Kategorier: Alle - participation - relationships - interdependence - motivation

av Olga Pérez Soriano 5 år siden


Cooperative learning

Cooperative learning offers numerous benefits to students, including increased intrinsic motivation, higher self-esteem, and improved attitudes towards learning. This approach fosters better on-task behavior and raises student achievement while building positive relationships and social support networks.

Cooperative learning



One person tries to dominate the group or some individuals may say little or nothing
A member has difficulty understanding the material or communication
A member is unwilling to assure one of the roles while working
A member is working to carry out goals
A member attends class non prepared
Prevents group from being productive
A group member fails to other members
Everybody suffers
Nonproductive time


All members of the group should share the resources
Members of the group need to feel free to communicate freely
Group needs to have a clear goal or task (sink or swim together)
Group members must know how to make decisions, build trust and manage conflict.
Each member is responsible for contribuiting


Experiencies that develop learning and social skills
Increased retention
Student Language
Intrinsic motivation
Raise students' achievement
Build positive relationships
Social suport
Better attitudes
More on-task behaviour
Hiher self-steem


Social / Business balance
Open communication
Full participation


Group processing
Helpful & unhelpful behaviour

Which behaviour to continue? Which change?

Face-to-face promotive interaction
One student teaches the others
One student discusses with others
One student how to solve a problem
Interpersonal and small group skills
Conflict is good
Everybody speaks
Listen to others
Individual and group accountability
All the students work the same

The best is chosen

Students prepare task previously
Positive interdependence
Task devided into jobs (each person learns a topic)
One pencil one paper