Categories: All - quiz - biology - disease - prediction

by Jennifer Davis 2 years ago


McClintock old

McClintock, a conversational bot, interacts with users to teach biology lessons. The bot starts by greeting the user and inquiring about their mood. McClintock introduces its purpose, which is to educate users on various biological topics.

McClintock old

Reset and Main Menu (Route Group)


X.X.get_page_title Bot: Says something. User: Since he was 23 Bot: No, I'm sorry. Maybe check the video and try again?

X.FlowTitle (Start Page) Bot: Says something.

user.says.exampleintent User: [Jennifer Davis](@sys.person) Bot: Pleasure to meet you Jennifer

Default Start Flow

Default Welcome Intent Bot: Bot: Hello, my name is McClintock, what's your name?

0.NameandMood User: [Jennifer Davis](@sys.person) Bot: Pleasure to meet you Jennifer. How are you?


0.2.tells_bot_intro Bot: My job is to teach you a few biology lessons


0.gets_menu_selection Bot: Shows Chip Choices








1.ChapterStart Bot: Our first lesson is going to focus on a disease and what might be causing it.

1.1.get_had_disease Have you ever suffered from a severe disease?

1.2.show_video_Daniel | I'd like to show you some information about a disease called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. The person in this video is named Daniel, and he is related to my teaching assistant, Mrs. Davis. You might want to grab some ear buds or something. Are you ready to watch a video?

1.3.quiz_EDS_duration Great! I'd like to check to see if you were paying attention. Here's a quick quiz. {shows custom list payload with choices}

1.4_get_observations_eds Tell me some of the things you observed about Daniel's disease, Ehlers Danlos Syndrome.


1.6.get_has_made_past_prediction We're going to be making lots of guesses and then testing them out as learn. Have you ever made a prediction about something that was going to happen? [prediction] = @user_past_prediction

1.1.Checkpoint Bot: Says something.