Categories: All - employers - health - sanctions - structure

by Sofía Newlands 5 years ago


The League of Nations

The League of Nations was designed to maintain global peace and improve international cooperation through its structured bodies, each serving distinct functions. The International Labour Organisation aimed to enhance working conditions by bringing together various stakeholders and collecting relevant data to influence national policies.

The League of Nations

The League of Nations

A better world

Working Conditions


Social Problems

blacklisted four huge companies

freed 200,000 slaves

organised raids against slave owners and traders in Burma

kept careful records on what was going on

provided information in determined problems

involved in illegal drug trade

made recommendations on marking shipping lanes

produced international highway code for road users

introduced resolutiom

48-hour week 8-hour day

campaigned for employers improving working conditions

limited small children working hours

banned poisonous white lead from paint

helped refugees and formal prisioners of war

going back home

first few years after WW1

helped 400,000 prisioners returning home

Border Disputes

treaties signed at Paris Peace Conference
created new states

changed some borders

League´s job

sort out border disputes

Bulgaria, 1925

Greek troops

invaded Bulgaria

incident on border

some Greek soldiers killed

asked for help

condemned Greek action

ordered to pull out and pay compensation


facing disapproval from major powers

Corfu, 1923

islands disputed

Greece Albania

The Conference of Ambassadors

appointed Italian general


to supervise

Tellini and his team

ambushed and killed

Italina leader furious

blamed Greek government

demanded that it pay compensation to Italy

and execute murderers

Mussolini bombarded and occupied

Greek islands of Corfu

15 people killed

Greece asked for help

League condemned Mussolini´s actions

Greece had to pay

money would be held by League

until murderers were found

Mussolini withdrew from Corfu

Aaland Islands, 1921

Sweden and Finland

control of Aaland Islands

both threatening to fight for them

appealed to League

studied the case

decided islands should go to Finland

Sweden accepted decision

war was avoided

midway between them both

Upper Silesia, 1921

industrial region between Germany and Poland

inhabitated by both people

both countries wanted control of it

organised plebiscite

Silesians voted which country to join

League divided region along these lines

both accepted the decision

rural areas


industrial areas


rich iron-steel industry

Vilna, 1920

Poland and Lithuania

new created states

Vilna was made Lithuania's capital

its population largely Polish

private Polish army took control of it

Lithuania asked for help

both countries members of League

Poland clearly agressor

didn´t withdraw

British and French troops

supposed to be sent

force Poles out

French didnt want upset Poland

Britain not prepared

League did nothing

Poles kept Vilna

going alone

possible future ally

against Germany


The Mandates Commission

The Refugees Commitee

The Slavery Commission

The Health Commitee

for dealing with dangerous diseases

educating people about health and sanitation

for abolishing slavery around world

helped refugees return back home

made sure Britain and France

acted in interests of mandates´people

not in own ones

The Secretariat
kept League meetings records

prepared reports for its agencies

had speacialist sections



economic matters

civil service
The International Labour Organisation
brought together

once a year

improve working conditions

collected statistics-information

persuade countries

adopt its suggestions




Permanent Court of International Justice
judges from member countries

took decisions on

gave legal advice

no way making sure its ruling was being followed

Assembly and Council

border disputes

between countries

based at Netherlands
The Assembly
League´s Parliament

recommend action to the Council

vote on

all unanimous decisions

admiting new member to League

appointing temporary members

the budget of the League

other ideas

put forward by Council


representative of each member

only met once a year

The Council
if healthy disscusion didn´t work

could use range of powers

Moral condemnation

Economic-Financial sanctions

Military force

armed forces of members

could be used against agressor

members of League

refused trading with Agressor

decided which country was the agressor

condemned its action tell it to stop

smaller group

Temporary members

Permanent members

had a VETO

could stop Council acting

even if all members agreed

Britain France Italy Japan

elected by Assembly

3 years period

met more often


Improve living and working conditions
Encourage nations to disarm
Encourage countries to co-operate
business and trade
Discourage agression

before USA joining League

Congress needed to approve it
idea not so popular

people thought

powerful opposition

joined by Wilson's opponents

Wilson took proposal back to Congress

the idea couldn´t make it trough

USA never joined League

League would be under Britain and France control

opposed idea of Colonies and Empires

didn´t agree on safeguarding their colonial possessions

USA promising send troops to settle every little conflict

wanted to stay out of disputes

worried about economic cost of joining in

like signing black cheque

League was supposed to enforce Treaty of Versailles

inextricably linked to it

after WW1

everyone wanted avoid repeating same situation
disagreement about the kind of organisation


wanted strong League

with own army

British Leaders

wanted simple organisation

getting together in emergencies

President Wilson

wanted world parliament

all nations represenatives

getting together regularly

his idea won

took personal charge drawing up plans

had drafted very ambitious plan

some people

angered by his arrogant style

worried by his idealism


other members would stop trading with it

send troops if necessary

would protect one another

would accept decisions made by League

would take disputes with other countries to it

they would disarm

all major nations would join

agreed League of Nations

would help achieve it

organisation resolving international problems without fighting