Categories: All - phrasal - activity - machine - verb

by Daniela Castillo 4 years ago


vocabulary 1

vocabulary 1

vocabulary 1

phrasal verb

turn on:start a machine.Example : turn on the system and continue with your problem.
turn off: stop a machine.Example:Turn off the light,is time to bed .
look after:take care of something.Example:Juan sometimes look after his sister.
get off:to descend(from a bus ,train ,etc). Example: We get off the buss at itsa station then walk home.
get back:often followed by to . to return etc.Example: We need to get back the bus.
come round:to visit Example:Daniel is going to come round this night.
come in:to enter a room or building. Example:Welcome to games come in and join us.


to play video games: Activity of play video games. Example:My cousin and me play video games at the night.
to play the guitar:activity of take a guitar. Example: She loves play the guitar in the concert
play music:The activity of producing this. Examples:She every days play music.
take photograph:to take a photograph of. Example:The reported photographed the school children.
to paint:to coat,cover or decorate with paint.Example:she like to paint her house.


tent:A movable shelter of cloth ,etc. Example: I dont like sleeping in a tent because it's very uncomfortable.
photograph :A picture produced by photography.Example:Victoria has 70 photograph that your excursion.
magazine:A publication published at regular periods,containing essays,etc,and often ilustrations.Example:His boy looks beautiful in the magazine.
collect:To gather together,assemble.Example:We collect the kids and hustled them onto the bus.
beach: An area of sand along a shore.Example:My family and me like play voleyball on the beach.
barbecue: A grill for cooking food over an open fire. Example:Abril celebrate her birthday with the best barbecue.
swimming:A competitive sport based on the ability to swim.Example:She says that swiming is her favourite sport.
skateboarding: The sport of riding skateboard . Example:My sister likes skateboarding she things that it s funny.
rock climbing:The action of climb rocks.Example: Belen often hurts her knee when she goes rock climbing.
reading:The action or practice of a person who reads.Example: Daniela likes reading books to her sister.
playing computer games:A dramatic composition,drama of computer.Example:Ana likes playing his favourite computer games.
painting:A picture, design, or piece of art done in paints.Example:His best paintings hung in the National Museum.
horse -riding:A wooden apparatus for exercising or perfoming gymnastics,vaulting horse.Example:Camila sometimes goes horse riding in the park of Lima.
cycling:the act or sport of riding or traveling by bicycle,motorcycle,etc . Example:My friend Adriana goes cycling every mondays.