Categorieën: Alle - cognitive - examination - change - behaviorist

door Taniela Seruvatu 1 jaar geleden


Week 2 Reflection

The text discusses the application of behaviorist and cognitive methodologies in teaching, emphasizing the need for a balanced approach that includes both teacher-centered and learner-centered instruction.

Week 2 Reflection

As much as we might want to enlighten the community about " progressive formalization" (Bransford et al,2000), it won't be that easy

We could do our best to bring about change, but ultimately, the change must be accepted by the school structure in which learning occurs. Unless there is acceptance of a new way of thinking, all efforts will be in vain. That doesn't mean we should not change. We must always future proof our teaching skills


Floating topic

I actually use both in my class although the cognitive aspect needs to improve


goal is to make sure the kids remember

Behaviorists simplify learning. Memory is reinforced by the stimulus response. A lack of response to stimuli over time causes "extinction." Unused connections fade. A teacher should review material to maintain students' connections. This will aid in learning. (Darin 2015)


Fragments application of the cognitive

I would adhere to the behaviorist method of classroom management because it is simpler to observe the change when it is explicitly stated in the objectives.

My Teaching pedagogics

I only need to expand my Behaviorist-dominated teaching styles to include more learner-centered instruction.

Teachers, including myself, were compelled to utilize the behaviorist methodology. Students must achieve high marks on the examination.

Week 2 Reflection

Factors influencing my choice

Ministry of Education
gives promotion based on successful examination pass
exam oriented education system
school admin
complete the syllabus 2 months before Standard examination
Assess teachers based on the passing grade
score high marks in the exam

Possible changes

Delivery Style
Give activities that requires Reflective thinking
focus on concepts and the transfer of these concepts into the community

Transfer is both behaviorist ( Generalization) and cognitive.

They both need that the students have to be part of the community

include inquiry learning

give students/ groups a chance to explore independently

click the link for more information
Lesson planning
questioning skills
include learner centred planning
classroom management

include Contingency Contract to address disruptive behvior or to help struggling students

give students a chance to make intrinsic decisions on their class interaction


delivery Style

critical thinking and probleme solving

discovery learning

student prior knowledge as a starting point

reflect on their learning



mostly teacher centered

pass the test/exam

repertoire of expected skills for automaticity

lesson planning

helps teacherss orgnaize learning materails for teaching

orients both teachers and students towards specific goals

mastery of concepts must be measurable

pp ???

Classsroom management

promotes self regulation due to clear objectives

discourages negative behaviors

positive and negative reinforcement

observable behavior makes it easier to provide feedback

Expectations are clear and consistent due to Specific Behavioral objectives