economic recovery.

POC: Elizabeth Barnhill

515 - 28th Street Suite 107

Des Moines, Iowa 50312

(515) 244-7424 x 31

Email: director@iowacasa.org (OVW)

Enhancing Services for Sexual Assault Victims in a Dual Sexual Assault/Domestic Violence Organization: A Demonstration Project - The National Sexual Assault Coalition Resource Sharing Project will provide technical assistance to Rural Grantees through the Enhancing Rural Sexual Assault Services: A Technical Assistance and Training Project. This technical assistance project that will assist Rural dual sexual assault/domestic violence programs to meaningfully assist sexual assault survivors within their Rural communities

POC: Cat Fribley

515 - 28th Street Suite 107

Des Moines, Iowa 50312

(515) 244-7424 (OVW)

National Sexual Assault Coalition Resource Sharing Project (RSP) (VAWOR)

National Sexual Violence in Detention Education and Resource Project (VAWOR)

Enhancing Rural Sexual Assault Services: A Technical Assistance and Training Project (VAWOR)

Sexual Assault Demonstration Initiative : Enhancing Services for Sexual Assault Victims in a Dual Sexual

Assault/Domestic Violence Organization - The Iowa Coalition Against Sexual Assault, Resource Sharing Project will work closely with OVW and the National Sexual Violence Resource Center of the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape to assist in the ongoing implementation of the Sexual Assault Demonstration Initiative (SADI), which aims to enhance services to sexual assault victims in communities served by dual sexual assault/domestic violence agencies.

POC: Elizabeth Barnhill

515 - 28th Street Suite 107

Des Moines, Iowa 50312

(515) 244-7424

Email: director@iowacasa.org (OVW)


Alliance of Local Service Organizations (ALSO)

Incorporated in 1998, ALSO was created to coordinate services for youth and families in the Logan Square community on Chicago’s Northwest Side. Becoming aware of the devastating impact of community violence on those families, ALSO began to take action by implementing prevention programs to end street violence.


National Training and Technical Assistance Program to provide technical assistance to grantees of the Grants to Assist Children and Youth Exposed to Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence - The Alliance of Local Service Organization (ALSO) will provide targeted technical assistance to grantees funded under the Grants to Assist Children and Youth Exposed to Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking Program, while informing the Rural Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence and Stalking Assistance Program grantees to ensure non-profit organizations, local governments, States and Tribal governments implement effective and efficient project strategies to build and enhance services for children and youth exposed to violence.

POC: Lori Crowder

2401 West North Avenue

Chicago, Illinois 60647

(773) 235-5705

Email: lcrowder@also-chicago.org (OVW)

STAAR (STOP Technical Assistance to Administrators Resource) Project - The STAAR Project offers educational opportunities, peer networking, training, problem-solving strategies, and other responsive supports in collaboration with other national technical assistance providers to strengthen criminal justice, community-based, and health care responses for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking nationwide.

The STAAR Project currently provides resources that increase the capacity of STOP grantees and sub-recipients to effectively manage STOP formula grants in all states and territories in accordance with the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) and in ways that are responsive to the needs of victims, adaptable to the inevitable changes in the field and efficiently and effectively managed.

POC: Lori Crowder

2401 West North Avenue

Chicago, Illinois 60647

(773) 235-5705

Email: lcrowder@also-chicago.org (VAWOR & OVW)

ALSO Recovery TA - ALSO’s Recovery TA program provides technical assistance to STOP Administrators with respect to STOP Recovery Acts funds. ALSO seeks to assist states and territories in utilizing their Recovery Act funds by promoting the planning and implementation of comprehensive strategies to address violence against women and economic recovery. ALSO Recovery TA to STOP Administrators fosters peer-to-peer collaboration and provides access to best and promising practices. It also seeks to communicate successes and build an understanding of how ARRA funds are being utilized, especially as it relates to job creation/retention and victim safety. (VAWOR)

Asian & Pacific Islander Institute on Domestic Violence

The Asian & Pacific Islander Institute on Domestic Violence Asian & Pacific Islander Institute on Domestic Violence (API Institute) is a national resource center on domestic violence, sexual violence, trafficking, and other forms of gender-based violence in Asian and Pacific Islander communities.


Interpretation Technical Assistance Resource Center (ITARC) (VAWOR)

Asian and Arab Survivors of Sexual and Domestic Violence: Building Cultural Capacity (VAWOR)

Chicago, IL 606047



Idaho Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence

Engaging voices to create change in the prevention, intervention, and response to domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and sexual assault.


Center for Healthy Teen Relationships - The Center for Healthy Teen Relationships provides basic and/or advanced training and technical assistance on teen dating violence. Through an integrated approach, the Center for Healthy Teen Relationships seeks to build the capacity of OVW Rural and STEP grantees, state coalitions, and others to engage and educate middle and high school students, school personnel, parents, caregivers, health care providers, and other adult teen influencers on the promotion of healthy teen relationships as a way to end adolescent dating abuse and engage in prevention, intervention, and treatment and/or response.

POC: Kelly A Miller

300 E. Mallard Drive, Suite 130

Boise, Idaho 83706

(208) 384-0419

Email: kelly@engagingvoices.org (VAWOR & OVW)

District of Columbia

National Network to End Domestic Violence

NNEDV is the leading voice for domestic violence victims and its advocates. As a membership and advocacy organization of state domestic violence coalitions, allied organizations and supportive individuals, NNEDV works closely with its members to understand the ongoing and emerging needs of domestic violence victims and advocacy programs. Then NNEDV makes sure those needs are heard and understood by policymakers at the national level.


Office on Violence Against Women Technical Assistance Program (VAWOR)

2nd World Conference of Women's Shelters - The National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) will provide training for OVW grantees on domestic violence, sexual assault and dating violence by assisting and supporting their participation in the 2nd World Conference of Women's Shelters.

POC: Cindy Southworth

1400 16th Street NW, Suite 330

Washington, District of Columbia 20036

(202) 543-5566

Email: cs@nnedv.org

Comprehensive State/Territory Coalition Technical Assistance - The National Network to End Domestic Violence (NNEDV) will provide comprehensive training and technical assistance for grant recipients of OVW's State Coalitions Grant Program to enhance the capacity of state and territory domestic violence and dual coalitions and the roles they play with member programs and other organizations in their states and territories.

POC: Cindy Southworth

1400 16th Street NW, Suite 330

Washington, District of Columbia 20036

(202) 543-5566

Email: cs@nnedv.org (OVW)

Coalition Economic Recovery Technical Assistance Project - These funds will assist by training grantees on preserving and creating jobs and promoting economic recovery.

POC: Cheryl Howard

1400 16th Street NW, Suite 330

Washington, District of Columbia 20036

(202) 543-5566

Email: choward@nnedv.org (OVW)

Transitional Housing Compehensive TA - NNEDV will collaborate with Greater Boston Legal Services (GBLS) to provide training to OVW grantees on victim relocation and identity protection following domestic violence, sexual assault and/or stalking.

POC: Sue Else

1400 16th Street NW, Suite 330

Washington, District of Columbia 20036

(202) 543-5566

Email: selse@nnedv.org (OVW)

Relocation Counseling & Identity Protection Project - Through this initiative, NNEDV will collaborate with Greater Boston Legal Services (GBLS) to provide training to OVW grantees on victim relocation and identity protection following domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and/or stalking.

POC: Cindy Southworth

2001 S Street, NW, Suite 400

Washington, District of Columbia 20009

(202) 543-5566

Email: cs@nnedv.org (OVW)

Family Justice Center: Technology TA

Technology & Confidentiality Project - The National Network to End Domestic Violence will provide training and technical assistance for OVW grantees and/or sub-grantees on confidentiality, safety, and accessibility issues related to the use of technology and data.

POC: Cindy Southworth

1400 16th Street NW, Suite 330

Washington, District of Columbia 20036

(202) 543-5566

Email: cs@nnedv.org

Recovery Act Transitional Housing Technical Assistance Project - These funds are part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and will assist by training Recovery Act grantees on preserving and creating jobs and promoting economic recovery.

POC: Cheryl Howard

1400 16th Street NW, Suite 330

Washington, District of Columbia 20036

(217) 720-3823

Email: choward@nnedv.org (OVW)

Washington, DC 20009


National Center for Victims of Crime

The mission of the National Center for Victims of Crime is to forge a national commitment to help victims of crime rebuild their lives. We are dedicated to serving individuals, families, and communities harmed by crime.


Stalking Resource Center - The Stalking Resource Center is a program of the National Center for Victims of Crime. Launched in July 2000, with initial funding from the Violence Against Women Office of the U.S. Department of Justice, our dual mission is to raise awareness of stalking and to encourage the development and implementation of multidisciplinary responses to stalking in local communities across the country.

POC: Michelle Garcia

2000 M St NW Ste 480

Washington, District of Columbia 20036

(202) 467-8700

Email: mgarcia@ncvc.org (VAWOR & OVW)

Rape Kit Backlog - The National Center for Victims of Crime (NCVC) will provide training and technical assistance to communities--specifically grantees under the National Institute of Justice (NIJ)'s "Strategic Approaches to Sexual Assault Kit Evidence: An Action Research Project"--to ensure that they have the tools to create a victim-sensitive approach to sexual assault kit (SAK) backlog reduction.

POC: Ilse Knecht

2000 M St NW Ste 480

Washington, District of Columbia 20036

(718) 788-2013

Email: iknecht@ncvc.org (OVW)

AEquitas: The Prosecutors' Resource of Violence Against Women

AEquitas’ (|’ekwitäs|; EH-qui-tahs) mission is to improve the quality of justice in sexual assault, domestic violence, stalking, human trafficking and dating violence cases by developing, evaluating, and refining prosecution practices that increase victim safety and offender accountability. AEquitas provides prosecutors and allied professionals with the support, training, mentorship, and resources necessary to objectively evaluate and constantly reexamine and refine their approach to justice.


The Prosecutors Resource on Violence Against Women (VAWOR)

Asian & Arab Survivors TA Project (VAWOR)

Washington, DC 20005


Men Can Stop Rape

To mobilize men to use their strength for creating cultures free from violence, especially men’s violence against women. Our vision is to institutionalize primary prevention of men’s violence against women through sustained initiatives that generate positive, measurable outcomes in populations throughout the world.


Comprehensive Initiative to Reduce Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking on Campus Program - Men Can STOP Rape will provide specialized training to equipping professionals with the skills necessary to engage men in the primary prevention of gender-based violence; the program, "Comprehensive Initiative to Reduce Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, and Stalking" on Campus Program is designed to teach participants about the relationship between healthy masculinity and violence prevention.

POC: Rachel Friedman

1003 K Street NW, Ste. 200

Washington, District of Columbia 20024

(202) 534-1833

Email: rfriedman@mencanSTOPrape.org (OVW)

Washington, DC 20001



National Organization of Sisters of Color Ending Sexual Assault

The National Organization of Sisters of Color Ending Sexual Assault (SCESA) is a Women of Color-led nonprofit committed to ensuring that systems-wide policies and social change initiatives related to sexual assault are informed by critical input and direction of Women of Color.

TA Projects: Office on Violence Against Women Technical Assistance - This current TA project will provide intensive technical assistance and training to the dual domestic violence/sexual assault coalitions in Puerto Rico, Coordinadora Paz para La Mujer (La Coordinadora) and the US Virgin Islands, Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Council (DVSAC). (VAWOR)

Culturally Specific Sexual Assault Response (VAWOR)

TA to SASP/CSP grantees - The National Organization of Sisters of Color Ending Sexual Assault (SCESA) will provide comprehensive technical assistance and training to support and enhance the capacity of organizations and programs in the United States and U.S. Territories that are addressing distinctive cultural and linguistic responses to sexual assault.

POC: Condencia Brade

PO Box 625

Canton, Connecticut 06019

(860) 693-2031

Email: brade@sisterslead.org (OVW)

Technical Assistance to US Territories - SCESA will provide comprehensive technical assistance to OVW grantees in the U.S. Territories to ensure the territories are equipped with the necessary knowledge and tools to comprehensively address violence against women issues.

POC: Condencia Brade

PO Box 625

Canton, Connecticut 06019

(860) 693-2031

Email: brade@sisterslead.org (OVW)



Tribal Law and Policy Insititute

The Tribal Law and Policy Institute is a Native American owned and operated non-profit corporation organized to design and deliver education, research, Training, and technical assistance programs which promote the enhancement of justice in Indian country and the health, well-being, and culture of Native peoples.



On-site TA, FF, and Credit and Cultural Traditions (VAWOR)

Sexual Assault in Indian Country (VAWOR)

West Hollywood, CA 90046


Just Detention International

Just Detention International is a health and human rights organization that seeks to end sexual abuse in all forms of detention. The rape of detainees, whether committed by corrections staff or by inmates, is a crime and is recognized under international law as a form of torture. In the U.S., sexual assault in detention has reached epidemic levels, with more than 200,000 people subjected to this form of violence every year.


National Sexual Violence in Detention Education and Resource Project - JDI will partner with the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape (PCAR) to expand the ability of corrections officials and rape crisis centers to provide a coordinated response to incarcerated survivors of sexual abuse nationwide, ensuring that such survivors are able to get the help they need to heal from trauma and rebuild their lives.

POC: Linda McFarlane

4441 W. 61st St., Suite 340

Los Angeles, California 90010

(213) 384-1400

Email: lmcfarlane@justdetention.org (OVW)

Futures Without Violence

Futures Without Violence works to prevent violence within the home, and in the community, to help those whose lives are devastated by violence because everyone has the right to live free of violence.


Engaging Men Program Comprehensive Technical Assistance - Futures Without Violence will provide technical assistance to the Engaging Men and Youth in Preventing Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking Program (EMP) in order to strengthen the capacity of EMP grantees and other communities across the country to improve the quality of life of women and girls by working to eliminate violence they experience in their homes and communities.

POC: Lonna Davis

100 Montgomery Street The Presidio Main Post

San Francisco, California 94129

(781) 608-9465

Email: ldavis@futureswithoutviolence.org (OVW)

Innovations in Batterers Intervention - conduct research and identify innovative and best practices in the field of Batterer Intervention Programs and publish and disseminate a publication documenting these practices. (OVW)

I-LED Continuation (Institute for Leadership in Education Development) - Family Violence Prevention Fund will provide specialized technical assistance and training to OVW and OVW grantees to (1) enhance the relevance and effectiveness of training/education programs supported by OVW and (2) improve the capacity of OVW grantees to design and deliver well-structured, interactive training/education for their constituents.

POC: Michael Runner

100 Montgomery Street The Presidio Main Post

San Francisco, California 94129

(415) 252-8900 x 45

Email: michael@endabuse.org (OVW)

"That's Not Cool", a National Public Education Initiative to Prevent Teen Dating Violence - Futures Without Violence will provide training and technical assistance to further expand and sustain the national public education initiative to prevent teen dating violence, "That's Not Cool", in order to engage teens, change social norms and prevent teen dating violence.

POC: Brian O'Connor

100 Montgomery Street The Presidio Main Post

San Francisco, California 94129

(415) 252-8900 x 34 (OVW)

National Resource Center on Workplace Responses to Assist Victims of Domestic and Sexual Violence - The Family Violence Prevention Fund will develop and operate a National Resource Center on Workplace Responses to assist victims of domestic and sexual violence.

POC: Michael Runner

100 Montgomery St. The Presidio

San Francisco, California 94129

(415) 252-8900

Email: michael@endabuse.org (OVW)

Supporting Organizational Sustainability (SOS) Institute to Address Violence Against Women - With this OVW award, Futures Without Violence will continue to develop and implement the Supporting Organizational Sustainability to Address Violence Against Women Institute (SOS), which will provide technical assistance and training for OVW grantees focused on addressing organizational challenges and improving the structure and services of their organization.

POC: Leni Marin

100 Montgomery Street The Presidio Main Post

San Francisco, California 94129

(415) 678-5500

Email: lmarin@futureswithoutviolence.org (OVW)

Building Collaborative Responses to Trafficked Victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (Collaborative Responses TA) - With this OVW cooperative agreement, Futures Without Violence will continue to develop and implement its Building Collaborative Responses to Trafficked Victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Technical Assistance project (Collaborative Responses TA). Supported by OVW since 2004, the Collaborative Responses TA project focuses on providing training and technical assistance to OVW grantees and local multidisciplinary teams on building collaborations to provide effective services and support to foreign-born human trafficking domestic violence and sexual assault victims residing in the United States and its territories.

POC: Leni Marin

100 Montgomery Street The Presidio Main Post

San Francisco, California 94129

(415) 678-5500

Email: lmarin@futureswithoutviolence.org (OVW)

Conference Center Facility and Services for OVW Grantees - Through this initial cooperative agreement, FWV will host for OVW grantees and technical assistance providers, as well as experts in the violence against women field, a series of thought provoking discussions about pressing issues and innovations in addressing violence against women.

POC: Michael Runner

100 Montgomery Street The Presidio Main Post

San Francisco, California 94129

(415) 678-5500

Email: mrunner@futureswithoutviolence.org (OVW)

National Judicial Institute on Domestic Violence (NJIDV) - Futures Without Violence, in partnership with the National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges, will provide judges with training and technical assistance on domestic violence and elder abuse through the National Judicial Institute on Domestic Violence.

POC: Michael Runner

100 Montgomery Street The Presidio Main Post

San Francisco, California 94129

(415) 252-8900 x 45 (OVW)

National Institute on Fatherhood, Visitation and Domestic Violence - This award will support specialized training and technical assistance to Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange grantees on working with fathers and families in supervised visitation centers.

POC: Lonna Davis

100 Montgomery Street The Presidio Main Post

San Francisco, California 94129

(617) 262-5900

Email: lonna@endabuse.org (OVW)

Workplace Violence Resource Center - Futures Without Violence will operate a National Resource Center on Workplace Responses to assist victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence and stalking.

POC: Michael Runner

100 Montgomery Street The Presidio Main Post

San Francisco, California 94129

(415) 678-5500

Email: mrunner@futureswithoutviolence.org (OVW)

Farmworker Sexual Violence Technical Assistance Project

The Farmworker Sexual Violence Technical Assistance Project is spearheaded by California Rural Legal Assistance in partnership with Esperanza: The Immigrant Women’s Legal Initiative of the Southern Poverty Law Center, Lideres Campesinas and the Victim Rights Law Center.

Together, we provide OVW grantees with:

• One-on-one consultation on legal issues and strategies for lawyers and legal advocates on meeting the legal needs of farmworker sexual assault victims

• Three educational guides to assist legal service providers, criminal justice professionals and victim service providers in addressing the sexual assault of farmworkers

• A farmworker safety plan in English and Spanish

• A safety planning guide in English and Spanish designed for advocates to use with farmworkers

•Safety planning webinars

• Workshops for lawyers, judges and law enforcement agencies at national conferences

• Regional trainings in farmworker communities in Arizona, California, Idaho, Oregon and Washington.

Projects: NONE

Salinas, CA 93905


California Coalition Against Sexual Assault

The California Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CALCASA) provides leadership, vision and resources to survivors of sexual assault, rape crisis centers, community members and other entities committed to ending sexual violence.


Campus Program - CALCASA’s Campus Program has been committed to the execution of the following goals: 1) To optimize the success and effectiveness of the Grants to Reduce Violent Crimes Against Women on Campus Program by providing a range of tailored education, training, technical assistance, and support services to grantees; 2) To maximize communication, interaction, and mutual support among grantees through networking, information-sharing, and communication opportunities; 3) To enhance the knowledge and skills of grantees by sharing new developments in the field and by disseminating resources to enhance the quality of grantee programs; 4) To build grantee capacity and expertise by linking campus grant programs to outside organizations that can provide resources, training, and information-sharing; and 5) To assist the Office on Violence Against Women by offering resources and skills that help further the goals and mission of the national grant program. (VAWOR)

Other Project Partners:

Manavi, Inc.: Technical Assistance and Training to Improve Effective Services to South Asian Victims of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (VAWOR)

National Center for Victims of Crime (NCVC): Stalking Resource Center (VAWOR)

Northeastern University-The Center for the Study of Sport in Society: The Mentors in Violence Prevention Program - OVW TA Project (VAWOR)

Legal Momentum: Immigrant Women Program (VAWOR)

CALCASA Training & Technical Assistance Campus Program for recipients of the Grants to redice Domestic Violence, Dating Violence, Sexual Assault and stalking on Campuses - California Coalition Against Sexual Assault will provide specialized training and technical assistance to Campus Program grantees on developing and sustaining an effective campus coordinated community response on violence against women.

POC: Dan Esparza

1215 K STREET, SUITE 1100

Sacramento, California 95814-

(916) 446-2520 x 302 (OVW)

CALCASA's Campus Grantee TA Project - California Coalition Against Sexual Assault will provide specialized training and technical assistance to Campus Program grantees on developing and sustaining an effective campus coordinated community response on violence against women.

POC: Sandra Henriquez

1215 K Street, Suite 1850

Sacramento, California 95814

(916) 446-2520

Email: sandra@calcasa.org (OVW)

CALCASA's Leadership Education and Advancement for Professionals (LEAP) Project - The California Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CALCASA) and the Women of Color Network (WOCN) will establish a national training and technical assistance project called the "Leadership Education and Advancement for Professionals" or LEAP project to enhance the professional skills and capacity of emerging leaders of color within the anti-violence against women field to improve organizational approaches and service delivery to communities of color across the nation.

POC: Sandra Henriquez

1215 K Street, Suite 1850

Sacramento, California 95814

(916) 446-2520 x 306

Email: sandra@calcasa.org (OVW)