Categories: All - landforms - rocks - plants - climate

by McGauley Trevor 5 years ago


Taiga Sheild

The Taiga Shield, home to the world's oldest rocks dating back nearly 4 billion years, showcases a variety of geological formations such as sedimentary and volcanic rocks, glacial grooves, and granitic structures.

Taiga Sheild

Taiga Sheild

wild life


all the plants in the taiga shield are categorised into 4 main parts/habitats, wet lands, shrublands meadows and open forests. the most common plant there is trees, there are lots of species there of trees including spuce, balsam fir, trembling aspen, balsam poplar and white brich. these speices of tree are found along rivers and streams, it can also be found on uplands. some more plants are Cat tail Water Parsnip Water Smartweed Water Horsetail Marsh Five-finger Willow Ground Juniper Dwarf Birch Sweet Gale Green Alder Paper Birch Black Spruce Labrador Tea Wild Rose

Landforms and Climate

of the shield is -24.5oC while the eastern part experiences slightly warmer winters with the average temperature at -11oC. The annual summers in northeast Quebec ranges from 5.5oCn to 11oC
The world's oldest rocks are found on the Taiga Shield in the Great Slave Lake. they were made near the beginning off earth about 4 billion years ago when the earth was only 500 million year old
some of the rocks and landforms there are Sedimentary rock Whaleback Glacial erratic Frost cracking Volcanic rock Glacial groove Glacial striations Chattermarks Granitic rock

Main topic

human activity

the population of the taiga shield is about 340,000 people. 60% is aboriginal, the population is made up of a few settlements. the location of which largely reflects the history of recent colonisation. the most popular actives are hunting, fishing and trapping. tourism is also pretty big because of the huge variaty of animal and plants and the site seeing