Categorieën: Alle - epidemiología - maestría - competidores - financiamiento

door Elizabeth Gomez 5 jaren geleden


Stakeholder wheel

Un programa académico avanzado en investigación epidemiológica y estudios estratégicos del sistema de salud se ofrece en modalidad virtual. Este programa es regulado por varias entidades, incluyendo el Ministerio de Salud Pública (

Stakeholder wheel

Trabajando con las partes interesadas


Bajo poder / Bajo interes

Low power / low interest stakeholders

Low power / low interest stakeholders are usually those indirectly involved, such as suppliers, subcontractors, or infrequent customers. However, if your project changes direction or scope, stakeholders previously in this group may become more involved, so their status could change.[

Si el proyecto cambia su alcance o direccionalidad, interesados en este grupo puedes involucrarse y posiblmente quieran cambian su rol
Este grupo lo representa la mayoría de las veces los suplidores, subcontratados, e intersados ad hoc(convenios de paises, programas de intercambio entre paises, entre otros)

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What actions are needed to manage your Bajo poder / Bajo interes stakeholders?
Add an action and press Enter.

Alto interes / Bajo poder

High interest / low power stakeholders are often the end-users of a project or the customers of an organisation, who are interested in and affected by the outcomes, but are not able to take decisions and direct effort. However, it is mainly their needs and wishes that drive the project or business, so their involvement is essential.

High interest / low power stakeholders

High interest / low power stakeholders are often the end-users of a project or the customers of an organisation, who are interested in and affected by the outcomes, but are not able to take decisions and direct effort. However, it is mainly their needs and wishes that drive the project or business, so their involvement is essential.

Son los usuarios finales del proyecto o los miembros de una organización. Quienes están interesados o serán afectados por los resultados, pero no pueden tomar decisiones ni tomar parte. No obstante, son sus necesidades las que van a ser satisfechas por el proyecto. Este es un grupo muy heterogéneo, Ya que estan aqui, los potenciales participantes de la maestría y tambien los miembros de la organziacion que se beneficiaran de las competencias logradaso y los productos que se convierten en evidencias. Los participantes serán sometidos a evaluacion diagnostica: que consiste en autoevaluacion de estilos de aprendizaje, perfil de inteligencias múltiples, nivel de dominio de competencias mediáticas e informacionales. Igualmente a evaluación de estándares competencias pensamiento critico Monitoreo de producción científica, identidad digital. Monitoreo niveles de satifaccion Los miembros de las organizaciones seran informados a traves de RSS y correos electronicos de las publicaciones

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What actions are needed to manage your Alto interes / Bajo poder stakeholders?
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Alto poder/ Bajo interes

High power / low interest stakeholders are often senior people who become interested in your organisation or project when things are not going well. They need to be kept informed, or at least informed of exceptions, but do not normally exert influence.

High power / low interest stakeholders

High power / low interest stakeholders are often senior people who become interested in your organisation or project when things are not going well. They need to be kept informed, or at least informed of exceptions, but do not normally exert influence.

Acción: deben mantenerse informados
Este grupo usualmente intervienen en el proyecto cuando algo no marcha bien

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What actions are needed to manage your Alto poder/ Bajo interes stakeholders?
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Alto poder / Alto interes

High power / high interest stakeholders are those who can exert influence, have a specific interest in the project or organisation, and will be instrumental in achieving outcomes. This can be both positive or negative; for example, you may have a senior figure who is very opposed to a particular course of action. These stakeholders need to be managed actively by being informed and consulted at all stages.

High power / high interest stakeholders

High power / high interest stakeholders are those who can exert influence, have a specific interest in the project or organisation, and will be instrumental in achieving outcomes. This can be both positive or negative; for example, you may have a senior figure who is very opposed to a particular course of action. These stakeholders need to be managed actively by being informed and consulted at all stages.

Accion: Debe darse un manejo activo en la evaluacion, deben mantenerse informados a todo lo largo de la ejecución del proyecto, cobre todo en la evaluacion diagnostica
Este grupo ejercen influencia, tienen intereses en el programa y son instrumentos para lograr los resultados. Pue den estar a favor o en contra de alguno de los procesos del proyecto

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What actions are needed to manage your Alto poder / Alto interes stakeholders?
Add an action and press Enter.

Maestria en Investigacion Epidemiologia y Estudios Estrategicos del Sistema de Salud. Modalidad Virtual

Enter your project or organisation

Type in the name of your organisation or project and press enter.
This is the focal point around which you will be identifying stakeholders.

Financiamiento externo

BID proyecto

Add a creditor

Does your organisation owe rights or money to others? This would make them stakeholders in the decisions that you make. Think about:

Rate the importance of this stakeholder to Maestria en Investigacion Epidemiologia y Estudios Estrategicos del Sistema de Salud. Modalidad Virtual by clicking on an icon:

High power / high interest

High power / low interest

High interest / low power

Low interest / low power

Refer to the topic 'Working with stakeholders' for more details.


Agencias consultoras
Institutos de investigacion
MSP Direccion de RRHH
MSP Direccion de tecnologias de Informacion
OPS/DOR/Campus Virtual en Salud
Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo?

Add a manager

Does your organisation or project have partners? Think about:

Rate the importance of this stakeholder to Maestria en Investigacion Epidemiologia y Estudios Estrategicos del Sistema de Salud. Modalidad Virtual by clicking on an icon:

High power / high interest

High power / low interest

High interest / low power

Low interest / low power

Refer to the topic 'Working with stakeholders' for more details.

Profesionales empleados

Agencias de Coopercion
Oficina Nacional de Estadisticas
Ministerio de Planificacion
Direcciones Provinciales de Salud
Ministerio de Salud Publica
Superintendencia de Riesgos laborales

Add a manager

Which employees or employee groups are important in this context? Think about:

Rate the importance of this stakeholder to Maestria en Investigacion Epidemiologia y Estudios Estrategicos del Sistema de Salud. Modalidad Virtual by clicking on an icon:

High power / high interest

High power / low interest

High interest / low power

Low interest / low power

Refer to the topic 'Working with stakeholders' for more details.


MSP dirección de Sistemas de informacion
MSP Direccion ASIS, MyE impacto
Gerencia administrativa de la Maestria
MSP VMSC departamentos, coordinadores
MSP Dirección Analisis Sectorial
MSP Dirección de salud de la poblacion
MSP Viceministerio de Salud Colectiva
MSP Comite asesor Ministro Salud Publica

Add a manager

Who are the key managers in your organisation or project? Think about:

Rate the importance of this stakeholder to Maestria en Investigacion Epidemiologia y Estudios Estrategicos del Sistema de Salud. Modalidad Virtual by clicking on an icon:

High power / high interest

High power / low interest

High interest / low power

Low interest / low power

Refer to the topic 'Working with stakeholders' for more details.


Ministerio de Salud Publica (MSP): derechos de autor, financiamiento, beneficiario

Add an owner

If you are analysing stakeholders for an organisation, who are the owners? Think about:

Rate the importance of this stakeholder to Maestria en Investigacion Epidemiologia y Estudios Estrategicos del Sistema de Salud. Modalidad Virtual by clicking on an icon:

High power / high interest

High power / low interest

High interest / low power

Low interest / low power

Refer to the topic 'Working with stakeholders' for more details.


suplidores de materiales y equipos
Servicios externalizados, subcontratos
Consultores y servicios profesionales

Add a supplier

Does your organisation or project have suppliers? Think about:

Rate the importance of this stakeholder to Maestria en Investigacion Epidemiologia y Estudios Estrategicos del Sistema de Salud. Modalidad Virtual by clicking on an icon:

High power / high interest

High power / low interest

High interest / low power

Low interest / low power

Refer to the topic 'Working with stakeholders' for more details.



Impacto en la opinión publica (colegio medico, sociedad de salubristas, Veduria Social, Congreso, ARS, institutos de investigacion
Impacto politico (metas de gobierno)
Impacto politico (planificacion sctorial, prioridades en salud)

Add a community sector or group

Which parts of society or the community are affected by Maestria en Investigacion Epidemiologia y Estudios Estrategicos del Sistema de Salud. Modalidad Virtual? Think about:

Rate the importance of this stakeholder by clicking on an icon:

High power / high interest

High power / low interest

High interest / low power

Low interest / low power

Refer to the topic 'Working with stakeholders' for more details.


Oficina Nacional de Estadistica
Agencias consultorias

Add a media stakeholder

Does the media have an interest in Maestria en Investigacion Epidemiologia y Estudios Estrategicos del Sistema de Salud. Modalidad Virtual? Think about:

Rate the importance of this stakeholder by clicking on an icon:

High power / high interest

High power / low interest

High interest / low power

Low interest / low power

Refer to the topic 'Working with stakeholders' for more details.


Postgrado en el exterior (compiten por becas gestiona MESCyT o por fondos de proyectos BID y otros)
Universidad Central del Este (participantes potenciales autofinanciados)
Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (otros programas de maestria)

Add a competitor

Who are the key competitors? Think about:

Rate the importance of this stakeholder to Maestria en Investigacion Epidemiologia y Estudios Estrategicos del Sistema de Salud. Modalidad Virtual by clicking on an icon:

High power / high interest

High power / low interest

High interest / low power

Low interest / low power

Refer to the topic 'Working with stakeholders' for more details.


MSP Dirección Recursos Humanos
Agencias de Acreditación y Certificacion
Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo
Ministerio de Educación Superior. Ciencia y Tecnología

Add a regulator

Who has an interest in your organisation or project in relation to legislation or regulation? Think about:

Rate the importance of this stakeholder to Maestria en Investigacion Epidemiologia y Estudios Estrategicos del Sistema de Salud. Modalidad Virtual by clicking on an icon:

High power / high interest

High power / low interest

High interest / low power

Low interest / low power

Refer to the topic 'Working with stakeholders' for more details.


MSP gerentes y técnicos autofinanciados
Bancos o cooperativas que financian estudios de postgrado
Otras instituciones participantes (financiados o no)
participantes independientes autofinanciados
MSP gerentes y técnicos a ser becados

Add a customer

Who are the key customers or customer groups? Think about:

Rate the importance of this stakeholder to Maestria en Investigacion Epidemiologia y Estudios Estrategicos del Sistema de Salud. Modalidad Virtual by clicking on an icon:

High power / high interest

High power / low interest

High interest / low power

Low interest / low power

Refer to the topic 'Working with stakeholders' for more details.