Kategorier: Alle - analytics - integration - api - inventory

av Ciro Carmelo Troncoso 2 år siden


Shari's Analytics Review "Notes"05.19.21

The Flash P&L Dashboard is an essential tool updated daily via API, enabling detailed KPI analysis down to GL transactions by location and date. Inventory data is updated post-period closure, while labor and sales metrics are integrated through API calls to Plate IQ and Fourth.

Shari's Analytics Review


Core Application Sync Times

POS 9:30am est / 4:30 pdt

Labor 9:30am est / 4:30 pdt

Labor 11:30 am est / 6:30am pdt

Inventory 1:00pm est / 8am pdt

Adjust sync times to 9am est

Flash P&L Dashboard

Flash P&L Dashboard

Plate IQ

Shari's AP Platform

Plate IQ API Call

Fourth API Call

Shari's to provide Fourth with API credentials to Plate IQ

Daily export

Import received and sent to both storage and Shari's KBC Environment for further transformation.

Plate IQ Integration transforms data to the table format needed to be consumed into Analytics.

Shari's KBC environment exports transformed tables to Analytics Flash P&L Dashboard.

Plate IQ

Plate IQ integration

POS Sales

Labor Sales

Inventory Sales

Labor Dashboard

Inventory Dashboards

Inventory Dashboard Sales Variance

During initial config, sales filters are applied with customer direction to align the core application with desired result in Analytics. Ex. comps, discounts, etc.

Adjust Net Sales Metric within Analytics to more closely align with POS/Labor.

Analytics Inventory feeds have been configured to aggregate Net Sales before posting.

  1. Remove all filters from core application feed
  2. Re-map necessary sales filters with Customers guidance

(Analytics Team) address the sales variance by remapping inventory net sales within Analytics to match Inventory.

(Inventory team) will be responsible for making the necessary adjustments to align with POS Sales.

POS Dashboard


Labor Sales:

Customer has accepted the variances within the core application (Labor) and does not hinder performance of Labor Analytics Dashboards.

POS Sales:

Customer has confidence in these numbers and are quite satisfied with the result from POS

Inventory Sales:

Current work-around:

This workaround has caused the unfortunate byproduct of negative value, skewing core application sales/costs.

Downstream this is effecting Inventory Analytics Dashboards

  1. POS Sales are correct within Analytics
  2. Inventory Sales are not correct within Analytics
  3. Labor Sales have expected variances within Analytics

By addressing the configuration within core applications you will resolve the variance within sales $

Using another sales feed is not advised.



Follow-up w/RME

With regards to item visibility between brands