by Wen Daniel 4 years ago
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Suitable Career Paths Based On Interests
The three careers below are the jobs I'm currently eyeing, and all have significant ties to my interests. Programming is a given, but the way code is written and compiled for the different paths are as distinct as it gets, so I try to cover my bases by getting introduced to the various fields and related languages. What I would say is the one I hope to get into the most is Video Game Designing. Making a great game incorporates pretty much all of my hobbies and interests. To get players to get into and stay with your game requires a mix of a great story, clever cut scenes, unique design, and distinct gameplay. All of which will be difficult to achieve alone, so finding a close team that meshes well is crucial to success in the game development industry.
Computer Programmer
System Developer (Software)
Video Game Designer
Film/Video Making
similar to Video Game Design and Literature, the video and film industry has so many aspects that intrigue me. Each movie incorporates unique elements that work together to produce truly distinct films and affects, and learning the behind the scenes for many of the shots that astound me when watching the scene is quite enlightening. Finding out the multitude of editing effects that make a short clip work leaves my mind wondering about various other shots similar to it, and the rabbit hole goes on.
Something that I have recently gotten into, is computer programming. I've learned the very basics of a few languages along with web design and mechanical engineering, and hope to get a career within a related industry. The satisfaction of being able to create something from small elements and lines of text that programming allows for is just incredible, and definitely is something that I hope to see me growing in.
As one might have gathered from previous hobbies and explanations, I really enjoy talking with others. I always love a good debate that both sides can learn from and deeper discussion on topics of common interest can make hours whiz by. I'm open to anything and try to be as inclusive as can be, and so am careful with my choices of words along with mannerisms.
Sadly, I'm nowhere near the level of reading comprehension to truly enjoy the Shakespearean plays or Poe's poems, but the world of books is a vast one, with millions of more options awaiting. A good fantasy series is bound to chain me to it for weeks and a solemn work on a thought-provoking dystopia always gets me rethinking the world view. There's just so much to do, something for everyone, and that was what drew me into reading.
Video Game Design
The Video Game industry is marvelously diverse, and exploring how each genre and game utilizes the player's senses, psyche and emotions never get boring. Every year, fantastic indie games are presented to the public that brings a new feel to the market. From the usage of adrenaline,terror to even boredom, the world of game design is a vast one that I hope to further delve into.
Multiple Intelligence (Top 4)
Talking and socializing with others makes me feel alive, and I look forward to doing so plenty, so it's no wonder it's one of my strong suits and it comes as no surprise to me.
This one was a bit unexpected since I have never thought much of it myself, but now, It does become rather clear that it is quite accurate. I value greatly both personal and group thinking, so I'd also agree with this one.
Linguistically, I'm no master, but if push comes to shove and I had to pick an intelligence myself, this would be in my top three and so I would have to agree with the results on this one.
Another unexpected one, since I've always thought of music as just a hobby, not an intelligence. I would describe myself as something with a strong sense of rhythm after playing percussion for various bands and so this one is also an intelligence I agree on.
The results of this survey were very expected and accurate. Computers are my strong suit without a doubt and Business is right behind, alongside Language Arts and Science. For the careers which I hope to get into, having an interest in Computers and Science is practically required with how turbulent the industry is and well, Business and Language Arts are just really useful to everyday life. In a way, they were the results I was hoping for, and I'm glad to have this slight reassurance.
72% Science
72% Language Arts
89% Business
100% Computers
Motivation Factors
Support & Achievement
Looking at all the factors, these two are for sure the most accurate to me. I find supporting others is sometimes even easier to do than helping myself, and like to see everyone succeed, not just myself. If someone in my group is struggling, I will always try to sort it out with them and relieve some pressure off their backs, since everyone has their own circumstances. If I'm able to help someone through a difficult time, that's an achievement in my mind.
Top 2 Motivation Factors
Achievement (Secondary)
Support (Primary)
Out of all the traits, this one definitely does describe me best. curiosity, reasoning, logic, and analysis are all that I would relatively say my strong points are, so I agree with the results on this trait.
For once, I disagree with myBlueprint. The second trait, Conventional, definitely feels like a bit of a reach for me, as I am much more of the "see where the day takes me" type of guy, and dislike strict routines and plans. I do still believe that having an overall understanding of what needs to be done and goal setting is crucial to a healthy workplace, but not to the point of the 67% given to me.
The Technician (IC)
Conventional (67%)
Investigative (73%)
Personality is divided into four aspects:
My results for Energy leaned towards the extraversion side, and that is not necessarily wrong or correct. I prefer both, just depending on the time. Although I will say that in general, I do prefer to be in groups, not large gatherings, however, just with a few close friends.
Information Gathering
For Information Gathering, the results indicated that I am more intuitive, which I would have to agree with. I love just taking some time to learn and connect everything together almost like completing a big puzzle, figuring out by myself how every industry connects, or how new learnings impact everything I know.
Decision Making
For Decision Making, I am a bit conflicted. Much of both sides are incorporated into how I operate and think, and so I would say the results are leaning a little too far into Thinking. However, if I had to go with one, I would also say I make more "objective" decisions but just instead act upon them with more subjective undertones.
Lifestyle and Structure
I could not agree anymore with the results of this one, which is Perceiving. Learning more and more about the world and going with the flow perfectly describes me, and so I would say overall this aspect was spot on.
ENTP (The Inventor)
Learning Styles
With a pretty equally split 34% (Visual), 34% (Auditory), and 32% (kinesthetic), I would say the results are accurate. There is no specific learning method that does it all for me and the lessons that I learn the most from most often incorporate all three styles in the teachings.
34% Visual
32% Kinesthetic
34% Auditory
Brief Intro
Hello, I'm Daniel Wen, an American/Canadian dual citizen and have traveled quite a lot. I love everything that has to do with computers and various fields of science, alongside pretty much any genre of documentary and music. I'm a rather friendly guy and enjoy discussing tons of different topics, and hope to get into Software Developing or Game Design.
Suitable Career Paths Based On Skills
Success within the three below; Video Game Designer, Computer Hardware Engineer, and Computer Programmer are all very closely tied to the skills I believe I exempt. The field of software engineering as a whole requires great fluency in many languages, constantly staying afloat in the ever-changing industry and adapting to whatever task is given next. Working in teams is unavoidable, and so providing clear feedback, the right environment, and getting well acquainted with your group is a massive part of finishing a project efficiently. It's easier said than done, and a great deal of the difficulty whilst working with others is being honest with feedbacks and being responsible for your share of work.
Application Developer (Software)
Computer Hardware Engineer
Web Developer
Discussions, debates, and even civil arguments are amongst my favorite things to do with friends, and so It's no wonder that I'm rather sociable. Although public speaking is no strong suit of mine, more casual talks get me going for hours on end, which helps me make quite a few friends given practically any requirement. It is definitely a skill honed by frequent movings and changes of the environment, and I feel doesn't have a specific moment to attribute my specialty in. I just know the right people to talk to and the appropriate wording for the environment.
If I do a wrong, I will own up to it, and every piece of work that I work on will be my responsibility to bear regardless of the environment. No matter the assignment or task, I know that the result is mine to bear if I partook in its generation, which could be exemplified in a book report on the novel Lord of the Flies. In this example, I had put off reading it until the last week for other more pressing tasks. My request for an extension was met with a no, and so I knew that the entire dilemma was my fault and mine alone. This pushed me to finish the book within three days and complete the aforementioned book report, and the entire time being pressured more than ever served as an important lesson for me.
Having to move frequently since childhood, adapting to my new surroundings have become almost a norm for me. The transition between China's harsh, curriculum-driven and focused education philosophy to Canada's significantly more relaxed, creative, and liberality of the mind-system is an easy example. Never had I need to think outside the box and create with so much freedom, and I instantly grew to like this new environment. Living in Canada also brought along many other opportunities, like the Canadian Cadets system
Computer Savy:
Ever since my family bought a desktop to act as a shared computer, I've been fascinated by technology. With the endless possibilities and freedom provided by the internet and the technological marvel that is the modern-day computer, there is not a single thing not to fawn over. I've had the fortunate opportunity to further explore the field with classes varying in all aspects of the computer. robotics, web design, software, and even game design are all things I have been looking into and hope to continue with. If there was any group work that requires editing, filming, creating, or coding it would usually be me taking those fronts. Starting from middle school, really, is when I started to actually utilize those skills and really create things for academic purposes.
It has never sat right with me to withhold information that might negatively affect productivity, and this virtue of mine has never changed. In a group assignment to create and present a video for geography, I gave honest feedback and directed groupmates who weren't performing with concise and albeit harsher truths. This allowed for the timely production of the short film and a more organized workflow, both of which I believe are highly important in the workplace.