Kategorier: Alle - trade - barriers - globalization - currency

av Norhan Elsayed 3 år siden


Business in a Global Economy

Trade alliances involve the merging of multiple economies into a single market, exemplified by the European Union. These alliances reduce trade restrictions, fostering an environment for free trade, which is characterized by minimal or no trade limits between countries.

Business in a Global Economy

Business in a Global Economy

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Trade Alliances

Trade alliances reduces limits on trade.
In a trade alliances several countries merge their economies into one huge market.
For example the European union.

Trade Barriers

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To limit competition from other countries, governments develop trade barriers; which include:
An embargo is a ban on the import or export of a product. They are usually used against another country for political or military reasons.

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A quota is a limit placed on the quantities of a product that can be imported.

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A tariff is a tax placed on imports to increase their price in the domestic market.

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Free Trade

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The Global Economy

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A multinational corporation is a company that does business in many countries and has the facilities and offices around the world.
EX: Apple, Samsung, and Google

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Globalization is the development of the global economy,
International trade is the exchange of goods and services between nations.
Global economy is the interconnected economies of the world.

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Import Versus Export

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Comparative advantage is the ability of a country to produce a particular good more efficiently than another country.
Balance of trade is the difference in value between a country's imports and exports over a period of time.
(Country's exports-imports)
Balance of trade
imports and exports

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Trade deficit is when a country imports more than it exports.

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Trade surplus is when a country exports more than it imports.

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To trade with another country, businesses and countries must convert their money into that nation's currency.
To do that their currency is exchanged on the foreign exchange market.
Countries have to pay for products and services with currency.

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Examples of currencies: Mexican Pesos, Japanese Yen, United states dollar, Canadian dollar, and Australian dollar.

Protectionism and Free Trade

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Foreign competition can lower the demand of products made at home leading to domestic companies.

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To limit competition from other countries countries resort to protectionism.

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protectionism is the practice of the government putting limits on foreign trade to protect businesses at home.

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They are two opposing points of view involved in trade disputes.

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