Categorieën: Alle - innovation - change - adaptation - strategy

door Laura Daniela Rojas Sierra 4 jaren geleden



Effective change management is crucial for successfully implementing innovation within an organization. Leaders must be vigilant against the tendency of individuals to revert to old habits, known as snap-back behavior.


Being an Innovate Strategist Chapter 5

Guiding people through the changes innovation requires

Mastering the Art of Change Management
"Innovation requires transitios and resistance to change"

Watching out for snap-back

Acceptance of change can be deceptive.

People will snap back into old patterns and ways of doing things

Don’t let anyone get away with snap-back behavior

You need to police the new stability and jump on any reversion

Managing resistance during the change process

The changes of your new strategy immediately

Keep a fast pace, and push through the initial skepticism and resistance

Focus your efforts on countering this effect with lots of clear, detailed communication about the change

Don’t let people’s anxieties and objections slow you down

Panic is especially high if people fear that they will be personally injured

Resistance will drop, and a new equilibrium will be reached

Speed is a good goal during the change process

Push to implement the change as quickly as possible

Making the destination visible to all

People really need to hear about two other things first

The ultimate destination

Make your change tangible and appealing

The effect on them

The specific plan of action

Enlisting the eager believers and excluding the hopeless cases

involve people in change

Select allies of positive change well and avoid difficult people

Those who do not resist see it as a threat

Those who resist change must be leaders

Building strategic partnerships to expand the scope of your success (Lenny y Lizeth)

Planting grows seeds to make sure something grows
own products

put effort into new products

innovate trying new things"

imagine and guess new products for the market"


join forces with companies with greater capacities

work in partnership to bring a good product to the market taking advantage of the advantages

cooperation for more innovative new products

use more technology to improve applicability in the industry

share experiences of each company

select new and hot products that you think will be popular the other year

" buy inventions from others"

Selecting and investing in a portfolio of winning products

planting enough seeds to make sure something grows

how many succesful products do you need?

if you desing or produce your own products

* farther ahead * exercise more imagination * onli 1 in 20 of initial ideas will turn into a best seller

you need to plant at least a handful of seeds to harvest even one best-selling product

if you are a reseller

* to trade shows * examine hundreds of products * selec some hot new product * see finished products *picking the most promising



comparing each product with its closests competitors

maximize update develop eliminate


the product´s profit margin. The percent of its sales price that you get to keep after paying all expenses related to producing and selleing it.



1. introduction 2. growth 3. maturity 4. decline o revival 5. death

product sales


keep in mind a succesful business

product whose create stronge momentum for your business

everytime, someone invent someting to replace products

Investing in a Family of Innovations
Including customer value in your strategy

so as to

Is necesary that you search

- To make your customers lives easier

Deciding how big a strategy to pursue


marketing strategy is how you will build the strength of a brand

business strategy is how you want to run a business

The idea is that you change or improve performance your business

Corporate strategy is what business you want to be in

Making your next strategic move

pursue some exciting strategy that holds the promise of a rosy future.

it has to be big enough to make a difference in your overall performance.

Strategic move needs is to be embraced by customers,

Being tough on underperforming projects and products

key insights of strategists

Eliminate unpromising projects and products to make room for fresh ones with more promise.

it’s easier to achieve success by starting fresh than by staying on board a sinking ship.

You need to be open-minded and give it a chance to succeed

Resources are limited and should be shifted promptly to where a winning strategy is emerging


Innovative ideas and projects


Risk of failure and a chance of success.

Selected group of assets

Will benefit you in the future

Alternating between focusing on efficiency and innovation

Ensuring a Healthy Strategic Cycle
Organization's Strategic Phases

Creative searching phase

Searching for the next big thing

You have to look around fresh ideas and opportunities

Efficient production phase

Doing something consistenly

There are 3 ways t get it

Use yourself as an example

Box suggestion

Planning sessions

Imagining bold new strategies for your business

Including a mix of traditional and creative elements in your planning
Planning needs to include some creative elements along with the traditional


Take to look around not only in your area

In addition to

Most business and brands compete head-to-head

Thinking Big by Planning to Re-create Your Business
You need to innovate to achieve a significant jump in performance and success

Due to

Imagine ways to innovate

Such as

Turnaround your products

New Technology

Improving products

New customers

Expanding areas