Categories: All - comedy - snow - pragmatism - oxygen

by leah pfeffer 5 years ago


Types of knowledge

There are various forms of knowledge that people acquire through different experiences and studies. Comedy, as a genre, is an example of knowledge by acquaintance, where people learn to find humor and joy through their interactions with different media.

Types of knowledge

Types of Knowledge

Knowledge- How

Driving a standard car is more complex than automatic. Individuals require skills to do this task. You must be able to use both legs and both arms to shift, clutch, press gas and stir. While keeping your eyes on the road.
This can be explained through the coherence theory. Everybody - or the majority of people are aware that it takes practice and skill to drive a standard car as it requires multitasking.
Riding a Bike. When we first get on a bike, most of us fall a few times before we get the hang of it. Riding a bike does require the ability to stay balancedand steer your handle bars in the correct direction.
Riding a bike can be related to the correspondence theory. Riding a bike is possible because of gravity and balance. Effeciant for getting from one location to another.

Knowledge- WH

The sun is larger in size than the earth. Scientists have obtained this knowledge through travel to space and scientific research.
This can be connected with the coherence. It is a general knowledge around the world that the sun is in fact larger than the size of the earth.
You go to heaven or hell when you die. People from our pasts including a so called "jesus" served us with this information. As well as claims from people actually dying and being revived, that experienced "going to heaven".
This can be stated through coherence. A large portion of the world's population believes that there is this afterlife.

Knowledge- That

Water freezes at 0 degrees celcius. This is a fact obtained through resaerch for the exact temperaature the liquid turns into a solid.
This can relate to the pragmatism theory as we know that liquids turn to a solid form when they reach a certain cold temperature. All water will freeze at 0 degree's celcius, whether it's using artificial cold such as a freezer, or a winter day in canada.
Humans need oxygen to survive. Through the study of the human body it has been determined that we need oxygen to survive and in order for our lungs to work efficiently. When there is a lack of oxygen our bodies shut down.
This can be related to the correspondence theory of truth as it in actually a neccessity in life. HUmans and oxygen make this world into what it is. Most living things- all plants and animals need oxygen in order to survive.

Knowledge by Aquaintence

Snow is cold and wet. One can be told this however would not have th esame knowledge as a person who has experienced the feeling and texture of snow themselves.
Correspondence Theory. We know that winter is cold, and snow falls during this time. So snow is cold and wet- corresponding with the season of winter.
Comedy is a Genre people genrally find funny. When we watch a television show or movie under the comedy genre we experience joy or laughter- it is funny, humorous.
this can be explained through pragmatism. As we are growing up we may learn about the genre comedy through our interactions. People being comedians, movie's being funny and humorous when they are in the comedy genre.