Categorieën: Alle - love - friendship - happiness - patience

door Sophie Pettapiece 3 jaren geleden


Sophie Pettapiece

Relationships with loved ones profoundly shape personal growth and understanding. Despite occasional conflicts with her younger sister Aoife, the narrator learns about deep care and the importance of patience.

Sophie Pettapiece

Sophie Pettapiece

Breaking My Finger

This scenario that happened the summer before grade 2 brought an impact to being very careful of my surroundings. To this day, I have a scar across the tip of my finger showing my idiotic decision to close the back door on my finger while being chased by my oldest brother. I am a very clumsy person, but due to this experience I have always tried my best to be careful with given situations. For example, when there is an icy patch on a sidewalk that is close to the road and my only option is to go over it. I take caution and walk carefully, that way I don't fall onto the road. Furthermore, while doing a lab in a laboratory/classroom, I always make sure to have the right ingredients so that no explosions ever occur.

Art Class of Grade 9

Throughout my time in grade 9 art, it made me realize that I had the capability of creating masterpieces. Before then, I had great difficulties finding out what I was good at and what my talents were, but through this art class it gave me the confidence that I could great art. I can show my perfectionist side and my creativity through art and express my emotions as well. A great escape when difficult times arrive.

My First Job

When I got the call that I got offered a job at Starbucks, that was a big change/impact on my life. Joining a new community and not knowing anyone gave the feeling of anxiety. But, it didn't take me long to get to know everyone and feel a close connection with them. This job showed me independence as I needed to control the fact that I was getting paid a certain amount and I needed to know that I was being treated properly. Of course, most all of my co-workers/baristas are super friendly and helpful but I need to take responsibility for my own actions.


The fact that Covid-19 had made a huge impact on my family and I's lives are too crazy to even think that it had happened to us in the first place. Back in April of 2021, my mother tested positive and was rushed into the hospital due to Covid. She stayed there for a month, intubated, and had little to no visits from any family members due to the restrictions at the time. As a chain, my father and sister tested positive as well, leaving my brother John and me to take care of the house while they were sick. This impacted our lives in that there isn't just physical strength in the world. There is mental and emotional strength too. It was the point where you needed to act strong in order to get through a difficult time. Strength impacted everyone and in a way, I'm glad this happened to bring light. My sister and I were in school most of the time but we still pulled great grades even with the difficulties. My brother's strengths as 2 of them are moved out of the house. Finally, the impact of parents' love for each other was everything.


Catherine is my ride or die in life. She is my very best friend to the point where we're sisters. I have known her my entire life and she has shown me over and over again, laughter, fun, and true happiness. She has influenced me time and time again to demonstrate a positive beacon in the world to brighten people's day as she does to me. We have had our struggles in our friendship, but at the end of the day, our connection to each other will never dissipate. She has influenced me to enjoy the moment in the times we hang out, skating or just chilling by focusing on us and talking about situations happening right now. Of course, it's important to think about your future but it's also important to live in the moment and enjoy your time on earth.

Good Doc With Photos


Even though we have trouble getting along and our relationship can be difficult, Aoife, my little sister, has influenced my life in realizing my own thoughts. Through Aoife and my interactions with her every day, she has shown me that I have a deep caring for the ones I love. In relation to my identity, love is a strong suit and through Aoife, the rest of my family, and my best friend, I know that my joy and positive attitude reflect on the attitude others have in life. Furthermore, Aoife has encouraged me to gain patience with her and others in the world. It is still something that I need to work on but her influencing that within me will help in the future when struggles come my way or I'm waiting anxiously for something to arrive.

My Mom

My mother has been an inspiration and someone that I have looked up to my entire life. She has influenced my life in the best way. To start off, I don't believe I've mentioned this, but I live in a family of seven people. I have 3 older brothers and a younger sister than there's my mom and dad. It's amazing to see that my parents have been able to handle us, crazy kids, for so long. I've always had her to lean on either to cry with or laugh with. The strength she held as she dealt with my older brothers and their rebellion stages, my sister drama phase, and my lazy phases in a gentle way allowed the confidence to arise in me to do the same. The school work I do and the connections I have with others are influenced by my mother as the kindness and lovingness she has shown me over and over again reflects my thoughts and actions.


Chris is the youngest older brother in my family and he has been a big influence mainly in my school work and how I perceive life. He has always been mentioned as the "puppy" in the family due to his energetic side and I believe that has been reflected into my energy as well. Whenever I am around him I can truly be myself and show myself to others in an honest way. In connection to the school, he is 5 years older than me but still has shown me that putting time and effort into schoolwork goes a long way and it can still be fun. In regards to the perception of life, Chris has always had a close connection with God and whenever there's an ideological conversation going on between him and my mom, they explain things to me that make sense and add a new vision to my life.