If a child Is born un Colombian, citizenship automatically as long as one parent Is a Colombian national.
Colombian citizenship once the birth Is registered in a consular office
The Colombia constitution provides that a child born abroad to a Colombia the parent's acquires
A father who has acknowledges paternity may seek assistance from administrative or judicial authorities from a remedy if the mother interferes with His rights to custody or visitation.
If a father acknowledges on a child's brith certificate Tha he is father, then he shares equal custody rights with the mother.
In Colombia, married parents share Equal rights of custody to their minor child.
Recent legislation by the Colombian congress has placed jurisdiction with family courts as well.
In cases involving the Hague convention on the civil aspects of international child abduction
In Colombia, family court judges handle divorcie and CUSTODY cases.
If ICBF concurs with the parent's request, it Will notify the Colombian passport office to place a hold on issuace of a passport to the minor child.
He or she must submit a request to the Ministerio de la Protección Social, (ICBF)
If a parent wishes to prevent the issuace of a passport to their minor child
Colombia does not consider international parental kidnapping as an extraditable offense.
With circumstances that can increase or reduce the punishment.
The crime of internacional parental abduction is covered in the Colombian penal code.
But to the departure of the country need of the company of both parent's.