Kategorier: Alle - lipids - water

av Rider Keopuhiwa 2 år siden


Mind Map Assignment

Lipids are crucial organic compounds that include fats, waxes, and oils, which are insoluble in water. They play vital roles in storing energy, forming cellular membranes, and facilitating communication through steroids.

Mind Map Assignment

Unit 1 Transition Mechanisms

Main topic

Calculating Water Potential

Topic 1.5 Active Transport

Should Knows & Do's
What is Active Transport?

Definition: The movement of ions or molecules across the cell membrane into a region of higher concentration.

Five Types

Bulk Transport

The movement of large amounts of molecules across a membrane.


Coupling of the down hill diffusion of one substance to the uphill.

Proton Pumps

Pathway for acid and secretion in gastric parietal cells

Sodium Potassium Pump

Moves sodium and potassium ions aganst large concentration gradients

Ion pumps

Channels that use the ATP hydrolysis energy to transfer ions from one side of a membrane to the other aganist their electrochemical gradient.

Topic 1.17 What is Diffusion?

Definition: Diffusion is a solute moved from a place of a higher concentration to a place with lower concentration.

Understanding the veariebles that influence deffusion.

Mass of solute

Temperature of environment

Solvent density

Distance traveled

Passive Transport

Molecules move through cell membrane with no energy, and goes with concentration gradient

Active Transport

Energy-requiring processthat move matireals across cell membrane against a concentration gradient (Ion pumps, Co-transport proteins)

Facilitated Diffusion

utilizes three different forms of channel proteins that facilitate movement of ions large solute molecules and water


Diffusion of water across a cell permeable membrane. (Water movement with conccntration with gradient)


Only allows water to pass through


allows many different ions to pass through


only allows a specific ion to pass through

Simple Diffusion

Kinetic energy is what drives simple diffusion, small non polar molecules may pass through the cell membrane through simple diffusion with enough kinetic energy.

Topic 1.12 What are Lipids?

1. Explain why lipids are biologically important.

1. the fats such as saturated and unsaturated are used for storing energy, Phospholipids makes up the membrane and the steroids is the communication.

Unsaturated fatty acids

Unsaturated fats have one or more double bonds inside their fatty acid chains and stays liquid at a room temperature making them not so packed closely together

two types of unsaturated fats include cyst and trans fat. Cyst fats link and can easily break away from each other while trans fat tend to build up on each other and can cause heart attacks due to the build up

Lipids are organic compounds insoluble in water that are fats, waxes, and oils.
Saturated fatty acids

Saturated fats are a type of fatty acid chain that have single bonds. They stay solid at room temperature which makes them more closely packed together

Topic 1.8 Why Carbon is important?

Back bone of all Bio-molecules
Creates DNA, RNA and Proteins

These are some three dimensional shapes that Carbon can make, and these bio-molecules are all formed by Covalent bonds. (CH20 is the generic formula for carbs and liquids)

Can form long chains
Can make these long chains through chemical bonds and three dimensional shapes
Can form multiple bonds
Like Ionic bonds, Carbon bonds, Covalent bonds, Hydrogen bonds, and double and triple bonds, that can create long chains.

Topic 1.0 Why is Water Biologically Important?

Should Do's
1. Describe how the molecular structure of water contributes to its properties. 2. Differentiate between cohesive and adhesive properties. 3. FULLY explain why water is biologically important.

1. the waters role as a solvent helps cells transport 2. Cohesive is when water molecules stick with each other, while adhesive is when water molecules stick to other substances, like in the example of Xylem. 3. universal solvent, high heat compacity ( maintains constant temperature ) , a polar covalent molecule that is both adhesive and cohesive and forms a lattice

Should Knows
Should Know's Define: cohesive, adhesive, transpiration, surface tension, lattice, ion


Cohesive: Water molecules stick to each other.

Ion: a charged atom or particle

Surface Tension: property allowing liquid to resist external force

Lattice: A pattern created by molecules in a crystal