Psychological Skills Training and SportPerformance
Psychological Skills Training (PST) is a crucial aspect of improving sport performance, catering to diverse groups such as elite athletes, physically disabled athletes, and young or semi-skilled athletes.
Psychological Skills Training and Sport
Ideal Time for Implementing Psychological Skills
Preseason also allows flaws in athletes’ psychological
skill to be corrected in a relaxed atmosphere.
During preseason training before the start of new season of competition.(Weinberg & William, 2001)
Who is The Best Qualified To Conduct
Psychological Skills Training?
Coaches and Sport Psychologist as a backup to the coaches for supervision
and advice and also evaluate the effectiveness of the PST
Psychologist that have an extensive background
education in both sport and psychological science together with some practical supervised experience in the implement of Psychological Skills Training. (Weinberg & William, 2001)
Who Benefits From Psychological Skill Training?
Physically disabled athletes
Mentally retarded athletes
Semi-skilled athletes
Young and inexperienced athletes
Elite and highly skilled athletes, including Olympic Games
bound athletes
Psychological Skills Training and Performance
PST flourishes positive environment and provision of concentrate suggestion from Sport Psychologist & athletes
PST can be observed and define in three different type of individual and team sport athletes.
PST helps athletes and teams to
improve their performance.
Comprehensive versus Modified
practical purpose a modified and shot form of PST as time constraints permit is usually recommended and implemented for athletes and teams
makes an implementation of a
comprehensive PST difficult.
Most of their time is used for training and competition.
Teams and athletes do not have unlimited amount of time at their disposal.
Application of psychological Skills Training to other
Aspects of life
Stress and anxiety that are associated outside of sport could be reduced through the use of psychological skills training technique of positive self talk, anxiety management, attention focus strategies and self-confidents strategies
Athlete Should Adopt a Passive State of Mind
Receptive to new ideas and is able to make things
happen naturally for them to benefits from psychological skills training than a mind that is active and forces things to happen
Specific Needs of Athlete
know their individual and specific
needs of an implementation of generalized psychological skills training
Performance is Through Hard Work
Aware that superior performance in sport is
achieve through:-
-Work hard
-Perseverance in training and competition
Athlete Must Fully Commit to Psychological Skills
Willing to use psychological skill to
continues basis in training and in
Implementation of psychological skills training ( PHASE 1 TO 5 )
PHASE 5- Holding meetings with athletes on an individual basis in training to help them to implement their psychological skills training
Athletes are encouraged to use specific psychological skill prior to executing a particular sport performance
Holding meetings with athletes on individual basis to assist with the implementation of their psychological skills training
PHASE 4- Meetings with athletes on a group basis to
provide psychological skills training
PST could be broken into session that focusing on:-
- attention and concentration
- anxiety control
- goal setting
- stress and stress management
- the used of imagery
- the used of positive self-talk
PST can be conducted twice a week and for approximately one hour per session
PHASE 3- Meetings with athletes to review their PST
test score
Athlete get their test scores, explanation of
their implication in term of whether their psychological skill are adequate or inadequate
The test result is needed to be maintain to conduct the interviews with which each individual athlete
Meeting that involve everyone to review the
test score and their implication of their each athletes
PHASE 2- Psychological skills testing on athletes
The questionnaires used to measure the anxiety
control , mental imagery, intentional focus and control, self–confidence, and ability to handle problems and find solution
The athletes instructed to complete a series
of dynastic questionnaires
Examines that the mental strengths and weaknesses of each athlete
PHASE 1- Initial meetings between
sport psychology and coaches
The result of the discussion will be provide
sufficient information to be used as the basis of developinga psychological training for athlete
Coaches give the opportunity to provide their
perception of the effectiveness of the psychological skill training
Sport Psychologists should explain the advantages and
disadvantages of the psychological skill training