Kategorier: Alle - social - hearing - mental - diabetes

av Brock Spence 4 år siden


Does the modern technological world do more harm than good to the human body?

The modern technological landscape has a significant impact on human physical and mental health. Prolonged use of computers and other devices can lead to physical ailments such as carpal tunnel syndrome, affecting the fingers and wrists due to repetitive strain.

Does the modern technological world do more harm than good to the human body?

Does the modern technological world do more harm than good to the human body?


Point 4: Individuals with physical disabilities are able to do much more
Explanation: Electric wheel chairs, hearing and glasses are all versions of technology that have allowed people with physically disabilities. Without these pieces of technology many people would be at an extreme disadvantage such as not being able to hear, see and or walk. These 3 forms of technology have helped may people reach success. Examples of people who have taken advantage of forms of technology that helps people with are Stephen Hawking (electrical wheelchair, augmentative communication device and glasses ) and Bill Clinton (Hearing aids). Overall if there was not the discovery of these modern forms of technology there would be many other things that were not discovered such as Stephen Hawing's black hole discovery.
Point 3: Farming has been made simplier
Explanation: Farming over time has changed drastically, using oxen to plant and pick up crops is a thing of the past. Now there are tractors that have computers in them that allow for dirt to be dug up and seeds to be placed specifically apart all control by technology. There are some tractors that are unmanned and able to be operated by computer programming which can control the speed of the tractor, how many seeds are planted and how far apart they are planted. In conclusion, farming technology such as tractors are help to the human population because more crops are able to be planted and harvested much faster and easier.
Point 2: Communication has been made easier and faster
Explanation: The invention of the mobile cell phone has allowed for people across the world. Email has also allowed for communication across the country to be done within seconds compared to physical mail which can take up to weeks and even months. Overall the invention on technology such as mobile phones and email has allowed for much faster and easier communitcation.
Point 1: Many medical advancements have been discovered
Explanation: Many very important medical advancements have been discovered that saved over millions of lives. Examples of this are antibiotics, risks of smoking and chemotherapy. According to the American cancer society from 1900 to 2005 at least 650,000 deaths have been avoided by the use chemotherapy on individuals with cancer


In conclusion there a many positive impacts done by modern technology such as farming, communication advancements and allowing individuals with physical disabilities to be able to preform more tasks without help. There are many downsides to modern technological advancements such as higher chance of obesity/diabetes, higher chance of hearing damage and and increased chance of carpal tunnel. In my opinion I believe that modern technological advancement have saved more lives then hurt.


Point 4: Increased carpal tunnel chances
The human body was not designed to type and use a mouse for many hours of the day 5 days a week. Typing and writing uses the fingers and wrists muscle which over time repeating these actions which will eventually carpal tunnel can last for a week up to years. Overall the extensive use of keyboards and mouses can result in carpal tunnel and serve pain in the finger and wrist joints.
Point 3: Higher chance of hearing damage
Technology such has earbuds, headphones and loud speakers are all very useful forms of modern technology. The downside to these form of technology are that they are abused. People are putting the volume up much louder then needed which overtime can cause minor to major hearing loss. Overtime being exposed to loud volume results in the hearing damage which can be expensive and irreversible.
Point 2: Higher obesity and diabetes
Technology such as cell phones and television cause people to become lazy which results in less physical activity. On top of that many advertisement are food related which causes unhealthy cravings resulting in low exercise and a high calorie unhealthy. Obesity worldwide has tripled since 1975. During 1975 is when television began to improve which causes the diet and physical activity of people to make a turn for the worst. Overall technology has caused many people throughout the world to be affected by obesity and diabetes.
Point 1: Increased mental health issues
Social media is one of the most loved yet dangerous technological advancements known humans. Social media allows for people to see what people all around the world are thinking and doing. The downside to this is that social media shows many fake unachievable bodies as well as live styles in attempt to look cooler. Teenagers constantly seeing these images causes them to have body dysmorphia, social anxiety, depression and many more. Overall social media was indented to be a cool happy placed but is now the cause of mental heath issues, cyber bullying and many more issues.