Categories: All - strategic - indigenous - treaties - british

by Saravanan Dhrona 1 year ago


Fortress Louisbourg

Fortress Louisbourg, located in Nova Scotia, played a pivotal role during the conflicts between the British and the French, significantly impacting the Indigenous tribes involved. The British opted to invade this fort due to its strategic positioning, despite its undermanned status, which they were unaware of.

 Fortress Louisbourg

Fortress Louisbourg

Open Ended Question: How did the war impact the Indigenous (their lifestyles) tribes which sided with the British and French?

Why did the French build this Fort?
The French built this fort in case of a big war this was the most strategic place (on a cliff surrounded by water) but because it was undermanned the fort fell to the british.
What is the difference between a war and a siege?
How was this siege/war resolved?
The siege was resolved when the French took their fort back and gave some land to the British and made treaties with the British to calm down the war.
How did this siege/war affect trade lines in Canada?
The indigenous almost completely stopped trading with any of the foreigners, as they knew they could not afford to lose any more.
How did this siege/war affect the Seven Years War?
This siege was the beginning of the end of the war After the siege the French and the British made treaties and they also started supporting the Indigenous.
How many people died in the siege/war
2390310 people died


Who led the French group into the seige/war?
Jean-Baptiste de la Rochefoucauld
What was the reason for the seige/war?
The reason for this war was actually the tension between the indigenous tribes. One rogue tribe (the Iroquois) were mad with the rest of the tribes. They were constantly trying to start up a fight.


What was the outcome of this seige/war?
The outcome was the end of the seven years war. The French lost and gave the British a lot of land and treaties.
Which Indigenous tribes allied with the French and which tribes allied with the British. Which tribes chose not to participate in the siege/war?
Only one indigenous tribe allied with the British, the rest allied with the French because the French were kinder and the British were talking the indigenous' children and putting them into residential schools.

I read this somewhere

Where and what is Fort Louisbourg now?
It is in Nova Scotia.

google maps

Why did the Indigenous support the French over the British (especially in the war)?
The French were kinder and did not take their land as much. On the other hand, the British took the Indigenouss children.
Why did the British choose to Invade Fortress Louisbourg, even though there were many other, more relevant forts in the area (Fort Erie)?
Fort Louisbourg was placed in the most strategic way possible but because it was undermanned that made it less relevant. The British did not know this.
How did the British know to invade Fortress Louisbourg?
The British placed a spy in the fort, he gave reports and told the British that it was undermanned. He told them its weak points sent blueprints to the british.

What weapons did the French and Indigenous use in the Seige?
In the 1700-1800 Europeans used bows and arrows, Atlatl (a spear that anyone can throw with 100% accuracy)

In the 1700-1800 Europeans used muskets, pistols, firearms and bayonets.
