Kategorier: Alle - government - discounts - resources - payment

av Antonio Morillo 4 år siden


Bills types and variables

The text explores various aspects of bills, emphasizing the impact of earnings and social class on financial responsibilities and benefits. Individuals with lower earnings often receive discounts, while those with higher earnings typically subsidize these discounts.

Bills types and variables

Bills types and variables

Types of bills

Term bill
Is a bill with a due date for paying
Common account bill
Is the bill that registers every move made in a common saves account
Exit bill
It is a certain proof that the person made the transfer or pay.
Rental bill
Is the one used for the tentants of a house or local

How bills are affected

Government benefits
The government can help with some people who needs it
People with high earnings usually finance the discounts of the people with a lower one
People with low earnings ussually have some discounts
Social class
People with high social class usually finance the discounts of the people with a lower one
People who have a low social class ussually have some discounts

Payment methods

What we us in my family

Is phisical money, we use it when we need to pay fast, when we need money available in our hand or when we don't have to pay in big quantities.

Credit/Debit Card

It is money stored in the bank that corresponds to that credit card. We use it when we need to pay in big quantities or in web site.

Any other payment method

Ia a different currency that does not belong to any or country, it is global and managed in with a huge participation of the community.

Pay pal

Is a company who is in charge of giving your money to tertiary organizations. It is a mediatory with the one you associate your bank data, consequnetly, who is in charge of paying without giving any of your personal data.


How I pay them


Many people, like my family, invests for ensuring the security and wellness.


My family (and almost everyone), works to earn money and ensure the resent and the future.

What I pay
Human resources

People who works in the services quarters

They are who ensure the right and fair distribution of the public services in a massive scale

Farmers who care the crops and animal food production

They are the responsable of ensuring the nutrition of the people in the world, when I pay for my food, a part goes to them

Capital resources

House furniture

It is what gives to me and to my family comfort at my home


It is necesary and useful for completing task at some distance, faster and in a high quantity.

Natural Resources



I pay for satisfying my vital need of ingesting any nutriment.


Nowadays, it is necessary to pay for the electricity, water and gas with the purpose of being able to do our daily live activities.