Categories: All - differentiation - buyers - price - monopoly

by Elizeth Diliana 2 years ago



A market consists of sellers and buyers whose interactions help determine the prices of goods. Key factors influencing market structure include the number of agents, their bargaining power, product differentiation, and ease of market entry and exit.



The interaction and differences of these allow the existence of different market structures, which we can discard.

imperfect competition

In this structure the production or sale of homogeneous or similar products is controlled by a small group of companies.Those who relate, at convenience, in such a way that the volume of production, their profit and general behavior also depend on their politics as competitors.


It occurs because only a company is a producer and seller of a product that has no close substitute, this situation occurs in two aspects, in natural and artificial monopoly.

monopolistic competition

this market is formed by a large number of companies that produce a good of similar characteristics that however can be perceived as unique due to the differentiation of the product, increases its competitiveness by making its products more attractive or offer them at lower prices.

perfect competition
The efficient market where goods are produced using the most efficient techniques and thus using fewer factors of production. this market is considered the most unrealistic, but it is nevertheless of great interest for its theoretical analysis.

A market is a series of sellers and buyers who through their interactions, both real and potential, determine the price of a good or a series of goods.

the main aspects that determine the structure of the market

The number of agents, in the market both buyers and sellers, their relative bargaining power in terms of the ability to set prices, their degree of concentration, their degree of differentiation and uniqueness of their products and their ease or not of entering and leaving the markets