door Joerg Bauer 14 jaren geleden
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Early signing in deaf better than late signing
sugg: language enances tom
Can you give me some
14m: not 18 m: yes
sugg early uderstanding of desire
3 vs. 5 more investigating mental state terms
sugg: understanding of othres desiers comes before beliefs
18 m complete task of failing human but not machine
sugg. early understanind by children learn that humas have pychological states like intentions but machines don't
understanding others intentions
joint attention better predictior of TOM vs. pretend play or imitation
sugg. more successfull: communication about mental states not objects
mind mindedness, age, interaction with adutlts
no of siblings, and language ability
sugg. language helps to decenter and think about the mind
suggestive generlly of social interaction important for dev of TOM + vigotsky
Sutton et al
Bullies better TOM vs. victims
b) Longditud: TOM predictor of Joint proposal
a) joint proposal corr- with TOM
- done a good job finishing peas - done a good job cleaning room
sugg: joke and lie are differentiated but requires understanding knowledge or ignorance of facts not of their beliefs
second order false belief develops at about 7
helps undertanding where others beliefs come from
What did you think was in the box
children < 4 said pencils
parallel TOM and TOOM
>3 not successfull 4-5 50% 6-9 100%
sugg: start at 4y
indication of understanding of s.o holdinga a false belief
but could only be assotiation
P thought children could only change pespective at around 7