Kategorier: Alle - writing - medicine - creativity - arts

av Daniela Sanz Guerrero 5 år siden


Second delivery English 8th

Creative writing serves as a powerful medium for expressing creativity through words, and this unique ability has significantly shaped my academic and personal journey. My love for literature began in childhood, influenced by poets like Gabriela Mistral and playwrights such as Shakespeare.

Second delivery English 8th


What makes me special: my creative writing

Creative writing can be defined as the way to express creativity through words. Something that makes me special and unique is my ability to express myself with words and I'm applying this with what I'm doing in the academy. Throughout this mind map I present the most important events that contribute to what I'm doing today with my skill.

High School

Nubia Castillo was the one who believe in what I write and taught me to connect with my sensibility. Andrés López was the one in charge of Cíclope group, this group made me see the reality of other people and show me that I can work with their wisdom. Both of them lead me to study anthropology.

My teachers
Andrés López - Ciclope group
Nubia Castillo

Creative accompaniment in grief

I did my internship last semester with this project of medicine faculty, that ends this semester. The project is about making accompaniment in grief in San Ignacio Hospital with elements with creative potential, such as origami, knitting needles, candles, markets among others. A hospital is a place that's itself death, but we've invisibilized it, but trough arts we can talk about it and it can be a powerful tool to make acompaniment.

My results

At the end of my internship I presented 3 poems and 1 short writing about my experience with death, grief and the health professionals.

Field diary
Poems and writings

Medical humanities

My Thesis
Narratives with creative writing

To explore the link between arts, medicine and humanities that medical humanities propose, I'm thinking about making my thesis about collaborative narratives and creative writing. This is important because we have the advantage of the transformative power of arts and it's possibility to express what we can't say. Also, in the academy we write essays and papers and a lot of them is only read by other members of the academy. In my opinion, we have to go beyond that, we have to reach other public and creative writing is a way to that. So, what I'm trying to do is to put together what makes me special and my academical interests.


My first books
Gabriela Mistral's Poetry
Hamlet and Macbeth - Shakespeare
Pasto, Nariño. 1997
Daniela Sanz Guerrero