Categories: All - succession - politics - trade - entertainment

by Morgan Cook 12 years ago


Pax Romana

During the Pax Romana, Rome maintained a vast trading network, connecting with distant regions like Southern Russia and facilitating the import of luxuries via the Silk Road. The Roman political system included a council of five to ensure leadership continuity upon an emperor'

Pax Romana

Pax Romana

The Emporers and Succesion

There was no written law for how to transfer the power between emporers. This problem was temporarily solved by the 5 good emporers. This meant that while they were serving, they chose a great leader to take the position after them, not just family members.


The Roman Government provided free entertainment, so both rich and poor could watch it. These free games included mock battles, gladiator fights, etc. You could watch the games in the Colleseum.


Agriculture was one of the main parts of everday life for Romans, due to the high amount of farm/crop land. About 90% of the citizens were engaged in farming
Some of the most expensive, and odd foods were parrot-toungue pie and boiled ostrich.

Managing a Huge Empire

Managing A huge Empire was quite a task for the Ancient Romans. With about 10,000 miles of land belonging to the Romans, there was a lot to take care of. There were also men used as forces that were not Roman Citizens, but learned the Roman Customs, Laws, and Beliefs. This people spread the Roman ways to other religions and recieved more rights.


When A leader passed away, they had a council of 5 people that were used as back-up leaders.


Rome had a vast trading network, with a large network connecting the empire with far places, such as Southern Russia. The silk road was used to transport silk and other luxuries to Rome.