by Eliorah Cooper - Edenwood MS (1564) 4 years ago
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My grandfather and I enjoy discussing Bible stories, he teaches me about politics, he’s also talked with me about the Holocust and Jewish history, and he sometimes tells me what he thinks the future will look like. My grandfather is one of my favourite people to go to when I want to learn more especially when it’s about religion.
“Migg stood, pacing his story pace, waving his arms like a slow-motion conductor to place emphasis and tone over us all. We needed to remember Story. It was his job to set the memory in perpetuity. He spoke to us every week.”
My grandfather is passionate about all that he speaks upon. I admire his zealousness for the Bible and every Bible story he tells me.
Miig is passionate about his history and his culture. You can see this through his emphasis in story telling and the way he helps the children. If he weren't so passionate he wouldn't have helped the children and attempt to save his culture.
Just like Miig, my grandfather wants me to dream, set goals and achieve them. He has faith in all things I do. Whether I have a goal to achieve a good grade on a school project, or if I dream to start a business one day. I know that he will be by my side, be proud of me, and encourage me when I chase my dreams.
We go to the schools and they leach the dreams from where our ancestors hid them, in the honeycombs of slushy marrow buried in our bones. And us? Well, we join our ancestors, hoping we left enough dreams behind for the next generation to stumble across.”