Categorieën: Alle - income - taxes - retirement - investments

door Centennial Advisors 5 jaren geleden


Piotrowski, Frank & Mary

Frank and Mary Piotrowski, aged 78 and 72 respectively, are managing their financial and health-related needs in retirement. With Frank recovering from a stroke, healthcare is a significant concern.

Piotrowski, Frank & Mary

Frank (78) & Mary (72) Piotrowski

Investment Goal

Minimized RISK Make Money Last
They are "Active" managers
USAA managed
$1,600 of Annual Fees
Ideal Portfolio
-10% Max Loss
Income - $568 / month

Tax Mitigation

Explore ROTH Conversions
Tax Liability
Current Tax Bracket - 10%
95% of Savings Tax-Deferred
IRA - $147,000
Self-Preparer/No Tax Planning
No Long-Term Care Insurance
Medications, while inexpensive, add up!
Frank & Mary are dealing with Frank's Stroke


Anything left over will go to family
Frank & Mary's needs come first
Will was updated 10 Years ago

Top Concerns

Paying off debts
Having Money Last
Increase Cash Flow

Income Goal

Income Goal:
Would like to increase the net after bills are paid
Leaves $752 / month for groceries
Bills are $3,500 / month
Current Income is $4,252 / month

Retirement Vision

Music for Mary
Taking care of Frank's healthcare
Stay at home
Already retired
