Categorieën: Alle - empathy - relationships - refugees - understanding

door Atman Adhyapak - Jean Augustine SS (2612) 6 jaren geleden


Ender Wiggin

Ender Wiggin is a complex character known for his deep empathy and understanding of his enemies. He consistently seeks to comprehend the motivations behind their actions rather than simply defeating them.

Ender Wiggin

Ender Wiggin


Noticing a pattern within a video
Ender has always been studying the invasion videos and trying to find out why were the Buggers attacking them. One day he was watching a video and he figured out that Mazer Rackham found a pattern within the Buggers. He asked and learned that the Buggers communicate through their minds, not by mouth. This was a huge hint for Ender because he was able to communicate with the Queen Bugger and talk to one another about the misunderstanding between the humans and the buggers. "So I'm a low kind of guy. Come on, Major. We're both the scum of the Earth. Im dying to see how [Ender] handles the [Buggers], too. After all, our lives depend on him doing real well. Neh?"
Fighting two armies at once
Ender has always been intelligent when it came to battles, he wants to see what his enemy is planning and how will they attack him. After seeing and watching he will form his own strategies and go on from there. During a battle with two armies, Ender was outnumbered 2:1 so he decided to form a formation that will confuse them. This was the first time he had showed a formation to his army and Ender's formation was successful. In the formation there would be a circle where two men will be facing forward and six men would be facing backward. After they would push off and go towards the gate. Once this step was done the other two armies would be distracted by it and 3 of Ender's men were able to sneak pass the armies and enter the enemy gate for the win. "Content. [Ender] is doing well. His mind is keen, his play is excellent. Young as he is, we've never had a boy better prepared for command. Usually they go at eleven, but at nine and a half he's top flight."-191


Taking the guilt for destroying the Buggers home
When the Buggers's home was destroyed by Ender Wiggin he wanted to take the guilt of this genocide, instead of being the hero for saving the human race. He never wanted to destroy their homes but instead understand their way of living and how the human race and their race can join an alliance and be friends. "Funny isn't it? That Peter would save millions of lives while I kill billions."-356 This can be related to Adolf Hitler because he was a type of leader where he wanted to wipe out the Jewish culture and make them pay for where Germany stands in the world that time, but he never did this by accident but purposely so everyone can blame the Jews for everything about Germany.
Ender wanted his army to be treated equally like other armies
Ender is a type of person where he wants everyone to be treated nicely, have respect for on another and treat each other equally. Instead of all that Ender's army were being treated poorly and the battle school was cheating and changing the rules for them. Ender wanted an explanation of why they were being treated differently than others so he decided to talk to the Major and ask him why is the school against him. This takes a lot of courage because very less people want to take action against people that have high power. "What is is next? My army in a cage without guns, with the rest of the battle school against them? How about a little equality?"-258

I can relate this to a time when Martin Luther King Jr was trying to make equality an important subject. His color was black and his people were treated unfairly, there were different washrooms for each colored person and places where different skinned colored people can sit. His dream was to make everyone treat each other with respect and equality


Brave enough to talk to the queen of the Buggers's destroying their home
Ender is a person where he is never scared to admit all the horrible things he has done and he is always ready to face the consequences no matter what. After Ender destroyed the Buggers's home he decided to meet the queen at a place where he saw in the fantasy game and face the consequences. He never wanted to destroy their home so he decided to give his life for their vengeance. "If you can make them feel as you can make me feel, then perhaps they could forgive you."-365
Fought Stilson even though he was outnumbered 2:1
Ender was never scared of anyone, even if he was to fight the battle school general himself. He wanted to let everyone know that he will do anything that will keep he and his friends safe from danger, even if it meant giving his life. During the fight Ender was an animal and he kept on kicking Bonzo until he was't able to get back up. "Knocking [Stilson] down won the first fight. I wanted to win all the next ones, too. So they'd leave me alone."-49 This can relate to when India was at war with Pakistan back in the 1960's. One day the Pakistani's were at the Indian border with tanks and many men, India was outnumbered 3:1 and they had no tanks. India had to protect the border till dawn until the Air Force can come for backup, India was successful.


Ender wanted to make a new home for the Buggers
Once Ender found out that the final simulation was real he felt completely bad for them because he always wanted to understand why did the Buggers hate the humans so much and how he can prevent any future wars from them. After he was able to meet the queen from his fantasy game and he promised her that he will create a new home for them. "In the moment when I truly understand my enemy, understand well enough to defeat him, then in that very moment I also love him."-279 This can be related to my country Canada, Canada have been excepting Syrian refugees because of the civil war in heir country, Canada is trying to bring hope for all the innocent lives that have flee or trying to escape to another place.
When Ender was fighting Bonzo
Ender has always tried to understand his enemies because he wanted to know why were they fighting him and for what reasons. Ender never wanted to hurt his enemies, but instead make relationships with them. "I didn't want to hurt [Bonzo]!"-252 There is a true story online that shows a client inside the lunchroom and seeing another person in depression. The client right away felt sorry and he knew how she felt because he had gone through this type of depression before so he decided to help her out and get through this type of depression.