Categories: All - division - genome - chromosomes - nucleus

by David A Silva 4 years ago


Regulation of Gene Expression

The cell cycle consists of distinct phases during which cells grow, replicate their DNA, and prepare for division. Interphase, which includes the G1, S, and G2 phases, is a critical period where the cell grows, synthesizes proteins, and duplicates its DNA and centrosomes.

Regulation of 
Gene Expression

Cell Respiration

Alcoholic fermentation

the anaerobic process by which yeasts and other microorganisms break down sugars to form carbon dioxide and ethanol

Lactic acid fermentation

causes soreness after physical exertion
pyruvate gets reduced; hydrogen from NADH goes into pyruvate goes to forms Lactate. HADH gets recycled, glycolysis continued


The process by which cells break down simple food molecules to release the energy they contain.


Innermost compartment of the mitochondrion

Inner membrane space

Mitochondrial part where the ETC pumps protons
powerhouse of the cell, converts food into energy

Types of ATP formation

Oxidative phsophorylation
The production of ATP using energy derived from the redox reactions of an electron transport chain; the third major stage of cellular respiration.
Substrate-level phosphorylation
When an enzyme transfers a phosphate group from a substrate molecule.


Oxidized and reduced form




electron carrier involved in glycolysis


Energy Investment phase
Input: glucose, 2 ATP Output: pyruvate, 2 net ATP, 2 NADH
Starts with
1 Glucose, 2 NAD+, and uses 2 ATP
the breakdown of glucose by enzymes, releasing energy and pyruvic acid.

C6H12O6 + 6O2 -> 6CO2 + 6H2O. What is getting oxidied and what is getting reduced

Glucose (C6H12O6) is getting oxidized and Oxygen is getting reduced


oxidation is loss, reduction is gain

Redox Reactions

When there is a transfer of one or more electrons from one reactant to another.


To produce ATP


Eukaryotic cell structures


membrane-bound sac of hydrolytic enzymes that an animal uses to digest macromolecules


contain the green pigment chlorophyll and enzymes/molecules that function in the phosphosynthetic production of sugar


sites of cellular respiration, generating ATP from catabolizing sugars, fats, and other fuels in the presence of oxygen

Rough Er

Proteins that include ones that'll be released or secreted from the cell, such as proteins made into lysosomes, and also released from other locatons with in the cell,

Smooth ER

Has no ribosomes and is not involved in protein synthesis. Contains enzymes that synthesize the lipid membranes


channels between adjacent cells that perforate plant cell walls


They directly connect the cytoplasm of two cells, which allows various molecules, ions and electrical impulses to directly pass through a regulated gate between cells.
Fastens cells together and anchors to the cytoplasm
membranes of adjacent cells are fused, forming continuous belts around cells. Prevents leakage of extracellular fluid
protects the cell, maintains shape and prevents excessive uptake of water
Membrane bound nucleus
80S ribosomes

Cell Wall in plants only

Flagella and cillia

Non membrane bound nucleoid
70S ribosomes

Cell Wall

Presence of peptidoglycan


All cells have

DNA or genetic code


Membrane enclosed; control center of cell; directs protein synthesis by synthesizing mRNA



attached to outside of the ER or nuclear envelope synthesize proteins that are either included in membranes or exported from cell

suspended in cytosol and synthesize proteins that function within the cytosol
Process RNA to synthesize proteins


pair of homologous chromosomes in diploid parent cell

pair of duplicated homologous chromosomes
diploid cell with duplicated chromosomes
sister chromatids

these protein- protein interactions lead to correct positioning of the complex on the promoter and the initation or RNA synthesis. many enhancers act at different times or in different cell types

meosis and sexual life cycles

4 daughter cells total

Meiosis II

chiasmata occurs
Cytokinesis II
telophase II
anaphase II
metaphase II
prophase II
haploid cells with unduplicated chromosomes
sister chromatids seperate

meiosis I

seperation of homologs
alignment of homologous pairs at the metaphase plate
synapsis and crossing over
pair of duplicated homologs held together by chiasma and sister chromatid cohesion
Cytokinesis I
Telophase I
anaphase I
metaphase I
prophase I
haploid cells with duplicated chromosomes
homologous chromosomes seperate

each gamete has one set of autosomes (22) and a single sex chromosome

occurs in reproductive organs- ovaries and testes- produces egg or sperm

special form of cell division that produces gametes

Biological Molecules


Polymers are broken down to monomers through this process, through adding water and breaking bond

Dehydration reaction

a reaction in which two molecules are covalently bonded to each other with the loss of a water molecule. removes water forms new bond

Nucleic Acids

monomer of nucleic acids Formed by 5 carbon sugar covalently bonded to nitrogenous base and phosphate group
Amino Acid sequence of polypeptides programed into a unit of inheritence


Loss of proteins native structure; usually irreversible
Functional molecules consisting of one or more polypeptides

Amino Acid

molecules with carboxyl and amino groups


Ester Linkage
Bonds created when fats form
highly nonpolar,hydrophobic, soluable in organic solvent


are macromolecules polymers with a few hundred to a few thounsand monosaccharides joined by glycosidic linkage. serve as storage /structure
are double sugars consisting of two monosaccharides joined by a covalent bond. they consist of two monosaccharides joined by a glycosidic linkage.
Gycosidic Linkage

a covalent bond between two monosaccharides by dehydration reaction

simplest carbohydrate, simple sugars, these are monomers from which more complex carbohydrates are built. glucose C6H12O6


Cell Cycle

Allele: alternate forms of genes located on homologous chromosomes

homologous chromosomes: two chromosomes with genes for the same traits one from each parent


genetic information

different type of cells

reproductive/sex cells
in a sperm cell, the sex chromosome may be either X or Y
sex chromosome is X
germ cells
haploid gametes

single set of chromosomes

in humans, its 23

undergo meiosis
incorporated into ovaries and testis
produce games (egg/sperm)
pockets of specialized cells
somatic cells
diploid in nature(2N)

has two sets of chromosomes

in humans, its 46

make up vast majority of individuals tissues
mitotically dividing and G0-arrested cells
all body cells except the reproductive cells


arrangement of chromosomes in pairs starting with the longest chromosome

mitotic cell

2 daughter cells total
the division of the cytoplasm is usually well under way by late telophase, so the two daughter cells appear shortly at the end of mitosis

in animal cells, cytokinesis involves the formation of a cleavage furrow, which pinches the cell in two

in plant cells, the cell plate forms dividing the two cells

two daughter nuclei form in the cell. nuclear envelopes arise from the fragments of the parents cells nuclear envelope and other portions of the endomembrane system

nucleoli reappear

the chromosomes become less condensed

any remaining spindle microtubules are depolymerized

mitosis, the division of one nucleus into two genetically identical nuclei, is now complete

begins when the cohesin proteins are cleaved. this allows the two sister chromatids of each pair to part suddenly. each chromatid thus becomes an independent chromosome

the two new daughter chromosomes begin moving toward their opposite ends of the cell as their kinetochore microtubules shorten. because these microtubules are attached at the centromere region, the centromeres are pulled ahead of the arms.

the cell elongates as the nonkinetochore microtubules lenghten

by the end of anaphase, the two ends of the cell have equivalent- and complete- collections of chromosomes

the centrosomes are now at opposite poles of the cell

the chromosomes have all arrived at the metaphase plate, a plane that is equidistant between the spindles two poles. the chromosomes' centromeres lie at the methaphase plate

for each chromosome, the kinetochores of the sister chromatids are attached to kinetochore microtubules coming from opposite poles

nuclear envelope fragments

microtubules extending from each chromosome can now invade the nuclear area

chromosomes have now become even more condensed

kitetochore, speacialized protein structure, has now formed at the centromere of each chromatid

two sister chromatids oriented- opposite poles (stable arrangement)

chromatin fibers become more tightly coiled, condensing into discrete chromosomes observable with a light microscope

nucleoli disappear

each duplicated chromosome appears as two identical sister chromatids joined at their centromeres and, in some species, all along their arms by cohesins (sister chromatid cohesion)

mitotic spindle begins to form. it is composed of the centrosomes and the microtubules that extend from them. the radial arrays of shorter michrotubles that extend from the centrosomes are called asters

centrosomes move away from each other, propelled partly by the lenthening microtubules between them

also called M phase consisting of:

division of cytoplasm


division of cell material


G2 phase
cell synthesizes proteins needed for cell division

a nuclear envelope encloses the nucleus

the nuleus contains one or more nucleoli

two centrosomes have formed by the duplication of a single centrosome. centrosomes are regions in animal cells that organize the microtubules of the spindle. each centrosome contains two centrioles

chromosomes, duplicated during S phase, cannot be seen individually because they have not been condensed

centrioles: pair present with in centrosome

centrosome: microtubule organizing center

S phase
DNA synthesis occurs, and DNA replication results in duplicated chromosomes

one of the multiple chromosomes in a eukaryotic cell is represented here, not yet duplicated. normally it would be a long, thin chromatin fiber containing one DNA molecule and associated proteins

once duplicated, a chromosome consists of two sister chromatids connected along their entire lengths by sister chromatid cohesion. each chromatid contains a copy of the DNA molecule

molecular and mechanical processes seperate the sister chromatids into two chromosomes and distribute them to two daughter cells

chromosome: consists of one chromotid

2 chromatid= 1 chromosome

duplicated to make one chromosome

called sister chromatids

G1 phase
cell growth, accumulates materials for DNA synthesis

polypeptide subunits that make up enzymes for tryptophan synthesis

Inducer: inactivates repressor

repressor: binds to operator and blocks attachment of RNA polymerase to promoter preventing gene transcription repressor protein encoded by regulatory gene

Regulation of Gene Expression

types of genes associated with cancer

cancer cells
do not need growth factors to grow and divide

may have an abnormal cell cycle control system

may convey a growth factor's signal without the presence of the growth factor

make their own growth factor

do not respond normally to the body's control mechanisms
exhibit neither:

anchorage dependence

density dependent inhibition

Ras gene
G protein that relays a signal from a growth factor receptor on the plasma membrane to a cascade of protein kinases

issues signal on its own

tumor supressor genes
encode proteins that inhibit abnormal cell division


defective or missing transcription factor, such as p53, cannot activate transcription

protein it encodes is a specific transcription factor that promotes the synthesis of cell cycle- inhibiting proteins

proto oncogenes
encode components of growth factor signal transduction pathways
normal cellular genes that code for proteins that stimulate normal cell growth and division

if mutated, can turn into cancer cells

cancer causing genes


a cluster of functionally gene related genes can be under coordinated control of a single on-off "switch"
how is a "switch" turned on or off?

off (basal)

repressor bound to operator

on (induced)

activator bound to operator


differential gene expression
chromatin modifification

histone: responsible for the first level of DNA packing in chromatin

histones used to form core: H2A, H2B, H3, H4

different types of packaging


genes expressed

less compaction


no genes expressed

highly compacted

chromatin: DNA + protein


transcription factors


leads to low(basal) levels of transcription

production of a few RNA transcripts from genes that are not expressed all the time, but instead are regulated

TATA box


activators- lead to increased expression

bind to DNA sequences then go to a group of mediator proteins. these in turn bind to general transcription factors and then RNA polymerase II, thus assembling the transcription initiation complex.


what a DNA strand consists of

transcription start site

termination region (downstream)

poly A signal sequence

the last exon of the gene is transcribed into an RNA sequence that signals where the transcript is cleaved and the poly A tail is added

exon and introns

proximal control elements

located near the promoter

distal control elements (upstream)

enhancers, thousands of nucleotides upstream or downstream of a gene or even without an intron

RNA processing

cap and tail added, introns removed and exons spliced together

created coding segments

addition of 5' cap

added as soon as transcription is initiated

addition of poly A tail


occurs when transcription is still under way

the expression of different genes by cells with the same genome


Trp Operon

tryptophan absent, repressor inactive, operon on

RNA polymerase attaches to the DNA at the operons promoter and transcribes the operon genes. enzymes for tryptophan synthesis are made

tryptophan present, repressor active, operon off

as tryptophan accumulates, it inhibits its own production by activating the repressor protein, which binds to the operator, blocking transcription. enzymes for tryptophan synthesis are not made

consists of:

genes of operon

trp A

RNA binds here

trp B

trp C

trp D

trp E



trp R (regulatory gene)


codes for tryptophan

synthesis: always building something

essential amino acid

requires 5 enzymes

always on
Lac Operon
organization of lac operon


structural genes

Lac A


detoxifies other molecules entering the cell via permease

Lac Y


the membrane protein that transports lactose into the cell

Lac Z


hydrolyzes lactose to glucose and galactose

regulatory sequences

Lac I

located outside the lac operon. codes for an allosteric repressor protein that can switch off the lac operon by binding to the lac operator


RNA polymerase

when RNA cannot bind

high glucose, lactose available

when glucose is present, cAMP is scarce, and CPR is unable to stimulate trancription at a significant rate, even though no repressor is bound

lactose present, repressor inactive, operon on

allolactose, an isomer of lactose, binds to the repressor, inactivating it and depressing the operon. the inactive repressor cannot bind to the operator, and so the genes of the lac operon are transcribed, and the enzymes for using lactose are made

lactose absent, repressor active, operon off

the lac repressor is innately active, and in the absence of lactose it switches off the operon by binding to the operator. the enzymes for using lactose are not made

when RNA can bind

lactose available, low glucose

if glucose is scarce, the high level of cAMP activated CPR, which binds to the promoter and increases RNA polymerase binding there. the lac operon produces large amounts of mRNA coding for the enzymes that the cell needs for use of lactose

promoter for structural genes (Plac)

regulatory gene (f) codes for repressor protein

promoter for regulatory gene (pi)

example of both positive and negative regulation
disaccharide, its digestive, lactose breaks down to glucose and galactose
always off by default