Categories: All - competenze - valutazione - esperienze - metodologie

by Ida Morcavallo 1 year ago


UdA interdisciplinare: "La favola"

Un progetto interdisciplinare esplora il tema della favola coinvolgendo diverse discipline, tra cui educazione fisica, inglese, musica, italiano, e arte. Gli studenti della classe 1A dell'

UdA interdisciplinare:

UdA interdisciplinare: "La favola"

Use this mind map to plan and easily organize your lessons.

metodologie didattiche

attività pratiche psico-motorie
laboratori creativi

In order to ensure the continuity of future assessments, create a quick overview of the student knowledge you were able to evaluate and write down some key points regarding their performance.

cooperative learning

Outline all the information you will need in order to create your evaluation content, add notes and figure out what type of assessment will conclude your lesson (test, essay, presentation, etc).

digital storytelling

After having graded and analyzed your students' work, establish what kind of feedback you will give them.

Will you have a discussion or will you give them written indications on the tests?

Will students need to review some of the content they didn't fully understand?

lezione frontale

Try to evaluate your planned assessment and establish whether it's appropriate as evidence for the Student Learning Objective.

verifica degli esiti e valutazione dell'efficacia

Homework improves student achievement and teaches students to work independently.
Provide your students with feedback on their homework, as this is an essential instrument allowing you to enhance the significance of assignments in their overall academic life.

autovalutazione degli alunni mediante questionario
autovalutazione da parte degli alunni
Questionario metacognitivo
valutazione sommativa
valutazione formativa
Feedbeck orali

discipline coinvolte

An actual experience with discussions will help students grasp the connections between different topics. Students will have the chance to use their knowledge gathered in class or during the personal researches and be able to participate effectively in the discussion as group members.

ed. fisica
arte e immagine

risorse, strumenti e materiali

More and more teachers are using visual aids and other helping tools to exemplify lessons.

Docenti curriculari
testi in adozione

You can attach your own previously created mind maps or you can ask them to create their own.

materiale per uso dei vari laboratori (artistico, musicale e palestra)

You can recommend books to your students which are related to your lesson, or which will help them gain a broader perspective on the lesson.

strumenti musicali

Related videos or documentaries, audio books.

tecnologie audiovisive (software, PC, video)

Write down what materials you want to use.

fasi di applicazione

valutazione e autovalutazione
presentazione dei lavori
realizzazione dell'e-book e del testo teatrale
formazione dei gruppi di lavoro

Plan the activities your students will be involved in during the plenary session.

For example: a quiz, exit tickets, keyword bingo, RAG123, etc.

approfondimento dell'argomento
organizzazione del lavoro nell'ambito di ciascuna disciplina

Set out the intention of this plenary session.

presentazione dell'attività

Having established the intention of your plenary session, it is now time to outline the objectives.

For example: clarify students' understanding, help students acquire different points of view, improve their critical judgment skills, promote free discussions, encourage students to ask questions, etc.

esperienze attivate


Establish your goals.

What do you want your students to achieve?

struttura del genere
la vita di Esopo
storia del genere
comprende e analizza
applica le conoscenze morfo-sintattiche
comprende e usa il vocabolario di base
riscrive parti di favole
espone il contenuto
ascolta e comprende il testo
interpreta messaggi e simboli


Competenze in chiave europee:

competenza in materia di cittadinanza


consapevolezza ed espressione culturale

imparare a imparare



competenze attese:

morale condivisa

riconoscere l'importanza del genere

Contesto e durata

30 ore (circa)

Here you should type in the timeframe of this class.

I quadrimestre

Starting date of the class.

I.C. "M. Pirotti" classe 1A (20 studenti)

Type in the title of your class.