Categories: All - inequality - environment - distraction - resources

by Darrick Simm 10 months ago


Sustainable and Ethical Lunar Exploration.

Exploring the Moon sustainably and ethically presents significant challenges. The high costs associated with lunar travel mean it would likely remain an exclusive privilege for the wealthy, exacerbating social inequalities.

Sustainable and Ethical Lunar Exploration.

Sustainable and Ethical Lunar Exploration.

Who would be able to use this means of travel?

the overall cost of fuel and operation of such a means of travel may limit its usage to being a luxury for the wealthy
could result in people spending their entire life savings upon this gimmick, in a similar sense as they would in a casino
requiring around 950,000 gallons of fuel for the Apollo mission alone, to translate that into an individual cost would create a ludicrous price tag.

This may result in a further divide between the rich and the poor

Corporation may use and abuse this privilege due to there innate wealth over an individual.
safety standards may be compromised in order to "cheap-iffy" this mode of transportation.
this could result in corporates' greed and "opportunity" to exploit this means of travel for short-term gains without long-term consideration

The creation and process of Space Travel is a very resource-intensive challenge.

there are many other resource-heavy projects on Earth that lunar travel might not seem feasible compared to solving them
The housing crisis in many countries is another rising problem, as there isn't enough affordable homes on the market for people; which in turn leads to less productive individuals as they struggle to fulfill that fundamental living necessity.
planeside transportation is still a massive issue, with it being both dirty and inefficient. therefore why would we want to pursue lunar travel when we should instead focus on planetwide means of travel first?
suitability of the rescources
our sustainable options, such as nuclear or electric, have no feasible application within the field of rocket pupulsion

may lead to rush development at the cost of safety concerns, both in testing as well as operation.

most rescores used in the function of the rockets are non-sustainable, not mentioning they consume a lot pure usage

Lunar travel would be a luxury

its a distraction
People would focus on it to make it more affordable, diverting resources and time to perfect the art simply so more people can experience it. this takes away from other projects that can be more helpful in favour of basically an attraction.
many would use or abuse it as a means of distraction in a similar manner to gambling.
in order to make lunar travel a feasible market, the price would have to only be affordable to high upper-class people.
if limited to those with money or power, the environment and resources cost would then hurt those less fortune while the rich experience the positives.

parrell may arise wherein conflict or issues may develop over who has access to space travel and what for. New form of warfare possible?

If it was only available to those with money, then Lunar travel would boil down a privilege to the rich and a cost to the poor. it would be another textbook example of being another division between the 2 classes

Sustainable and eco-Freindly transportation

There is no sustainable means of inter-planetary travel
the rescores used in lunar transportation is very costly and demanding with little to no return or sustainability; resources that may be hard to part with regards to the many rescores demanding issues planetside.
The fuel used in the transportation from planet side to outer space is both dirty as well as limited, meaning the fuel is wasted in lunar transportation vs being used on the ground.
The rockets are, while a lot more reusable due to developments from space programs like Spacex, an overall costly means of transportation that lack the ability of reusability
No eco-friendly means interplanetary transportation
The fuel used to provide transportation is extracted harshly and is very limited, in turn creating a dangerously limited means of travel.

this could worsen the environmental crisis further than space travel already is. we already abuse the planet for oil, so whats stopping us from doing the same to achieve space travel?

the current fuel options are all dirty, meaning they cause great pollution in exchange for travel