Categories: All - culture - hospitality - learning - culinary

by Kate Maika 2 years ago


Hospitality & Tourisim

The text highlights various educational and cultural opportunities available through programs in hospitality, tourism, and world religions. It emphasizes the chance to delve into different religious practices and traditions, including Catholicism, Judaism, and Buddhism.

Hospitality & Tourisim

Hospitality & Tourisim

Dual Credit

I'm excided to meet cheif Kevin
Get to have a better look at the inside of fleming
Get a look at different learning styles
Seeing if they're a potential school

Specialist High Skills Major

Build independence
Have more confidence in the kitchen
Gain new cooking skills from experenced cheifs

World Religions

Juddism, Buddism, etc
Learn about new religions and go into depth
Make cultural disshes
Learn more about the chatholic religion

Culinary Arts

Try new foods, or certain dishes i'm not a big fan of
Be able to cook different cultrual tradditional food
Learn defferent vegan and vegiatrian recipes
Learn new and more challenging recipes