Categorieën: Alle - characteristics - personalities - influence - quotes

door Justin Chow 4 jaren geleden


To Kill a Mockingbird Literary Essay Brainstorm

In "To Kill a Mockingbird," minor characters significantly contribute to the storyline and the development of the main characters. Reverend Sykes, Mr. Gilmer, Boo Radley, Miss Maudie, Heck Tate, and Mrs.

To Kill a Mockingbird Literary Essay Brainstorm

To Kill a Mockingbird Literary Essay Brainstorm

Narrative Voice In To Kill A Mockingbird

Scout's Perspective
Scout's perspective as a grown up describes her past life, and the people around her. Due to the positive influence from Atticus, past life is told with honesty and an unbiased perspective.
Effective narrative voice and past tense verbs. Scout is able to reflect upon her past decisions that may or may not impact her or her family members.

Minor Characters In To Kill A Mockingbird

Argument #1

Mrs.Dubose is a nasty old woman to to the children, but Atticus has to fill in her background for them. The quotation,"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view. Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it." The minor character successfully aligns with the quote said by Atticus as the children did not think differently, only until from how Atticus sees her as.

Minor characters structure the theme of the the story as each character portrays distinctive life lessons that not just influence the Finch children, but everyone in the novel
Quotes And Phrases Said About Characters
In the beginning of the novel, Boo Radley is the town legend and is described as a monster who has never gone out of his house. Throughout the book, he leaves gifts in the tree for the Finch children and indirectly support them. Some examples is when he sews up Jem's overalls and provides a blanket for them. The town gossip Miss Stephane Crawford entices the negative thoughts that people have towards him. To the end of the book, as Arthur saves the children from Bob Ewell, the children realize who he really is and positive role he plays in the story.
Scout does not enjoy school as she already knows how to read and write, Miss Caroline has to explain to Jem that she is not allowed to which causes Scout to direct dislike upon her.
Mrs.Dubose To The Finch Children Is Evil As She Is Consistently Mean To Them. This Has Influenced Jem To Cut The Tops Off Of Her Camellia Bushes. They Have Always Avoided Her House And Thought She Was The Nastiest Woman In The Town Of Maycomb.
Atticus Explained To His Children That She Is The Bravest Person, Even As She Is Dying In Pain. She Had The Determination To Stop Her Morphine Addiction And Faced Her Death With Strength. The Children Think She Is A Nasty Old Woman Who Is Cruel For No Good Reason, But Atticus Has To Reveal What She Is Really Like. "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... until you climb into his skin and walk around in it"
How The Characters Are Developed
Sets An Influence To The Plot Of The Story
Teaches The Reader And The Finch Children A Lesson
Strong Personalities
Distinctive Characteristics
Minor Characters In The Novel
Reverend Sykes
Heck Tate
Miss Caroline
Maudie Atkinson "Ms.Maudie"
Arthur Radley "Boo Radley"
Mrs Henry Lafayette Dubose

Theme Of To Kill A Mockingbird

Theme Of A Role Model
Atticus and many other in the text play a good role model for the younger society of Maycomb County. The influence of characters can alter how certain topics are approached.
Theme Of Evil And Good
The coexistence of the good and the evil, finding good in someone no matter what. "Sometimes it takes looking deep within them to find it"
Theme Of Courage and experiences
Atticus displays Life lessons to help Jem and Scout learn from them and enhance their understandings on the society of Maycomb.