Kategorier: Alle - linguistic - skills - competence - context

av karina rocio silva vargas 4 år siden


COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE --- Is based on three models

The concept of communicative competence encompasses various models and frameworks aimed at understanding and enhancing language use in different contexts. Hymes introduced the idea of using grammatical knowledge across scenarios, while Canale and Swain emphasized the blend of knowledge and skills needed for communication.


--- Is based on three models

"In the CEF, communicative competence is conceived only in terms of knowledge." That's why the strategic competence is not considered in the CEF framework, they consider that aspects of planning can be found on the metacognitive priniciples




establish a logical relationship between groups of utterances.

The Sociolinguistic perspective of Noam Chomsky's

Savignon (1972, 1983) A dynamic exchange in which linguistic competence must adapt itself to the total informational input, both linguistic and paralinguistic, of one or more interlocutors”

Hymes (1972) The ability to use grammatical knowledge in different types of escenarios or contexts.

Canale & Swain communicative competence as a synthesis of an underlying system of knowledge and skill needed for communication

COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCE --- Is based on three models

Type in the name of the novel and movie you are going to compare and contrast.

Example: Great Expectations.

The Common European Framework (CEF) This model could be designed for assessment as well as for learning and teaching of languages.

Restate your thesis while avoiding repetition.

Mastery of skills and knowledge for the appropriate use of the language in a given context.

Restate the differences between the book and the movie.


Restate the similarities between the novel and the movie, but try to avoid repetition (this will help if you write an essay afterward).

Knowledge of and ability to use language resources to form well structured messages.

- Lexical competences - Grammatical competences - Semantic competences - Phonological competences - Orrthographic and orthoepic competences

The model of Bachman and Palmer (Communicative Language Ability) There are some personal factors or aspects that language users may face or deal and this can affect their own language ability process.

Use point-by-point organization in the body section to present the characteristics briefly stated in the thesis.

This means that if you use this draft to write a compare and contrast paper, each characteristic will be introduced in a separate paragraph.

Strategic Compretence
"Defined as a set of metacognitive components which enable language user involvement in goal setting, assessment of communicative sources, and planning. "
Language Knowledge

How is the movie different from the novel?

Type in a short explanation. Use 'like', 'same as' or 'similar' for comparison, and 'unlike', 'differ from' and 'although' for contrasting.

Different skills that support the control of formal structures (GRAMMATICAL AND TEXTUAL KNOWLEDGE)


How is the novel different from the movie?

Type in the answer. Use 'like', 'same as' or 'similar' for comparison, and 'unlike', 'differ from' and 'although' for contrasting.

Abilities for creating and interpreting discourse.


The model of Canale and Swain

The introduction provides background information for both the book and the movie.

The planning and meaningful value that the units of both written and oral texts must have.


The use of cohesion devices (e.g. pronouns, conjunctions, synonyms, parallel structures etc.)


Create a thesis statement in which you briefly compare and contrast the book and the movie.

The idea of this competence is to promote knowledge of the language through the use of utterances in different contexts.
" Knowledge of verbal and non-verbal communication strategies that are recalled to compensate for breakdowns in communication"

Type in the name of the main character.

This has to be the same for both the book and the movie.

- paraphrase - circumlocution, - Repetition - Reluctance - Avoidance of words, structures or themes, etc.


GRAMMATICAL COMPETENCE " enables the speaker to use knowledge and skills needed for understanding and expressing the literal meaning of utterances"
GRAMMATICAL KNOWLEDGE - Vocbulary knowledge - morphological knowledge - syntactic knowledge - semantic knowledge - phonetic and orthographic rules.