Categorieën: Alle - planning - material - project - hr

door Tuan Dang 5 jaren geleden


SAP Modules Functional Modules

The text outlines various SAP modules used in different functional areas. The Human Resource Management module includes sub-modules like Personnel Management, Time Management, and Organizational Management, which further branch into detailed functionalities such as payroll, travel expenses, and employee management.

SAP Modules Functional Modules

SAP Modules Functional Modules

Cross Application Module

BW - Business Warehousing; DWH
ECM - Enterprise Content Management
CRM - Customer Relationship Management
SAP GRC -Governance, Risk, and Compliance
SAP WF – Workflow
SAP APO - Advanced Planner and Optimizer
SAP MII for Manufacturing Integration & Intelligence

Human resource management Module

Training & Event Management
Personnel Development
Time Management
Payroll Accounting
Organizational Management
Personnel planning and Development(PD)

SAP PD-PD - Personnel development

SAP PD-SCM - Seminar and Convention Management

SAP PD-WFP - Workforce Planning

SAP PD-RPL - Room Reservations Planning

SAP PD-OM - Organizational Management

Personnel Administration (PA)

SAP PA-TRV - Travel Expenses

SAP PA-TIM - Time Management

SAP PA-PAY - Payroll

SAP PA-INW - Incentive wages

SAP PA-EMP - Employee Management

SAP PA-BEN - Benefits

SAP PA-APP - Applicant Management

SAP PA - Personnel Administration

Personnel Management


Project systems (PS)
SAP PS-VER - Versions
SAP PS-ST - Structures
SAP PS-SIM - Simulation
SAP PS-REV - Revenues and Earnings
SAP PS-PRG - Progress
SAP PS-MAT - Material
SAP PS-IS - Information System
SAP PS-DOC - Documents
SAP PS-DAT - Dates
SAP PS-CRP - Resources
SAP PS-COS - Costs
SAP PS-CON - Confirmation
SAP PS-CAF - Payments
Service management (SM)
Plant maintenance (PM)
SAP PM-WOC - Maintenance Orders Management
SAP PM-SM - Service Management
SAP PM-PRO - Maintenance Projects
SAP PM-PRM - Preventive Maintenance
SAP PM-IS - PM Information System
SAP PM-EQM - Equipment and Technical Objects
Quality Management (QM)
SAP QM-PT-RP - Control in logistics
SAP QM-CR - General functions
SAP QM-CA - Quality certificates
SAP QM-QN - Quality notifications
SAP QM-IT - Test equipment management
SAP QM-QC-AQC - Quality control
SAP QM-IM - Quality Inspection processing
SAP QM-QP - Quality Planning
Product Data Management (PDM)
Production Planning (PP)
SAP DS - Detailed Scheduling
SAP PP-SFC - Production orders
SAP PP-REM - Repetitive Manufacturing
SAP PP-PI - Production Planning for Process Industries
SAP PP-PDC - Plant Data Collection
SAP PP-MRP - Material Requirements Planning
SAP PP-KAB - Kanban/Just-in-Time
SAP PP-IS - Information System
SAP PP-BD - Basic Data
SAP PP-ATO - Assembly orders
SAP PP-MP - Master planning
SAP PP-CRP - Capacity Requirement Planning
SAP PP-SOP - Sales and Operations Planning
Sales & distribution (SD)
SAP LE - Logistic Execution
SAP SD-GF General Sales Functions
SAP SD-EDI - Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
SAP SD-SIS - Sales Information System
SAP SD-BIL - Billing
SAP SD-TR - Transportation
SAP SD-SHP - Shipping
SAP SD-SLS - Sales
SAP SD-CAS - Sales Support
SAP SD-MD - Master Data
Material management (MM)

The grouping of management functions supporting the complete cycle of material flow, from the purchase and internal control of production materials to the planning and control of work in process to the warehousing, shipping, and distribution of the finished product.

SAP ML - Material Ledger
SAP MRP - Materials Requirement Planning
SAP MM-EDI - Electronic Data Interchange
SAP MM-CBP - Consumption Based Planning
SAP MM-IS - Information System
SAP MM-IV - Invoice Verification
SAP MM-WM - Warehouse Management
SAP MM-IM - Inventory Management
SAP MM-PUR - Purchasing

Finanacial Modules

Treasury (TR)
Enterprise Control (EC)
SAP TR-FM - Funds Management
SAP TR-TM - Treasury Management
SAP TR-LO - Loans Management
SAP TR-CM - Cash Management
SAP TR-MRM - Market Risk Management
SAP TR-CB - Cash Budget Management
Investment Management (IM)
Controlling (CO)
SAP CO-ML- Material Ledger
SAP CO-OM- Overhead Cost controlling
SAP CO-PCA- Profit Center Accounting
SAP CO-PA- Profitability Analysis
SAP CO-PC- Product Cost Controlling
SAP CO- Activity-Based Costing
SAP CO- Internal Orders
SAP CO-CCA - Cost Center Accounting
SAP CO-CEA - Cost Element Accounting
Financial Accounting (FI)
SAP AA - Asset Accounting
SAP FI-BL – Bank Accounting
SAP FI-SL- Special Purpose Ledger
SAP FI-AR - Account Receivable
SAP FI-AP - Accounts Payable
SAP FI-GL - General Ledger