Kategorier: Alle - system - operations - binary - numbers

av Matthew Lichtsinn 1 år siden


Elementary Mathematics

The binary numeral system operates using only two digits, 0 and 1, and is fundamental to computing. In this system, arithmetic operations like addition follow unique rules, such as carrying over when sums exceed the base value.

Elementary Mathematics

Elementary Mathematics

Week 14: Fractions-Multiplying & Dividing

Dividing Fractions
Why We Invert and Multiply:

We invert and multiply fractions instead of just dividing them because it's easier to find answer when we change one of the fractions into its reciprocal and multiply rather then dividing them straightforward.

If we were to just divide fractions, we would end up solving it like, for example: 6/8 ___ 2/4 which can get pretty confusing. We would end up getting the same answer if we solved it this way, but multiplying those fractions with the second fraction being its reciprocal is the best way to solve this equation.

To solve this: 6/8 ___ 2/4, we would take the 8 from 6/8 and multiply with the fraction 8/8 or 1. The denominator of 6/8, and the numerator of 8/8 cancels out, leaving us to multiply the numerator of 2/4 with the denominator of 8/8. This will give us 6/16/4. Next, we would take the 4 and multiply 6/16/4 by 4/4. The two denominators of 4 cancel each other out, so, when we multiply the numerators 6 and 4, we end up with the fraction 24/16.

To solve this:




we would take the 8

from 6/8 and multiply

with the fraction 8/8 or 1.

The denominator of 6/8, and the numerator of

8/8 cancels out, leaving us to multiply the numerator

of 2/4 with the denominator of 8/8. This will give us

6/16/4. Next, we would take the 4 and multiply 6/16/4

by 4/4. The two denominators of 4 cancel each other out,

so, when we multiply the numerators 6 and 4, we end up

with the fraction 24/16.

Fraction Bars:

Ex. 6/8 divided by 2/4 Abstractly, we get: 6/8 x 4/2 = 24/16 = 6/4 = 3/2 = 1 1/2 Having a rectangle with a 6/8 fraction and another rectangle with the 2/4 fraction, we add 4 columns to the 6/8 rectangle and 8 rows in the 2/4 rectangle, leaving us with two rows and two columns unshaded. We now have 24 shaded parts in the 6/8 rectangle, and 16 shaded parts in the 2/4 rectangle.

Ex. 6/8 divided by 2/4

Abstractly, we get:

6/8 x 4/2 = 24/16 = 6/4 = 3/2 = 1 1/2

Having a rectangle with a 6/8 fraction and

another rectangle with the 2/4 fraction, we

add 4 columns to the 6/8 rectangle and 8 rows

in the 2/4 rectangle, leaving us with two rows and

two columns unshaded. We now have 24 shaded parts

in the 6/8 rectangle, and 16 shaded parts in the 2/4 rectangle.

Ex. 6/8 divided by 2/4 (continued) Crossing out 16 parts in the 6/8 rectangle, we have 1 group of 16 parts which is 1. There are now 8 remaining parts, which then, leaves us with the fraction of 8/16 or 1/2. Bringing the 1 group of 16 and the 8/16 remaining parts together, we get a mixed number of 1 1/2

Ex. 5/6 divided by 2/3 First, solving this abstractly, we get 5/6 x 3/2 = 15/12 = 5/4 = 1 1/4. Pictorially, we draw out two big rectangles on either side of each other drawing the 5/6 fraction in the first rectangle in rows. In the second rectangle, we draw out the 2/3 fraction in columns. Next, we add 3 columns in the 5/6 rectangle and 6 rows in the 2/3 fraction. We now have 15 parts shaded in the 5/6 rectangle with one row left unshaded, and 12 parts shaded in the 2/3 rectangle with one column left unshaded.

Ex. 5/6 divided by 2/3

First, solving this abstractly,

we get 5/6 x 3/2 = 15/12 = 5/4 = 1 1/4.

Pictorially, we draw out two big rectangles

on either side of each other drawing the 5/6

fraction in the first rectangle in rows. In the second

rectangle, we draw out the 2/3 fraction in columns.

Next, we add 3 columns in the 5/6 rectangle and 6 rows

in the 2/3 fraction. We now have 15 parts shaded in the 5/6 rectangle with one row left unshaded, and 12 parts shaded in the 2/3 rectangle with one column left unshaded.

Ex. 5/6 divided by 2/3 (continued) Then, we would cross out the number of parts in the 5/6 rectangle so that it matches the number of parts in the 2/3 rectangle. In this case, we would cross out 12 parts out of 15 from the 5/6 rectangle which gives us 1 group of 12 parts which equals 1. Now, we have 3 remaining parts shaded, so, we would have the fraction 3/12. Simplified, that's 1/4. Bringing the 1 group of 12 to the 3/12 parts remaining, we now have a mixed number of 1 1/4.

Ex. 5/6 divided by 2/3 (continued)

Then, we would cross out the number

of parts in the 5/6 rectangle so that it matches

the number of parts in the 2/3 rectangle. In this

case, we would cross out 12 parts out of 15 from the

5/6 rectangle which gives us 1 group of 12 parts which

equals 1. Now, we have 3 remaining parts shaded, so, we

would have the fraction 3/12. Simplified, that's 1/4. Bringing

the 1 group of 12 to the 3/12 parts remaining, we now have

a mixed number of 1 1/4.

Pictorially: This can be shown in a similar way from when we multiply fractions.

Ex. 1/3 dividing by 1/2 To figure this out pictorially, we first have to ask ourselves, in this case, how many 1/2s fit in or cover 1/3s? If one hexagon made a whole: The rhombus makes 1/3, and the trapezoid equals 1/2. So, we need to find out how much of the trapezoid covers the rhombus. As we first draw the rhombus, then draw a triangle at the end to make a trapezoid, we see that the trapezoid covers 2/3 of the rhombus. So, 1/3 x 2/1 = 2/3

Ex. 1/3 dividing by 1/2

To figure this out pictorially,

we first have to ask ourselves,

in this case, how many 1/2s fit in

or cover 1/3s?

If one hexagon made a whole:

The rhombus makes 1/3, and the

trapezoid equals 1/2. So, we need to find

out how much of the trapezoid covers the

rhombus. As we first draw the rhombus,

then draw a triangle at the end to make a

trapezoid, we see that the trapezoid covers

2/3 of the rhombus. So, 1/3 x 2/1 = 2/3

Ex. 1 1/2 divided by 1/6 How many 1/6 fit in or cover 1 1/2? If two hexagons equal a whole: The rhombus equals 1/6, and since two hexagons won't make it to 1 1/2, we add another hexagon and draw in three rhombi in each hexagon. With 3 rhombi in each hexagon, we end up with a total of 9 rhombi. So, 1 1/2 or 3/2 x 6/1 = 9

Ex. 1 1/2 divided by 1/6

How many 1/6 fit in or cover

1 1/2?

If two hexagons equal a whole:

The rhombus equals 1/6, and since

two hexagons won't make it to 1 1/2,

we add another hexagon and draw in

three rhombi in each hexagon. With 3

rhombi in each hexagon, we end up with

a total of 9 rhombi. So, 1 1/2 or 3/2 x 6/1 = 9

Dividing Fractions with Pattern Blocks Video:

Abstractly: We do things a little differently when divide fractions abstractly.

Ex. 1/3 divided by 1/2 To solve this, we would turn the division sign into a multiplication sign and put in the reciprocal of 1/2 which is 2/1. Multiplying 1/3 x 2/1, we get 2/3

Ex. 1 1/2 divided by 1/6 First changing the mixed number into an improper fraction, we get 3/2 x 6/1 = 18/2 which equals 9.

Multiplying Fractions
Fraction Bar Model

Pictorially: When using the fraction bar model pictorially, we would draw out one box, divide it into a certain number of parts, and shade some parts in depending on the fractions given.

Ex. 3/4 x 1/2 Drawing one box, we would first take the 1/2 fraction, divide the box into two parts horizontally, then shade in 1 of them. Next, we take the 4 from 3/4, then divide it into four columns. We now have a total of 8 parts in the box with 4 shaded, but since we only need 3, in order to solve the problem correctly, we cross out one part. This will leave us with 8 parts with only 3 shaded. Therefore, 3/4 x 1/2 = 3/8

Ex. 3/4 x 1/2

Drawing one box,

we would first take the 1/2 fraction,

divide the box into two parts horizontally, then

shade in 1 of them. Next, we take the 4 from 3/4,

then divide it into four columns. We now have a total

of 8 parts in the box with 4 shaded, but since we only

need 3, in order to solve the problem correctly, we

cross out one part. This will leave us with 8 parts with

only 3 shaded. Therefore, 3/4 x 1/2 = 3/8

Ex. 3/8 x 1/3 Drawing one box, we would first take the 3 from 1/3 and divide the box into 3 rows shading in 1 row. Taking the 8 from 3/8, we would draw out 8 columns. There are now 24 total parts with 8 parts shaded. Since we only need 3 parts in order for the answer to make sense, we would cross out 5 of those shaded parts, leaving us with the fraction 3/24. Simplified, gives us 1/8. Therefore, 3/8 x 1/3 = 1/8

Ex. 3/8 x 1/3

Drawing one box, we would

first take the 3 from 1/3 and

divide the box into 3 rows

shading in 1 row. Taking the

8 from 3/8, we would draw out 8

columns. There are now 24 total parts

with 8 parts shaded. Since we only need 3 parts

in order for the answer to make sense, we would

cross out 5 of those shaded parts, leaving us with

the fraction 3/24. Simplified, gives us 1/8. Therefore,

3/8 x 1/3 = 1/8

Abstractly: This is used the same way as when we add and subtract fractions, and multiplying fractions with pattern blocks.

Ex. 3/4 x 1/2 = 3/8 This is the simplified fraction Ex. 3/8 x 1/3 = 3/24. Simplified, that's 1/8

Pattern Block Model

Pictorially: When multiplying fractions pictorially, since we are using the pattern block model we would draw out certain pattern blocks depending on the fractions given.

Ex. 2/3 x 1/4 If two hexagons made a whole: The pattern block that represents 1/4 in this case is the trapezoid. So, we would draw one trapezoid in one of the hexagons. Now, we have to find out what 2/3rds of 1/4th is. In this case, 2 triangles fill in 2/3rds of the trapezoid, and since the triangle represents 1/12 when two hexagons are a whole, then the answer is 2/12. Simplified, we get 2/3 x 1/4 = 1/6

Ex. 2/3 x 1/4

If two hexagons made a whole:

The pattern block that represents

1/4 in this case is the trapezoid. So,

we would draw one trapezoid in

one of the hexagons. Now, we have to

find out what 2/3rds of 1/4th is. In this case,

2 triangles fill in 2/3rds of the trapezoid, and

since the triangle represents 1/12 when two

hexagons are a whole, then the answer is 2/12.

Simplified, we get 2/3 x 1/4 = 1/6

Ex. 4/12 x 1/2 First, I always find it easier to solve the problem abstractly before I draw it out. So, 4/12 x 1/2 = 4/24. Simplified, that's 1/6.

Ex. 4/12 x 1/2 (continued) If four hexagons made a whole: The pattern block that represents 1/12 is the rhombus, and since the fraction in the equation calls for 4/12, then we would draw in 4 rhombi in the 4 hexagons. Now, we have to figure out what's half of 4/12. To do so, we'll draw in 1 triangle in each of the rhombi which would give us 4 triangles. Finally, because the fraction that resembles triangles, if four hexagons make a whole, is 1/24, then the total fraction would be 4/24. Simplified, that's 1/6. So, 4/12 x 1/2 = 1/6

Ex. 4/12 x 1/2 (continued)

If four hexagons made a whole:

The pattern block that represents

1/12 is the rhombus, and since the

fraction in the equation calls for 4/12,

then we would draw in 4 rhombi in the

4 hexagons. Now, we have to figure out

what's half of 4/12. To do so, we'll draw in

1 triangle in each of the rhombi which would

give us 4 triangles. Finally, because the fraction

that resembles triangles, if four hexagons make a

whole, is 1/24, then the total fraction would be 4/24.

Simplified, that's 1/6. So, 4/12 x 1/2 = 1/6

Multiplying Fractions with Pattern Blocks Video:

Abstractly: When we multiply fractions abstractly, we just multiply straight across and simplify when needed.

Ex. 2/3 x 1/4 Multiplying straight across, we get 2/12. This fraction can be simplified by dividing both the denominator and numerator by 2 which would give us a total of 1/6

Ex. 3/5 x 2/3 Multiplying these two fractions, we get 6/15. This can't be simplified anymore, so this our final answer.

Week 12: Fractions-Defining & Showing

Comparing Fractions
Fraction Bars: We can compare two fractions pictorially using fraction bars.

Ex. 3/8 and 2/5 We would draw the first square dividing it into 8 parts vertically, shading in 3 parts. Then have the second square divided into 5 pieces horizontally, shading in 2 parts.

How we would solve this is, we would multiply the two denominators on either side. To do this pictorially, we would take the denominator 5 from 2/5, and draw in 5 rows in the 3/8 box, which now shows 15 parts shaded with a total of 40 parts. Abstractly, we multiply 5 by 3/8 which gives us a new fraction of 15/40.

How we would solve this is, we would

multiply the two denominators on either side.

To do this, we would multiply 5 by 3/8 which gives us

a new fraction of 15/40. Next, we would multiply 8 by 2/5

giving us 16/40. So, we can see now that 2/5 is larger than 3/8.

Next, we would take the 8 from 3/8 and draw in 8 columns in the 2/5 box which would show 16 parts shaded with a total of 40 parts. Then, we would multiply 8 by 2/5 giving us 16/40. So, we can see now that 16/40 is larger than 15/40.

Comparing Fractions Video:

Cuisenaire Rods Fractions
We use Cuisenaire rods to compare numbers and determine the fraction.

Ex. 4 rod In this case, two 2 rods are used in order to fit in perfectly with the 4 rod. That means that 2 is 1/2 of 4.

Ex. 9 rod Putting three 3 rods under the 9 makes them fit in perfectly. Since three 3 rods make up 9, 3 is 1/3 of 9.

Ex. 6 rod Three 2's or two 3's make up the 6 rod. So, 2 is 1/3 of 6, and 3 is 1/2 of 6.

Ex. 10 rod Two 5's fit into the 10 rod. So, 5 is 1/2 of 10.

Ex 5 rod Five 1 rods can only fit into the 5 rod. So, 1 is 1/5 of 5. If we were to switch that up, one 5 rod perfectly fits in with five 1's, So, 5 is 5/1 of 1.

Cuisenaire Rods Video

Types of Fractions
Proper Fractions: Fractions where the numerator is smaller than the denominator.

Ex. 4 / 11, 16 / 48, 34 / 86

Improper Fractions: Fractions where the numerator is larger than the denominator.

Ex. 14 / 6, 24 / 7, 30 / 10

Mixed Number/Mixed Fractions: A way to represent an improper fraction as a whole number with a proper fraction.

Ex. 24 / 7 To change this improper fraction into a mixed number, we would divide 24 by 7. 7 goes into 24 three times. 7 x3 = 21 24 -21 = 3. So, our mixed number, keeping the original denominator is 3 3/7

Ex. 6 3/4 This can be changed into an improper fraction by multiplying the whole number with the denominator. In this case, 6 x 4 = 24. Then, we add the total with the numerator. 24 + 3 = 27. So, our improper fraction, keeping 4 as the denominator is 27 / 4.

Week 9: Decimals Continued

Terminating vs. Non-Terminating Decimals
A non-terminating decimal is a decimal the has a continuous amount of digits after the decimal.

Ex. 0.2307692308 = (3 / 13) Ex. 0.5714285714 = (4 / 7) Ex. 0.2777777778 = (5 / 18)

A terminating decimal is a decimal that only has a small number of digits after the decimal

Ex. 0.625 = (5 / 8) Ex. 0.1875 = (3 / 16) Ex. 0.21875 = (7 / 32)

To solve an equation with percentages we would multiply a certain number with a percentage to get the correct result. For some equations, we can add or subtract and divide two numbers to get a percentage.

Ex. There are 12 girls and 20 boys in Mr. Green's class. If 25% of the girls and 30% of the boys are going on a trip to the history museum, what percentage of the entire class is going on the trip? To solve this, we would multiply the percentage of boys and girls by the number of boys and girls. So, we would solve this as follows: 25% x 12 = 3 and 30% x 20 = 6. Next, we would add up the two total numbers and the total number of girls and boys. 3 + 6 = 9 and 20 + 12 = 32. We would then divide 9 and 32 giving us 0.28125. Rounding to the nearest whole number, we get 28%. So, 28% of the whole class is going on the trip.

Ex. There are 12 girls and 20 boys in Mr. Green's class.

If 25% of the girls and 30% of the boys are going on a

trip to the history museum, what percentage of the entire

class is going on the trip?

To solve this, we would multiply the percentage of boys and girls by the number of boys and girls. So, we would solve this as follows: 25% x 12 = 3 and 30% x 20 = 6. Next, we would add up the two total numbers and the total number of girls and boys. 3 + 6 = 9 and 20 + 12 = 32. We would then divide 9 and 32 giving us 0.28125. Rounding to the nearest whole number, we get 28%. So, 28% of the whole class is going on the trip.

Ex. Jason bought a truck 1 year ago, but now, it has decreased by $16,243 which is 25% of the price he paid for it. How much did Jason pay for the truck to the nearest dollar? Because the original price decreased by $16,243, then the original price will be greater than $16,243. Since there is a 25% decrease, we would write the equation as follows. Let m equal the original price: $16,243 = 0.25 x m Next, we would divide the current price by the percentage. 16,243 / 0.25 = 0.25 x m / 0.25 = 64,972. Therefore, $64,972 is the original price Jason paid for his truck.

Ex. Jason bought a truck 1 year ago, but now,

it has decreased by $16,243 which is 25% of the

price he paid for it. How much did Jason pay for the

truck to the nearest dollar?

Because the original price decreased by $16,243, then

the original price will be greater than $16,243. Since there

is a 25% decrease, we would write the equation as follows.

Let m equal the original price:

$16,243 = 0.25 x m

Next, we would divide the current price by the percentage.

16,243 / 0.25 = 0.25 x m / 0.25 = 64,972. Therefore, $64,972

is the original price Jason paid for his truck.

Ex. A vase usually cost $95, but today, it's on sale for a 20% discount. What is the sale price of the vase? $95.00 x 20% = $19.00. So, the sale price of the vase is $19.00

Ex. Eddie wanted to jog for 25 minutes but he decreased it to 15 minutes. What was the percent of the decrease? We would first subtract 25 by 15 which is 10, then divide the original time, 25 minutes by 10 which gives us a result of 2.5%

Repeated Decimals
Fraction Equivalents of a Repeated Decimal: Ex. ____ 0.457 Since there are 3 digits after the repeating decimal, we would multiply the decimal by 10^3. We would have the letter n equal the repeating decimal. So the equation goes: 1000n = 457.457repeated - n = 0.457repeated 999n = 457. Then, we would have 457 / 999 which would give us the repeated decimal of .457

Ex. ___ 0.28 Since there are 2 digits after the repeating decimal, we would multiply the repeating decimal by 10^2. Having the letter n equal the repeating decimal, we would have the following equation: ___ 100n = 28.28 ___ - n = 0.28 = 99n = 28 We now have the result of 99 / 28 which gives a repeating decimal of 0.28

Ex. ___


Since there are 2 digits after the repeating decimal,

we would multiply 10^2. Having the letter n equal the

repeating decimal, we would have the following equation:


100n = 28.28


- n = 0.28 =

99n = 28

We now have the result of 99 / 28 which gives a repeating

decimal of 0.28

Ex. ___ 1.327 To figure this equation out, we would turn this into a problem we already know how to solve, having the repeated decimal right after the decimal point. To solve that, we would multiply the original repeated decimal by 10, which would give us: ___ 13.27 Now, since there are 2 digits in the repetend, we would multiply the repeating decimal by 10^2 or 100 multiplied by 10. This equals ___ 1327.27

Ex. ___


To figure this equation out,

we would turn this into a problem

we already know how to solve, having

the repeated decimal right after the decimal point.

To solve that, we would multiply the original repeated

decimal by 10, which would give us:



Now, since there are 2 digits in the repetend, we would multiply the repeating decimal by 10^2 or 100 multiplied by 10. This equals



Now we can solve the following equation: ___ 1000n = 1327. 27 ___ - 10n = 13.27 990n = 1314 = 1314 / 990, or 73 / 55

Decimal Representation: Ex. 1/3 = 0.3333333333 In this case, the 3 in the tenths place started the repetition So, it would be shown as __ .3

Ex. 7/12 = 0.5833333333 The 3 in the thousandth place starts the repetition. So it would be shown as, __ .583

Repeating decimals are decimals that have a certain pattern of numbers after the decimal. When numbers start to show a pattern, it is known as the repetend.

Ex. 0.4444444444 = (4 / 9) Ex. 0.636363636 = (7 / 11) Ex. 0.409090909 = (9 / 22) *Notice in the last example, the pattern begins in the hundredths place instead of in the tenths place.

Fun Fact: All members of the "1/11" family show a repeated decimal with multiples of 9. 1/11 = 0.0909090909 2/11 = 0.1818181818 3/11 = 0.2727272727 4/11 = 0.3636363636 5/11 = 0.4545454545 6/11 = 0.5454545454 7/11 = 0.6363636363 8/11 = 0.7272727272 9/11 = 0.8181818181 10/11 = 0.9090909090

All members of the "1/9" family show a repeated decimal of the same number. 1/9 = 0.1111111111 2/9 = 0.2222222222 3/9 = 0.3333333333 4/9 = 0.4444444444 5/9 = 0.5555555555 6/9 = 0.6666666666 7/9 = 0.7777777777 8/9 = 0.8888888888

All members of the "1/7" family have the same digits after the decimal in different combinations. 1/7 = 0.1428571429 2/7 = 0.2857142857 3/7 = 0.4285714286 4/7 = 0.5714285714 5/7 = 0.7142857143 6/7 = 0.8571428571

To determine where the pattern begins, there will be a bar over certain numbers telling us that those digits repeat after the decimal. Ex. ____ .209 In this example, the .209 is repeated. So, it would go, 0.209209209209 Ex. ___ .209 The digits 0 and 9 are repeated. So, it would go, 0.2090909090909 Ex. __ .209 Only the 9 is repeated. So, it would go, 0.2099999999999

To determine where the pattern begins,

there will be a line over certain numbers telling us

there are more digits after the decimal.

Ex. ____


In this example, the .209 is repeated. So, it would go,


Ex. ___


The digits 0 and 9 are repeated. So, it would go,


Ex. __


Only the 9 is repeated. So, it would go,


Repeating Decimals Video

Decimals and Grids
Ex. 1 x 0.6 Using a grid, we would have it dividing into 10 parts, and fill in 6 of the 10 parts so we would have a result of 6/10 or 0.6

Ex. 0.3 x 0.8 For this equation, we would use a 10x10 grid, count 3 units in the first column and 8 units in the top row, and then fill out the area. Counting all of the shaded units would give us a result of 0.24 or 24/100

Decimals and Grids Video

Ex. 0.5 Since the 5 is in the tenth place, we would have a grid divided into 10 parts(rods). Then we would shade in 5 of those rods resembling the decimal 0.5 or 5-tenths.

Ex. 0.41 Since there are 2 digits after the decimal, we would have a 10x10 grid displaying 100 unit cubes. We would simply fill in 41 unit cubes since the decimal 0.41 is also known as 41 /100

Week 7: Integer Operations and Visuals/Exploring Rational Numbers

Properties Video
Commutative Property: No matter which orders the numbers go in in an equation, the result will be the same Ex. 3 x 5 = 15, 5 x 3 = 15

Associative Property: Rearranging the parenthesis in an equation gives you the same result Ex. (a + b) + c, a + (b + c)

Multiplicative Identity Property: When you multiply a certain number by 1, you would get a result of that certain number. Ex. 5 x 1 = 5, 10 x 1 = 10

Distributive Property: Multiplying the outside number with each number in the parenthesis. Ex. 5 (4 + 7) = 20 + 35 = 55.

Inverse Property of Multiplication: Every real number besides 0 has a reciprocal The product of any number and its reciprocal is one. Ex. 4 x 1/4 = 1, 8 x 1/8 = 1

Converting Fractions into Decimals
Converting Fraction Families to Decimals: "1 / 5 family", "1 / 9 family", "1 / 11 family"

1/5 = 0.2 or .2 2/5 = 0.4 or .4 3/5 = 0.6 or .6 4/5 = 0.8 or .8

2/9 = .2 continued 5/9 = .5 continued 7/9 = .7 continued 8/9 = .8 continued

2/11 = .18 continued 3/11 = .27 continued 4/11 = .36 continued 6/11 = .54 continued

Ordering Fractions from Least to Greatest 1 / 5, 2 / 8, 3 / 4, 4 / 8 To determine the smallest fraction to the greatest fraction, we would divide the numerators and denominators in each fraction which would be converted into a decimal and then, finding the smallest to largest decimal will tell us which fractions are the smallest and which fractions are the largest.

1 / 5 = 0.2 2 / 8 = 0.25 3 / 4 = 0.75 4 / 8 = 0.5 Based on the decimals, the order of these fractions from smallest to largest are: 1/5, 2/8, 4/8, 3/4

If we were to order these fractions from largest to smallest, it would go: 3/4, 4/8, 2/8, 1/5

Smallest to Largest: 1 / 3 = 0.3 continued 4 / 6 = 0.6 continued 2 / 7 = 0.29 continued 5 / 9 = 0.5 continued The order is: 2/7, 1/3, 5/9, 4/6 Largest to Smallest: 4/6, 5/9, 1/3, 2/7

Types of Numbers
Real Numbers: Any number on the positive and negative number line. Ex. -0.4, 60, -3/4, 5.6, 3 1/3

Natural Numbers: Counting numbers (1,2,3,4,5...) Ex. 60

Rational Numbers: Any number that can be written as a fraction of two integers. Ex. -0.4, 60, -3/4, 5.6, 3 1/3

Irrational Numbers: A number that can't be written as a fraction. Ex. pi, or e

Imaginary Numbers: Ex. The square root of -1

Integers: Whole numbers positive or negative Ex. 60, -60,

Charged Field/Chip Model
When using the charged field/chip model for multiplication, we would draw out a certain number of groups that display a certain number of charges or chips. The amount of charges/chips in each group must be the same.

Ex. -6 x 3 Since we can't have a negative number of groups, we would take the positive number which is 3 and have 3 groups of 6 negative charges/chips. Adding all of the 6 charges up in each group gives us 18 negatives. So, -6 x 3 = -18

Ex. 8 x 5 Since both numbers are positive, we can either have 5 groups of 8 positives, or 8 groups of 5 positives. I would personally prefer to have a smaller number of groups with a bigger number of positives or negatives. Adding up all of the positives in each group, we would get 40 positives. So, 8 x 5 = 40

When using the charged field or chip model for addition and subtraction, we would draw out a certain number of positive and negative charges or chips, line them up in two separate rows, and then cross out a certain number of groups until we are left with a particular number of positive or negative charges or chips that stand-alone. We would then get our answer.

Charged Field Model Addition & Subtraction Video

Ex. -7 + 4 In this example, we would draw out 7 negative charges or chips and 4 positive charges or chips. To find the result we would cross out 4 groups where the negatives and positives meet. When negative or positive charges/chips, in this case, negative charges/chips are alone, we would count how many charges or chips are left. In this example, there are only 3 negative charges/chips left. So, -7 + 4 = -3

Ex. 5 + -6 In this example, we would have 5 positives and 6 negatives lined up in two rows. Next, we would cross out 5 groups, where the negative and positive charges/chips meet. We are now left with 1 negative charge/chip. So, 5 + -6 is -1

Ex. 3 - 8 To solve this, we would have 3 positives and 8 negatives. We would then have to cross out groups of these charges/chips. This will leave us with 5 negative charges/chips. So, 3 - 8 = -5 1 - (-2) In this equation, we would have 1 positive and two negatives. Then we put 2 positives over the two negatives, and since we are taking away -2, we would cross out the two negatives leaving us with 3 positives. So, 1 - (-2) = 3

Ex. -2 - 4 In this example, we would draw out 2 negative charges/chips and since we don't have -4 charges/chips, we would have to draw more charges/chips so that we would end up with 4 negative charges/chips. In this case, we would only draw two more negatives to get -4. Now what we have to do is draw two positives below the two negatives we have added. But since we can't take away 4 negatives with 2 positives, we would have to add two more positives to make four positives. Then, we would have to add two more negatives so that the negatives and positives line up. Next, we have to cross out all the positives and add up all of the negatives. This will give us 6 negatives. So, -2 - 4 = -6

Multiplying and Dividing Real Numbers
When it comes multiplying and dividing real numbers: Positive x Positive = Positive Positive x Negative = Negative Negative x Positive = Negative Negative x Negative = Positive Positive / Positive = Positive Positive / Negative = Negative Negative / Positive = Negative Negative / Negative = Positive

Dividing Real Numbers: When we divide, we are trying to find what is called the quotient. 12 / 4 = 3 16 / -2 = -8 -60 / 5 = -12 -45 / -9 = 5

Multiplying Real Numbers: When we multiply, we are trying to find what is called the product. 4 x 3 = 12 8 x -2 = -16 -12 x 5 = -60 -9 x -5 = 45

Adding and Subtracting Real Numbers
Using a number line, we would move to the left if the sign presented in the equation is negative. If the sign in the equation is positive, we would move to the right.

Ex. 10 - 13 Starting with the 10 on the number line, we would go to the left 13 times landing on -3. So, 10 - 13 = -3 Ex. -1 - 4 Starting at -1, we go to the left 4 times landing on -5 So, -1 - 4 = -5

Ex. 7 - 9 Starting at 7, we go to the left 9 times landing on -2. So, 7 - 9 = -2 Ex. 15 - 8 Starting at 15, we go to the left 8 times landing on 7. So, 15 - 8 is 7.

Ex. 5 + -2 In this example, we would start at 5 and since the 2 is negative, we would go to the left 2 times on the number line landing on 3. So, 5 + -2 = 3 Ex. -4 - (-3) In this example, when we see two negative signs on either side of the parenthesis, the number inside the parenthesis becomes positive. So the equation would be -4 + 3. Then we would move to the right 3 times giving us -1.

Ex. -6 + -3 We would start at -6, and since the 3 is negative, we would keep going to the left landing on -9. So, -6 + -3 = -9 Ex. -2 + 1 - 7 To solve this equation, we would start at -2 and go to the right 1 landing on -1 So, we are left with the equation -1 - 7. In this case, starting at -1 we would go back to the left 7 times landing on -8. So, -2 + 1 - 7 = -8

Week 5: Divisibility/GCF & LCM

Least Common Multiple: The 5 methods that can be used when finding the least common multiple between two numbers include: Colored Rods, Prime Factorization, Intersection of Sets, Number Line, and Division-by-Primes
Colored Rods: Ex. (3,4) To find the least common multiple between these numbers, we would take a 3 cm. rod and a 4 cm. rod, collect a certain number of them, and build trains of these two rods so that they evenly line up with each other. In this case, we would have three 4 cm. rods and four 3 cm. rods evenly lined up together. Next, we would take longer/shorter rods and find out what rods evenly line up with the three 4 cm. and four 3 cm. rods. In this example, a 10 cm. rod and a 2 cm. rod perfectly fit with the three 4 cm and four 3 cm. rods. Adding the 10 cm. and 2 cm. rods together gives us a length of 12. Therefore, 12 is the least common multiple between 3 and 4.

Colored Rods: Ex. (3,4)

To find the least common multiple

between these numbers, we would take

a 3 cm. rod and a 4 cm. rod, collect a certain number of them,

and build trains of these two rods so that they evenly line up with each other. In this case, we would have three 4 cm. rods and four 3 cm. rods evenly lined up together. Next, we would take longer/shorter rods and find out what rods evenly line up with the three 4 cm. and four 3 cm. rods. In this example, a 10 cm. rod and a 2 cm. rod perfectly fit with the three 4 cm and four 3 cm. rods. Adding the 10 cm. and 2 cm. rods together gives us a length of 12. Therefore, 12 is the least common multiple between 3 and 4.

LCM: Colored Rods Method Video

Prime Factorization: Ex. (60,24) We would do the same thing as we did when finding the greatest common factor. But this time, we would look for the largest exponents and numbers in the two equations to find the least common multiple. In this example, 2^3 is the largest exponent, and then we just include the 3 and 5 and multiply. We end up with a total of 120. Therefore, the least common multiple between 60 and 24 is 120.

Prime Factorization: Ex. (60,24)

We would do the same thing as we

did when finding the greatest common factor.

But this time, we would look for the largest exponents

and numbers in the two equations to find the least common

multiple. In this example, 2^3 is the largest exponent, and then we just include the 3 and 5 and multiply. We end up with a total of 120. Therefore, the least common multiple between 60 and 24 is 120.

The Intersection of Sets: Ex. (32, 44) To find the least common multiple between these two numbers, we would first have to find the multiples of each number and then find the least number that goes into 32 and 44. M32 {32,64,96,128,160,192,224,256,288,320,352,384...} M44 {44,88,132,176,220,264,308, 352,396...} In this case, 352 is the first multiple the two numbers have in common. Therefore, between 32 and 44, 352 is the least common multiple.

The Intersection of Sets: (32, 44)

To find the least common multiple

between these two numbers, we would first

have to find the multiples of each number and then

find the least number that goes into 32 and 44.

M32 {32,64,96,128,160,192,224,256,288,320,352,384...}

M44 {44,88,132,176,220,264,308, 352,396...}

In this case, 352 is the first multiple the two numbers have

in common. Therefore, between 32 and 44, 352 is the least

common multiple.

Number Line: Ex. (3,4) This method is mainly used when finding the least common multiple between smaller numbers. How we would use this method we would start at 0, pick any of the two numbers given to figure out first, and then go to right counting by whatever the number you chose to solve for first. In this case, we can take the 4 and go to the right of the number line skipping over 3 numbers, and counting by 4 landing on a certain number. Then, we can take the 3 and do the same thing but this time, skip over 2 numbers and count by 3.

Number Line: (3,4)

This method is mainly used when

finding the least common multiple between

smaller numbers. How we would use this method

we would start at 0, pick any of the two numbers given

to figure out first, and then go to right counting by whatever

the number you chose to solve for first. In this case, we can take the 4 and go to the right of the number line skipping over 3 numbers, and counting by 4 landing on a certain number. Then, we can take the 3 and do the same thing but this time, skip over 2 numbers and count by 3.

Once we have done that, we would then find out where on the number line both numbers similarly landed while in the process of going to the right on the number line. In this example, 12 is the number that both 3 and 4 landed on while going to the right. So, 12 is the least common multiple of 3 and 4.

Division-by-Primes: Ex. (75,120) To find the least common multiple between these two numbers, we would first take the smallest prime number: 2, and divide it by 75 and 120. Since 75 is not divisible by 2, we would just bring down the 75 and divide 120 by 2 which is 60. So, we now have 75 and 60 divided by 2. We would bring down the 75 again and divide 60 by 2 which is 30. Bringing down the 75 once more, we then divide 30 by 2 which is 15. Now, since neither 75 nor 15 can be divisible by 2, we would take the next prime number: 3, and divide these two numbers by 3. 75/3 = 25 and 15/3 = 5. We now have 25 and 5 divided by the next prime number: 5 since 3 can't divide into 25 or 5. 25/5 = 5 and 5/5 = 1. Taking the 5 and 1 and dividing it by 5 again, we end up with 1 and 1.

Division-by-Primes: Ex. (75,120)

To find the least common multiple between these two numbers, we would first take the smallest prime number: 2, and divide it by 75 and 120. Since 75 is not divisible by 2, we would just bring down the 75 and divide 120 by 2 which is 60. So, we now have 75 and 60 divided by 2. We would bring down the 75 again and divide 60 by 2 which is 30. Bringing down the 75 once more, we then divide 30 by 2 which is 15. Now, since neither 75 nor 15 can be divisible by 2, we would take the next prime number: 3, and divide these two numbers by 3. 75/3 = 25 and 15/3 = 5. We now have 25 and 5 divided by the next prime number: 5 since 3 can't divide into 25 or 5. 25/5 = 5 and 5/5 = 1. Taking the 5 and 1 and dividing it by 5 again, we end up with 1 and 1.

Once this is all figured out, we would then determine how many of each prime numbers it took to get to the bottom. In this case it took three 2's, one 3, and two 5's to get to the bottom of this equation. We would then multiply 2^3 x 3 x 5^2 which would give us 600. So, 600 is the least common multiple between 75 and 120.

Greatest Common Factor: The 3 methods that can be used when finding the greatest common factor between two numbers include: Colored Rods, Prime Factorization, and Intersection of Sets.
Colored Rods: Ex. (6,8) This method is more beneficial when finding the greatest common factor between single-digit numbers. To figure this out, we would take a 6 cm. rod and an 8 cm. rod, then try to find smaller rods that perfectly fit with the two rods. In this case, three 2 cm. rods perfectly fit with the 6 cm. rod, but since the 8 cm. rod is longer, the 3 rods can't be used to build the 8 cm. rod, so we would have to add another 2 cm. rod. This leaves us with four 2 cm. rods perfectly fitting with the 8 cm. rod. Other rods that are longer like 5 cm. rods won't fit with the 6 or 8 cm. rod. A 6 cm. rod won't fit with the 8 cm. rod, so we would have 2 cm. rods fit with both rods. Therefore, 2 is the greatest common factor between 6 and 8.

Colored Rods: Ex. (6,8)

This method is more beneficial

when finding the greatest common factor

between single-digit numbers. To figure this out,

we would take a 6 cm. rod and an 8 cm. rod, then try to

find smaller rods that perfectly fit with the two rods.

In this case, three 2 cm. rods perfectly fit with the 6 cm. rod,

but since the 8 cm. rod is longer, the 3 rods can't be used to build the 8 cm. rod, so we would have to add another 2 cm. rod. This leaves us with four 2 cm. rods perfectly fitting with the 8 cm. rod. Other rods that are longer like 5 cm. rods

won't fit with the 6 or 8 cm. rod. A 6 cm. rod won't fit with the 8 cm. rod, so we would have 2 cm. rods fit with both rods. Therefore, 2 is the greatest common factor between 6 and 8.

Prime Factorization: Ex. (60,24) We have to find the factors of both of these numbers by creating a factor tree for each. 5 and 12 are factors that can be multiplied together to get 60. 2 and 6 are factors of 12, and 2 & 3 are factors that go into 6. So, we are left with the equation, 2^2 x 3 x 5. For 24, 3 and 8 are the two factors that go into 24. 2 and 4 are factors that go into 8, and 2 & 2 are the factors that go into 4. So, we are left with the equation 2^3 x 3.

Prime Factorization: Ex. (60,24)

We have to find the factors of both of

these numbers by creating a factor tree for each.

5 and 12 are factors that can be multiplied together

to get 60. 2 and 6 are factors of 12, and 2 & 3 are factors

that go into 6. So, we are left with the equation, 2^2 x 3 x 5.

For 24, 3 and 8 are the two factors that go into 24. 2 and 4 are

factors that go into 8, and 2 & 2 are the factors that go into 4.

So, we are left with the equation 2^3 x 3.

Once we figure out both equations, we would then take the smallest exponents and numbers combine them and then multiply. In this case 2^2 is the smallest exponent and since there is no exponents of 3 in either factor tree, we would just take the 3 and multiply it by 2^2 which equals 12. So, the greatest common factor between 60 and 24 is 12.

Once we figure out both equations,

we would then take the smallest exponents and numbers

combine them and then multiply. In this case 2^2 is the smallest exponent and since there is no exponents of 3 in either factor tree, we would just take the 3 and multiply it by 2^2 which equals 12. So, the greatest common factor between 60 and 24 is 12.

Intersection of Sets: (132, 244) This method may take a while, since we are trying to find the many numbers that divide into these two numbers. My suggestion would be to find at least 10 numbers that divide into each of these two numbers. D132 {1,2,3,4,6,11,12,22,33,44,66,132...} D244 {1,2,4,61,244...}

Once we find the majority of the numbers that can divide into each number, we would compare each set and find out what numbers they have in common. In this example, 132 and 244 can both be divisible by 1, 2, and 4. Since we are trying to find the greatest common factor, we would look for the largest number that can divide into 132 and 244. In this case, 4 is the largest number that can divide into both. So, 4 is the greatest common factor

Once we find the majority of the numbers that can divide

into each number, we would compare each set and find out

what numbers they have in common. In this example, 132 and 244 can both be divisible by 1, 2, and 4. Since we are trying to find the greatest common factor, we would look for the largest number that can divide into 132 and 244. In this case, 4 is the largest number that can divide into both. So, 4 is the greatest common factor

Divisibility Video:
For the divisor 10, the last digit of a number must end in 0 for it to be divisible by 10. Ex. 100/10 = 10, 50/10 = 5, 10/10 = 1
For the divisor 11, the odd digits in a number should add up to the even digit in a number or differ by a multiple of 11 for it to be divisible by 11. Ex. 143: 1+3 = 4, 143/11 = 13, 165: 1+5 = 6, 165/11 = 15
For the divisor 5, a number must end in 0 or 5 in order to be divisible by 5. Ex. 705/5 = 141, therefore, 705 is divisible by 5.
For the divisor 6, a number must be divisible by 2 and 3 in order to be divisible by 6. Ex. 24/3 = 8, 24/6 = 4

For the divisor 9, the digits in a number must add up to 9 in order to be divisible by 9 Ex. 45: 4+5 = 9, 45/9 = 5, 63: 6+3 = 9, 63/9 = 7, 117: 1+1+7 = 9, 117/9 = 13

Divisibility Rules: For the divisor 2, a number must be even in order to be divisible by 2. Ex. 410/2 = 205, therefore 410 is divisible by 2 because the last digit is even.
For the divisor 3, the total number, after adding all digits in a number must be divisible by 3. Ex. 5013: 5+0+1+3 = 9. 9 is divisible by 3, therefore 5013 is also divisible by 3

For the divisor 4, the last two digits of a number must be even in order to be divisible by 4. Ex. 120/4 = 30, 188/4 = 47, 204/4 = 51

Week 3: Number Sense

Adding Methods in Different Base Systems: When adding with different base systems, for example 33base 6 + 21base 6, you would add two numbers together, for instance, 3 + 1 is 4, and since 4 is a number in base 6, you would write 4. 3+2 is 5 so it would be 54.

Adding Methods in Different Base Systems: When adding with different base systems, for example, 33base 6 + 21base 6, you would add two numbers together, for instance, 3 + 1 is 4, and since 4 is a number in base 6, you would write 4. 3+2 is 5 so it would be 54.

Another example: 34base 3 + 22base 3. 4 + 2 = 6, but since 6 is not a number in base 3, we would determine how many blocks are in 7 base 3. So, 6, would be 2 longs, so we would put unit number: 2 in one place. 3 + 2 is 5 so it would be 1 long and 2 units. The answer would be, 122.
Order of Operations: The acronym used is called PEMDAS. P= Parenthesis, E=Exponents, M=Multiplication, D=Division, A=Addition, and S=Subtraction. When any one of these elements is in an equation, you solve what comes first. For example, if an equation had: (5 + 4) x 2, you would solve parenthesis first.
Addition Algorithms: There are many ways to solve addition problems and get the same result. The addition algorithms included standard algorithm, partial sums, opposite change, lattice, and column addition

When using the lattice algorithm, we would draw boxes below the numbers being added and draw a slash in each to divide the boxes in two to show the ten's and one's place of a number. For example, 64 + 52. We would draw two boxes underneath since there are 2-digit numbers. 4 + 2 is 6 so we would put the 0 on the top part of the box in the one's place and the 6 in the bottom corner. Then add 6 + 5 which is 11, so the 1 will be in the top part of the box in the ten's place and another 1 on the bottom. We would then add diagonally. 0 + 1 is 1 and then bring down the other 1 and 6 which equals 116.

Column addition is similar to standard algorithm. We would take two numbers, for instance 441 + 329, and put vertical lines separating each number putting it in the one's, ten's, and hundred's column. We would then simply add. 1 + 9 is 10, 4 + 2 is 6, and 4 + 3 is 7. Next, we take any 2-digit numbers and carry the ten's place number to the next column. So, we would carry the 1 in 10 and add 1 to 4 + 2 which is 6 + 1 is 7. So 441 + 329 = 770

Column addition is similar to the standard algorithm. We would take two numbers, for instance, 441 + 329, and put vertical lines separating each number putting it in the one's, ten's, and hundred's column. We would then simply add. 1 + 9 is 10, 4 + 2 is 6, and 4 + 3 is 7. Next, we take any 2-digit numbers and carry the ten's place number to the next column. So, we would carry the 1 in 10 and add 1 to 4 + 2 which is 6 + 1 is 7. So 441 + 329 = 770

When we use the opposite change method, we would add and subtract a certain number to any of the two numbers in the equation so that one of them ends in 0. For example, 398 + 277. First, we would determine which number is closer to a number that ends in 0. In this case, 398 would be the best choice, so we would add 2 to 398 to make 400, but we have to do the opposite of 277, so we would subtract 2 from 277 to make 275. 400 + 275 which is 675

When we use the opposite change method, we would

add and subtract a certain number to any of the two numbers in the equation so that one of them ends in 0. For example, 398 + 277. First, we would determine which number is closer to a number that ends in 0. In this case, 277 would be the best choice, so we would add 3 to 277 to make 280, but we have to do the opposite of 398, so we would subtract 3 from 398 to make 395. Next, we'll need to turn the 8 in 280 to a 0, so if we add 20 to 280, that would give us 300. Then, subtract 20 from 395 which is 375. So we get 375 + 300 which is 675.

A partial sum example would be, 365 + 244. You would first take the hundreds place value and write 300 then take the hundreds place value from the other number and write 200, for the rest, 60, 40, 5, and 4, and then add them all up which would give a total of 609.

Standard Algorithms are when you basically add the numbers in the same column. Like, 51 + 24 = 75.

Week 2: Binary System/Mayan Number System

The binary system can only be used in base 2 since there are only two numbers: 0 and 1. When we add numbers in binary code, for example, 1 + 1, we put 0 and carry the one since 2 is not a number in base two.
The Mayan number system is one of the many other numeral systems, such as Babylonian, Roman, Egyptian, Hindu, etc... In the Mayan numeral system a shell represents 0, individual circles represent numbers 1-4, one line represents the number 5, and two lines represent 10. A circle above anything else resembles 20, and a long line above anything represents 100.

Ex. 9 would be one line and 4 circles Ex. 16 would be two lines horizontally parallel, one line on the right side of the bottom line, and a circle on the side Ex. 23 is one big circle on top and three little circles below it Ex. 106 is one big line on top, one little line on the bottom, and a circle on the side.

Ex. 9 would be one line and 4 circles

Ex. 16 would be two lines horizontally parallel, one line on the right side of the bottom line, and a circle on the side

Ex. 23 is one big circle on top and three little circles below it

Ex. 106 is one big line on top, one little line on the bottom, and a circle on the side.

Week 13: Fractions-Addition & Subtraction

Unit Fractions
Unit fractions are fractions with the numerator always being 1. Ex. 1/4, 1/7, 1/11 These can be found in fraction bars, and all of those fraction bars are pieced together to create a fraction wall.

Ex. Three 1/4 fraction bars = 3/4 Ex. Two 1/7 fraction bars = 2/7 Ex. Eight 1/11 fraction bars = 8/11

When it comes to subtracting fractions using fraction bars, we would place one below the other and fill in the empty space below which will be our difference.

Ex. 6/9 - 1/3 Putting the 1/3 fraction bar below the 6/9 fraction bar, the fraction bar that easily fits in the empty space is 2/6 or 1/3. Therefore, 6/9 - 1/3 = 1/3

Subtracting Fractions with Fraction Strips Video:

Ex. 6/12 - 2/8 Putting the 2/8 fraction bar below the 6/12 fraction bar, we have to fill in the empty space with another fraction bar that fits in perfectly. In this case, the 1/4 fraction bar fits in evenly fits in the empty space. Therefore, 6/12 - 2/8 = 1/4

When it comes to adding fractions using fraction bars, we would place them side by side and figure out how much of one unit fraction bar is needed to evenly fit with the two fractions

Ex. 3/9 + 1/6 Lining these up, side by side, below, we would get 6/12. Simplified, we'll end up with 3/9 + 1/6 = 1/2

Adding Fractions with Fraction Strips Video:

Ex. 5/10 + 2/6 Lining up five 1/10s and two 1/6s fraction bars side by side, we place one fraction bar below. In this case, we would have ten 1/12s or 10/12. Since this fraction can be simplified, we would end up with 5/6. Therefore, 5/10 + 2/6 = 5/6

Pattern Blocks
Pattern blocks include: Hexagons, trapezoids, rhombi, and triangles

If one trapezoid made a whole: Hexagon = 2 Rhombus = 2/3 Triangle = 1/3

If two rhombi make a whole: Hexagon = 1 1/2 Trapezoid = 3/4 Triangle = 1/4

When using pattern blocks, a trapezoid equals 1/2, a rhombus equal 1/3, and a triangle equals 1/6, if 1 hexagon makes a whole.

If two hexagons made a whole: Hexagon = 1/2 Trapezoid = 1/4 Rhombus = 1/6 Triangle = 1/12

If three hexagons made a whole: Hexagon = 1/3 Trapezoid = 1/6 Rhombus = 1/9 Triangle = 1/18

If four hexagons made a whole: Hexagon = 1/4 Trapezoid =1/8 Rhombus = 1/12 Triangle = 1/24

Subtracting Fractions
Fraction Bars: We use this method the same way for subtracting fractions, however, we will end up with a negative fraction.

Ex. 2/3 - 5/7 We first have one box with 3 rows with 2 of the rows shaded. Another box with 7 columns with 5 columns shaded. Adding 7 columns in the 2/3 box, we end up with 21 total parts with 14 parts shaded. Multiplying 7 by 2/3 gives us 14/21. Adding 3 rows to the 5/7 box gives us 21 parts total with 15 parts shaded. Multiplying 3 by 5/7 gives us 15/21. Subtracting the 14/21 by 15/21 gives us -1/21.

Adding Fractions
Fraction Bars: This method is used the same way as when we compare fractions, only this time we are adding the two total fractions together.

Ex. 4/5 + 1/4 We would draw one box drawing in 5 columns with 4 of those columns shaded, and another box drawing in 4 rows shading in 1 row. Next, we'll take the 4 from 1/4 and draw in 4 rows in the 4/5 box, which will give us 16 parts shaded with a total of 20 parts. Abstractly, we multiply 4 by 4/5 which also gives us 16/20. Then, we will take the 5 from 4/5 and draw in 5 columns in the 1/4 box, giving us 5 parts shaded with a total of 20. Multiplying 5 by 1/4 = 5/20.

Ex. 4/5 + 1/4

We would draw one box drawing

in 5 columns with 4 of those columns shaded,

and another box drawing in 4 rows shading in 1 row.

Next, we'll take the 4 from 1/4 and draw in 4 rows in the

4/5 box, which will give us 16 parts shaded with a total

of 20 parts. Abstractly, we multiply 4 by 4/5 which also gives us 16/20.

Then, we will take the 5 from 4/5 and draw in 5 columns in the

1/4 box, giving us 5 parts shaded with a total of 20. Multiplying 5 by 1/4 = 5/20.

Adding the two new fractions: 16/20 + 5/20, we get 21/20. Since this is an improper fraction, we can turn this into a mixed number. Dividing 21 by 20 gives us the mixed fraction of 1 1/20

Week 10: Decimals & Percentages

Keywords for Percentage Increase/Decrease
Percentage Increase: Markup - The amount by which an original amount priced has increased Final price = original price + markup

Percentage Decrease: Discount - The amount by which an original amount priced has decreased Final price = original price - discount

Percentage Increase/Decrease
When finding the result of a percentage increase and decrease, we solve the problem differently.

Ex. Percentage Increase: Find the result when 40 is increased by 25%. To figure this out, we would multiply the percentage by the number given. In this case, we would write 0.25(40) = 10. Next, since this is an increase, we would add the new result to the original number. 40 + 10 = 50. Therefore, the result is 50.

Ex. Percentage Decrease Find the result when 35 is decreased by 20%. We would first do the same thing we did when finding the result of the increase. Multiplying the percentage with the number: 0.20(35) = 7. This time, we would subtract the new result from the original number. In this case, 35 - 7 = 28. Therefore, the result is 28.

What we would do to determine a percentage increase or decrease is to first find the percentage change based on the 2 numbers given.

Ex. From 30 to 18. 18 - 30 = -12 / 30 = -0.4 = -40% This is a percent decrease because 30 equals the original value, while 18 equals the new value, and since 18 is less than 30, the original value dropped by 40%.

Ex. From 38 to 55 55 - 38 = 17 / 38 = 45% This is a percent increase since the original value (38) is smaller than the new value (55). Therefore, the original value increased by 45%.

Percentage of Increase/Decrease Video

Percentage Change
How we would find percentage change is by first, subtract two numbers, aka, a new value with the old value and then divide the total by the original value. By doing this, we would end up with a decimal, so we would determine the percentage of the decimal. So, the equation for finding the percent change is as follows: New Value - Original Value = x / Original value = Decimal = Percentage

Ex. On Monday, 15 students signed up to go on a field trip. Then, on Tuesday, a total number of 28 students signed up for the field trip. What is the percentage change? 28 - 15 = 13/15 = 87%

Ex. In 2021, the cost of a wedding dress was $2,000. Now, the price of a wedding dress is $3,500. What is the percent change? 3500 - 2000 = 1500/2000 = 0.75 = 75%

Ex. Joanne had 20 pieces of candy, and she gave 11 pieces to her brother. What is the percent change? 20 - 11 = 9 9 (New Amount) - 20 (Original Amount) = -11/20 = -0.55 So, the percentage change is -55%

Ex. During a math test, one student completed 25 questions. Another student completed 10 questions less than the other student. What was the percentage change? 25 -10 = 15 15 - 25 = -10/ 25 = -0.4 which equals -40%.

Percent Change Video

Week 8: Decimals

Adding/Multiplying Decimals:
Ex. 1.43 x 5.2 To solve for this, ignoring the decimal placement for now, we evenly line up the digits and simply multiply. 1.43 x 5.2 = 7.436. Since 1.43 has 2 digits after the decimal, and 5.2 has only 1 digit after the decimal, we end up with a result that has 3 digits after the decimal

Ex. 0.016 x 0.04 Simply multiplying, 0.016 x 0.04 = 0.00064. Since 0.016 has 3 digits after the decimal, and 0.04 has 2 digits after the decimal, we would have a result that has 5 digits after the decimal.

Ex. 3.45 + 1.22 To solve this equation using base 10 blocks, we would have 3 flats, 4 rods (4/10), and 5 units (5/100) + 1 flat, 2 rods (2/10), and 2 units (2/100). Using the standard addition algorithm for this equation, we end up with 4 flats, 6 rods (6/10), and 7 units (7/100). In decimal form, we end up with 4.67.

Ex. 3.45 + 1.22 Another way to solve this equation would be as follows: (3 + 4/10 + 5/100) + (1 + 2/10 + 2/100) = (3 + 1) + (4/10 + 2/10) + (5/100 + 2/100) = 4 + 6/10 + 7/100 = 4.67

Scientific Notation:
Ex. 231,000,000 To figure out the scientific notation of this number, we would have to place a decimal in between the first two numbers that aren't 0. In this case, we would put the decimal in between 2 and 3, so, the decimal we would get is 2.31. Next, we would have to multiply it by 10 with either a positive or negative exponent. Since 2.31 is less than 231,000,000, then the exponent would be positive. To find what the exponent is, we would count how many places the decimal moved. In this case, the decimal moved to the left 8 times. So, the equation would be 2.31 x 10^ (8)

Ex. 231,000,000

To figure out the scientific notation of this number,

we would have to place a decimal in between the first two

numbers that aren't 0. In this case, we would put the decimal

in between 2 and 3, so, the decimal we would get is 2.31.

Next, we would have to multiply it by 10 with either a positive or negative exponent. Since 2.31 is less than 231,000,000, then the exponent would be positive. To find what the exponent is, we would count how many places the decimal moved. In this case, the decimal moved to the left 8 times.

So, the equation would be 2.31 x 10^ (8)

Ex. .00045 To find the scientific notation of this number, the decimal would be placed between 4 and 5 giving us a decimal of 4.5. Now, since 4.5 is greater than .00045, then the exponent will be negative. Since the decimal moved 4 places to the right, the equation would be 4.5 x 10^ (-4)

Multiplying & Dividing Decimals Using Base-10 Blocks:
Ex. 2.1 / 0.3 Using the base 10 blocks, we would have 2 flats and 1 rod. Next, we would break down the 2 flats into 10 rods each. Counting the 1 rod, we have a total of 21 rods. Now, for this equation, instead of dividing these rods into 3 groups, we would have to determine how many groups of rods there are in order to get the answer. To do that, we would divide these rods into groups of 3. We then end up with a total of 7 groups. So, 2.1 / 0.3 = 7.

Ex. 2.1 / 0.3

Using the base 10 blocks,

we would have 2 flats and 1 rod.

Next, we would break down the 2 flats

into 10 rods each. Counting the 1 rod, we

have a total of 21 rods. Now, for this equation,

instead of dividing these rods into 3 groups, we would

have to determine how many groups of rods there are in

order to get the answer. To do that, we would divide these rods into groups of 3. We then end up with a total of 7 groups. So, 2.1 / 0.3 = 7.

Dividing: Ex. 1.4 / 7 With base 10 blocks, we would have 1 flat and 4 longs. Now what we are going to do is divide these into 7 groups. To do that, we would substitute the 1 flat with 10 rods so we have a total of 14 rods. We can now take these rods and divide them into 7 groups. This would result in us getting 2 rods in each of the 7 groups. So, 1.4 / 7 = 0.2


Ex. 1.4 / 7

With base 10 blocks,

we would have 1 flat and 4 longs.

Now what we are going to do is divide these

into 7 groups. To do that, we would substitute the

1 flat with 10 rods so we have a total of 14 rods.

We can now take these rods and divide them into 7 groups.

This would result in us getting 2 rods in each of the 7 groups.

So, 1.4 / 7 = 0.2

Dividing Decimals Using Base 10 Blocks Video

Ex. 2.5 x 1.3 Using base 10 blocks, we would have 2 flats, and, this time, 5 rods beside the 2 flats since the 5 is in the tenths place Then, we would have 3 rods under each flat. Now, since we have an empty space in the far-right corner, we would have to put unit cubes to fill it in. Since there are 3 rows of rods underneath the 2 flats and 5 columns of rows, we have 3 rows of 5 units cubes. Using the table, we have a 2 in the 1's place, 11 in the 10's place, and a 15 in the 100's place. Taking the 1 from 11 and adding to 2 gives us 3 in the 1's place. Then, taking the 1 from the 15 and adding it to 1 in the 10's place, we have 2 leaving us with 3.25. So, 2.5 x 1.3 = 3.25

Ex. 2.5 x 1.3

Using base 10 blocks,

we would have 2 flats, and, this time,

5 rods beside the 2 flats since the 5 is in the tenths place

Then, we would have 3 rods under each flat. Now, since

we have an empty space in the far-right corner, we would

have to put unit cubes to fill it in. Since there are 3 rows of rods underneath the 2 flats and 5 columns of rows, we have 3 rows of 5 units of cubes. Using the table, we have a 2 in the 1's place, 11 in the 10's place, and a 15 in the 100's place. Taking

the 1 from 11 and adding to 2 gives us 3 in the 1's place. Then, taking the 1 from the 15 and adding it to 1 in the 10's place, we have 2 leaving us with 3.25. So, 2.5 x 1.3 = 3.25

Ex. 1.4 x 0.3 Using base 10 blocks, we would solve this equation differently. We would have 1 flat and 4 rods underneath. Then, looking at the 3 in 0.3, we would count up 3 columns in the flat, line it up with 4 rods, and draw a line to split each of them up leaving us with 3 rods and 12 unit cubes. Carrying the 1 from 12 and adding it to 3, we end up getting 0.42. So, 1.4 x 0.3 = 0.42

Multiplying Decimals Using Base 10 Blocks Video

Multiplying: Ex. 4 x 1.3 To solve this using base-10 blocks, since 4 is a whole number, we would have 4 flats or wholes in one row. Since 1.3 is a decimal, we would first, look at the 1 and determine how many flats we need to make a column. Since we have 1 flat from the 4 flats, we don't need to add a column. Next, we would take the 3, and because 3 is in the tenth place, we would have 3 rods under each of the 4 flats since 1 rod equals 1/10.


Ex. 4 x 1.3

To solve this using base-10 blocks,

since 4 is a whole number, we would have

4 flats or wholes in one row. Since 1.3 is a decimal, we would

first, look at the 1 and determine how many flats we need

to make a column. Since we have 1 flat from the 4 flats, we don't need to add a column. Next, we would take the 3, and because 3 is in the tenth place, we would have 3 rods under each of the 4 flats since 1 rod equals 1/10.

Then, we would draw a table separating it into 1's, 10s, and 100's place writing out how many flats we have, and how many rods we have. In this case, we have 4 in the 1's place resembling 4 wholes, and, counting up the number of rods, we end up with 12 in the 10's place. Because there are no unit cubes the number in the 100's place is 0. For the 10's place, since we can't have more than one-digit numbers in each place, we would take the 1 from 12 and add it to 4 leaving us with 5 in the one's place and 2 in the ten's place. Therefore, 4 x 1.3 = 5.2

Then, we would draw a table separating it into 1's, 10s, and 100's place writing out how many flats we have, and how many rods we have. In this case, we have 4 in the 1's place resembling 4 wholes, and, counting up the number of rods, we end up with 12 in the 10's place. Because there are no unit cubes the number in the 100's place is 0. For the 10's place, since we can't have more than one-digit numbers in each place, we would take the 1 from 12 and add it to 4 leaving us with 5 in the one's place and 2 in the ten's place.

Therefore, 4 x 1.3 = 5.2

Ex. 3 x 1.25 Using base 10 blocks, we have 3 flats, 2 rods under each flat, and 5 units under each group of 2 rods. Now, drawing a table with a 1's, 10's, and 100's place We have 3 in the 1's place, 6 in the 10's place since there is a total of 6 rods, and 15 in in the 100's place since there is a total of 15 units. Taking the 1 from the 15 and adding it to the 6 in tenths place, we end up with 3.75. Therefore, 3 x 1.25 = 3.75

Decimal Block Value
One flat = 1 whole One rod = 0.1 or 1/10 One unit = 0.01 or 1/100

Ex. 0.37 using base 10 blocks = 0 flats, 3 rods (0.3 or 3/10), and 7 units (0.07 or 7/100)

Ex. 0.8 using base ten blocks = 0 flats, and 8 rods (0.8 or 8/10)

Ex. 1.42 using base 10 blocks = 1 flat, 4 rods (0.4 or 4/10), and 2 units (0.02 or 2/100)

Ex. 3.0 using base 10 blocks = 3 flats, 0 rods, and 0 units

Expanded Notation:
Ex. 16.51483 1x10 + 6x1+ 5/10^ (1) +1/10^ (2) + 4/10^ (3) + 8/10^ (4) + 3/10^ (5) Since the 1 is in the tens place and the 6 is in the one's place before the decimal, we would multiply those numbers by their place values. After the decimal, we would divide each number by 10 adding an exponent to the 10 depending on how many digits there are after the decimal. The more digits after the decimal, the bigger the exponents will get.

Ex. 16.51483 =

1x10 + 6x1+ 5/10^ (1) +1/10^ (2) + 4/10^ (3) + 8/10^ (4) + 3/10^ (5)

Since the 1 is in the tens place and the 6 is in the one's place before the decimal, we would multiply those numbers by their place values. After the decimal, we would divide each number by 10 adding an exponent to the 10 depending on how many digits there are after the decimal. The more digits after the decimal, the bigger the exponents will get.

Ex. 3.4452 3x1+ 4/10^ (1) + 4/10^ (2) + 5/10^ (3) + 2/10^ (4)

How to Write and Say Decimals:
ten-thousands, thousands, hundreds, tens, ones, and, tenths, hundredths, thousands, ten thousandths, hundred thousandths

Ex. 51.003 fifty-one and three thousandths

Ex. 46.9 forty-six and nine tenths

Ex. 2.58 two and fifty-eight hundredths

Ex. 125.6427 one hundred twenty-five and six thousand, four hundred twenty-seven ten-thousandths.

Ex. 34.477 thirty-four and four hundred seventy-seven thousandths When we reach the decimal point, we always read it as "and".

Week 6: Integers

Absolute Value:
The result of an absolute value is always positive. It can never be negative. So, in this case, whenever we see a negative number, we would change the sign so that that the number becomes positive.

Ex. |-3| = 3 Ex. |5| = 5 Ex. |x| = 6 In this particular example, x can be either 6 or -6 because when finding the absolute value between these numbers, the results would be the same. |6| = 6 and |-6| = 6.

Ex. |-7|+3 |-7| = 7, so 7 + 3 = 10 Ex. |x + 4| = 8 To solve this absolute value equation, we would first write this equation, then write a second equation of |x + 4| = -8. Next, we would solve each by subtracting 4 on both sides. The two 4's on either side cancel out and for the first equation, we would get 4 when subtracting 8 by 4. For the second equation, we would get -12 when subtracting -8 by 4. So, 4 and -12 are the two solutions for this equation. Ex. |1x - 3| = 2 To solve this absolute value equation, we would do the same thing for the last example, but now we would also divide by 1 for this particular example. So, when solving 1x - 3 = 2 , 2 + 3 = 5 divided by 1 which is 5. When solving 1x - 3 = -2, -2 + 3 = 1 divided by 1 which is 1. So, 5 and 1 are the two solutions for this equation.

Ex. |-7|+3

|-7| = 7, so 7 + 3 = 10

Ex. |x + 4| = 8

To solve this absolute value equation,

we would first write this equation, then write

a second equation of |x + 4| = -8. Next,

we would solve each by subtracting 4 on both sides.

The two 4's on either side cancel out and for the first

equation, we would get 4 when subtracting 8 by 4.

For the second equation, we would get -12 when subtracting

-8 by 4. So, 4 and -12 and the two solutions for this equation.

Ex. |1x - 3| = 2

To solve this absolute value equation, we would do the same thing for the last example, but now we would also divide by 1 for this particular example.

So, when solving 1x - 3 = 2 , 2 + 3 = 5 divided by 1 which is 5.

When solving 1x - 3 = -2, -2 + 3 = 1 divided by 1 which is 1.

So, 5 and 1 are the two solutions for this equation

Ex. |5x + 6| = -3 There is no solution for this absolute value equation since the result in this example is negative. Ex. 2|x - 1|+ 4 = 8 For this equation, we would subtract the 4 by itself and the 8 the two 4's cancel each other out leaving us with 8 - 4 which is 4. Next, we would divide 4 by 2 which gives us 2. Now that we've done all that, the new equation would be |x - 1| = 2. We can then write this equation and the second equation of x - 1 = -2. Then, add the 1 on both sides. the two 1's on either side cancel each other out and for the first equation, we get 3, and for the second equation, we get -1. So, 3 and -1 are the two solutions for this equation.

Ex. |5x + 6| = -3

There is no solution for this absolute value

equation since the result in this example is negative.

Ex. 2|x - 1|+ 4 = 8

For this equation, we would subtract the 4 by itself and the 8

the two 4's cancel each other out leaving us with 8 - 4 which is 4. Next, we would divide 4 by 2 which gives us 2. Now that we've done all that, the new equation would be |x - 1| = 2.

We can then write this equation and the second equation of

x - 1 = -2. Then, add the 1 on both sides. the two 1's on either side cancel each other out and for the first equation, we get 3,

and for the second equation, we get -1. So, 3 and -1 are the two solutions for this equation.

Absolute value equations can be written as follows: |-3|, |5|, |x| = 6, |-7|+3, |x + 4| = 8, |1x - 3| = 2, |5x + 6| = -3, 2|x - 1|+ 4 = 8

Absolute Value Video:

Integers are any number (positive or negative) that can be found on the number line. One way of finding the sum and difference between integers is by giving or taking any different colored chips which resemble positive and negative numbers.
Integers Using Chips Video
Red chips: (negative numbers) Yellow chips: (positive numbers) Say we start with 4 red chips which are negative, so -4 red chips and 3 yellow chips which are positive. We would then add -4 by 3 which gives us a total value of -1. Now, let's say 2 of the yellow chips were taken away which would leave us with subtracting -1 by 1 which gives us a new value of -2.

Since some of the yellow chips, which are positive, were taken away, the total value decreased compared to our original value.

Purple chips: (negative numbers) Green chips: (positive numbers) Let's say we start with -5 purple chips and 6 green chips. Adding -5 and 6 together gives us a total value of 1. Now say that 3 purple chips were taken away leaving us to subtract -2 by 6 which gives us a new value of -8.

Since some of the purple chips, which were negative, were taken away, the total value decreased compared to the original value.

Red chips: (negative numbers) Yellow chips: (positive numbers) Say we begin with -3 red chips and 2 yellow chips. Adding those together gives us a total value of -1. Now, let's say we are given 4 more red chips. Adding -1 by -4 gives us a new value of -5

Since some red chips, which were negative, were given instead of taken away, the total value still decreased compared to the original value

Purple chips: (negative numbers) Green chips: (positive numbers) Let's say that we begin with -6 purple chips and 4 green chips. Adding these two together gives us a total value of -2. Now say we are given 3 more green chips in which, this time, we would add -6 by 7 which gives us a new value of 1.

Since some green chips, which were positive were given, this time, the total value increased compared to the original value.

Week 4: Number Sense Continued

Multiplication Arrays
Using multiplication arrays is a simple way to solve multiplication problems. For example, 3(4). To figure this out, we would draw out 3 circles with 4 objects each inside of them. Adding up all of the objects together would give us a total of 12. Or we can add 3 four times or add 4 three times to get 12 as well.
Multiplication with Base 10 blocks
We can also solve multiplication problems by drawing out Base 10 blocks. For example, 15(13). For this equation, we would take 15 and draw 1 long and 5 units on the side, then take 13 and draw 1 long and 3 units on the top. The two base 10 longs combined make 1 flat, then take the five units from 15 and turn them into longs. Take the 3 units from 13 and turn them into longs. Add another long and 5 units. The total will then be 195 which is the result of 15 x 13.
Build-up Strategy
When we use the Build-up strategy, we think about what we already know about other math equations to get the same result. For example, 12(11). I know 11 x 11 = 121, so I just have to add another 11 which gives me 132 which is also the answer to 12 x 11. Another example is 2(5). I could either figure out what I already know about similar equations to get the same answer, or I could draw out columns of 2 dots and rows of 5 which would give me a total of 10 which is 2 x 5.
Subtracting Algorithms: There are 3 algorithms that can be used when subtracting numbers. They are, expanded form, standard form, and equal addends.
Expanded Form: Ex. 75-32. Since there is no base number, it's implied that the base number is 10. So, this would be written as 7 x 10^1 + 5 x 10^0 or 1 subtracted by 5 x 10^1 + 2 x 10^0 which equals 43. Subtract 5 and 2 which = 3, then subtract 7 and 3 which equals 4. If there is a base number at the end, like 6, you would multiply each individual number by 6. Ex. 7 x 6^1 + 5 x 6^0 - 3 x 6^1 + 2 x 6^0.


Equal Addends: This algorithm comes in handy when you're subtracting two numbers but some of the numbers on the top are smaller than the ones on the bottom. In this case, you would have to figure out how much to add on the top and bottom in order to have the bottom number have 0 in the one's places. For example 224 - 117. 4 is less than 7 so we could add 3 to the top and bottom numbers which would result in 227 - 120. Now we can easily subtract these two numbers. The result is 107.

Standard Form: The simplest way to subtract. Ex. 34 - 23 = 11, 526 - 314 = 212. Here are some examples when including base numbers. Ex. 58base 4 - 36base 4 = 22base 4, 743base 6 - 241base 6 = 502base 6

Week 1: Base Systems

I have learned how to convert numbers on different bases, mainly base 10. The use of blocks comes in handy when finding the units, longs, flats, and cubes in a number.
Converting numbers of different bases to base 10:

For example, 11010base 2 to base 10. From right to left, 0 = 2^0, 1 = 2^1, 0 = 2^2, 1 = 2^3, and 1 = 2^4. So, the equation would be: 1 x 16 + 1 x 8 + 0 x 4 + 1 x 2 + 0 x 1 which comes to a total of 26. So, 11010base 2 = 26base 10.

Base 10 digits: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Base 2 digits: 0,1 Base 5 digits: 0,1,2,3,4 Base 4 digits: 0,1,2,3 Base 12 digits: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,T,E

Matthew Lichtsinn