Categories: All - epithelial - connective

by Gunaratnam Nirositha 4 years ago


The Stomach

The stomach's structure consists of several layers, each with distinct roles crucial for digestion. The mucosa layer, lined with columnar epithelial tissue, protects against stomach acid and secretes necessary enzymes and fluids.

The Stomach

The Stomach

Muscularis Layer

Muscular Tissue: helps mix stomach contents and force them to the lower intestine.


Areolar Connective Tissue
Simple Sqamous Epithelial Tissues

Submucosa Layer

Nerve Tissues: controls the contents of the stomach, smooth muscle contractions, and secretion of digestive fluids.
Motor Neurons
Sensory Neurons
Connective Tissues: helps support the mucosa and connects it to the muscularis layer.
Fibroblast Cells

Mucosa Layer

Muscularis Mucosa (Smooth Muscle Tissue): Allows the Mucosa to fold and increase its contact with the stomach contents.
Muscle Cells
Columnar Epithelial Tissue: helps protect the stomach from stomach acid. Also, it secretes enzymes, digestive fluid, and acid.
G Cells
Chief Cells
Parietal Cells
Mucous Cells